A Radio and 21 Reps in 2021

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-01-09
Weather: Calm 28 degrees

Q: Radio
PAX: 10 – 49er, Oshag, Possum, Sous Vide, Incognito, Muck, Hertz, Axeman, Toto, Radio

Michael Phelps, overhead claps, grass grabbers, hillbillies, and imperial walkers -12 of each stretch. Then some Frankensteins and butt kickers. Grabbed the radio and cones and moseyed to the FB field.

Tha Thang
Everyone grabbed a coupon and placed it on the FB sideline. We performed 11 rounds of the following: an agility movement across the field to other sideline (jog/power skips/SLB//Carioca/Bernie Sanders/defensive slides); 21 reps of an abdominal exercise (LBC/palm the sky/gas pumpers/BBS/American hammers); same agility movement back across the field, 21 reps of a coupon exercise (chest press/shoulder press/upright rows/curls/coupon squats); then proceed to the hill for hill work (farmer’s walk with coupon/gun carry coupon/backward lunge down hill/forward lunge uphill/ side lunge and squat/seal crawl/bear crawl/F&B jumps/burpees/sprint hill); when finished with hill work then back to the starting sideline for a static exercise (Al Gore/high plank/side plank/low plank) until everyone was finished. The first person to finish had opportunity to change the radio station literally while another pax shared an interesting radio memory/story.

The workout was somewhat inspired by Wally World’s workout a few weeks ago. I wanted to change the station so bad (I think everyone did) during his 22 workout but couldn’t, so I thought we would change things in 2021 and give others the opportunity to change the station after completing 21 reps of fun, fitness activities. Today may have been the first time Sous Vide has listened to country music in decades!

End in COT

Training Sparky

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-01-09
Weather: Pleasant 29 degrees

Q: Sparky
PAX: 7 – Sparky, Boo Boo, TStark, Lansbury, Animal Style, Zebra, Weird Science

Get the blood moving by running in place, arms, leg stretching, STH, Monkey Hum-per, A ba pa da Goda’s. Worked on proper procedures (exercise, starting position, move, in cadence). Hip stretches, imperial walkers, Frankenstein)

Tha Thang
Course setup:
X3, stage 1 coupons (OH press, curls, bench press, squats), stage 2 foot work, stage 3 (5) cones spread 20 yards apart stopping at each (STH, plank jacks, A ba goda’s?, burpees, mircans, stage 4 bear crawl 20 yards, stage 5 suicide

Second round – same steps but stopping at each cone and conducting exercises in order to TRAIN SPARKY (next exercise, STH, starting position, move, exercise)

Third round
Same steps but a bear crawl race in stage 5 with everyone getting a 10 yard start ahead of Animal Style sine he just loves bear crawl
Sparky Finally gets exercise sequences down he thinks)

Young guys think they are teaching old dog new tricks. Sparky treat at the end – Coffee and fellowship

End in COT

Leave no man behind. leave no man where you found him.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-01-02
Weather: 30s. Muddy.

Q: Hertz
PAX: 21 – Muck, Oshag, Radio, Toto, Boo Boo, Wally World, Splash Down, Lincoln Log, Zebra, Sparky, Ricky Bobby, Animal Style, Ping, Mule, 49er, Count Chocula, TStark, Sous Vide, Axeman, Possum, Hertz

Dive Bomb
Grass Grabber
runner stretch
SSH – count around

Tha Thang
Leave no man behind. Leave no man where you found him.
When you finish a movement, go back and finish with the 6.
When you finish an exercise, turn to face the field. If you are the first to finish, move out front. Keep exercising. When everyone is facing you, call the halt.

The Only Thang
run 50 yd, move 50 yd, exercise 40 rep
50 yards, 40 reps

  1. crab walk – 40 Gas pumper
  2. Broad Jump – 40 Mercan
  3. bear crawl – 40 Squats – Coupon
  4. low crawl – 40 Curl – Coupon
  5. burpee – 40 Big Boy
  6. lunge – 40 Catalina Wine Maker
  7. reverse bear crawl – 40 flutter – 4 ct

Honorable mention to Splash down’s VQ for inspiring this. And thanks to all the Foxhole guys for coming down!

End in COT

The Best Q EVER because of the great group of guys there

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-01-07
Weather: 32 degrees – but it felt great with such a great group of friends

Q: Incognito
PAX: 12 – Incognito, Oshag, Possum, Mule, 49er, Muck, Purple Rain, Ping, Sous Vide, Pom Pom, Animal Style, Axeman

Jogged in place to get the heartbeat up
It was so great to see everybody, and everybody looked great!
Today’s goal was to get in a great workout, to be a winner, and have fun!
Mission accomplished!!!

We did some stretches, mostly leg stretches – then
Frankensteins IC
Next we took a leisurely, recreational mosey over to the coupons

Tha Thang
Partnered up in groups of 2 and each PAX grabbed only half a coupon, or 1 per group. Every group was awesome, had a great couple guys in every single group
Did a DORA
100 Goblet Squats
150 Bent Over Rows
200 Bicep Curls
One partner did the exercise while the other went to the next light pole and back
They had their fun choice of activity to get to that light pole:
Bear Crawl
Crab Walk
Lunge Walk
Everybody performed phenomenally well; what a great group of guys

Once complete we took a leisurely, recreational mosey to the tennis courts
Once there we did a duck walk across the entire length of the 8 courts, stopping in-between each for 2 burpees
I’ll admit that I struggled (in a fun way); but this great group of guys kept me going and I finished!
Next we did a Monster Celebration of Life (thank you Oshag for such spectacular and positive vernacular! He’s a great guy!)
Closed with some Flutter Kicks IC and Dolly IC
Mosey back to the flag
Last exercise was 20 Oblique Reach and Crunches on each side.
That was it. I was amazed at the accomplishment, effort, and grace it was done with by everybody. What a great group of guys!

End in COT

Boo Boo almost didn’t make it!

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-01-06
Weather: Cold

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 4 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Mister Slate, Duggar

Ran around parking lot to get warm.
Toe touches, left, right, and center.
Plank with calf stretch
Arm circles
Michael Phelps

Tha Thang
Mosey to the bottom of the big hill and do 20 curls with rucks. Rucks were put down and PAX ran to top of the hill and did 20 merkins and back to the bottom.

This was repeated with 20 overhead presses at the bottom and 20 merkins at the top and a third time with 20 tricep extensions at the bottom and 20 merkins at the top.

Rucked for the remaining time.

Prayed for family members who are dealing with health problems and family members moving.

End in COT

Feeling Like Nobody Likes it when I Q

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-01-05
Weather: 40 or so – the rain held off, felt warm compared to recent weather

Q: Incognito
PAX: 6 – Incognito, Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Toto, Possum, Muck

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
Tricep and Back Stretches
Frankentsteins IC
Super Slow Merkins IC
Flying Fighter Kicks

Tha Thang
Mosey to Pullup Shelter
We did 10 rounds of the following:
30 seconds to do 5 pullups
40 seconds to do 15 merkins

1 minute of Step ups
Tricep Dips IC
1 minute of Step ups

Bear Crawls across that parking lot, stopping at each line to do a Merkin
At the end we did some Step Back Lunges
Bear Crawls back across that parking lot, stopping at each line to do a Merkin

Burpeecide time
There were 4 cones set up in the parking lot for Suicides; at each turn of the Suicide we did 2 burpees

Tricep Dips IC
Mosey back to flag

We closed with Nolan Ryans IC
Finished with Flutter Kicks IC

It was a good group of PAX today, but I’m starting to feel like I’m the least popular Q. Criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcomed! I want to be the best and most popular Q in F3Lex!

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-01-04
Weather: 32 and clear

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 13 – Sous Vide, Radio, Oshag, Toto, Ping, Muck, 49er, Sushi, Pom Pom, Possum, Mister Slate, Axeman, Incognito


Tha Thang
Rucked with periodic stops for fitness.
20 back lunges with high knee.
10 back lunges with 20 mercans.
10 lunges, 10 mercans, 20 shoulder taps.
10 lunges, 10 mercans, 10 shoulder taps and 10 jump squats.

End in COT


Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2021-01-04
Weather: 35, Clear

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 6 – Boo Boo, Chippendale, Lansbury, Weird Science, Zebra, Duggar

– Hanging Hamstring, Knee Cross Overs (Left & Right), Down Dog, Up Dog
– Michael Phelps, Arm Circles forward & reverse
– 11 Merkins IC

Tha Thang
The Q’s plans were to do some goat trails on the bleachers but had to call an audible when a fellow PAX slipped on some ice built up on the stairs. Thus, the ruck began and had a mix of 3 sets of 10 curls, 10 tri extensions, & 10 rows; 1 set of dips, and a 30 yard rifle carry. Once back at the flag, the PAX moseyed to the soft/non-mud laden/artificial turf/bougie football field for a round of Columbian Neckties, lunge walks, dips on the sideline bleachers, squat holds, planks, and merkins. The PAX then moseyed back to the flag for some merry. Dealers choice: Flutter Kicks x20; ARods x10; Snow Angels x10

Prayers for a number of folks in the PAX dealing with loved ones suffering from medical issues. May God give you peace and lay His healing hands on those suffering.

Go Give’m Heaven!


End in COT

Ending the year in a 2020 way

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-31
Weather: 30’s, rainy and cold – Perfect weather to end this year

Q: Zebra
PAX: 8 – Raquel, Boo Boo, 49er, Mule, Possum, Muck, Incognito, Zebra

8 HIMs decided to show up at Gridlock this morning, despite the perfect combination of terrible weather. Hours of rain over night to saturate the ground, constant drizzle throughout the beatdown, cold enough to be terrible but not cold enough to snow. 8 showed up despite the perceived sarcastic remarks of QIC about how this NYE beatdown would NOT suck.

Nevertheless, the beatdown that ensued was a great reflection of what 2020 has been: A year that has by most measures sucked. We enjoyed a playlist with many of the least liked songs played at F3 Lex all year (T-Swift 22, Twisted Sister X-mas, anything Lansbury played) but Oshag wasn’t there to complain about any of them.

Providing a small amount of hope, soon to be dashed, Pax gathered under the shelter of the baseball facility for the warm-o-rama.

Deep squat hold and stretch
Plank, Downward Dog, runners stretch
Michael Phelps IC
Grass Grabbers IC

Tha Thang
20×20 for 2020 – 20 exercises, 20 reps each. Pax brought a Ruck, Ruck Plate, Coupon or weight of choice. Weights on one end of the parking lot, mosey from one end to the other to complete the assigned reps.

American Hammers 2×1
Flutter kicks (weight overhead) 2×1
Overhead Press
Weighted Swings
Shoulder Taps 2×1
Man Makers
Freddie Mercury’s
Weighted Squats
Mountain Climbers
Overhead Hold – 20 seconds
Bent over rows
Lunges 2×1
Plank Pull Through
Big Boy Sit-Ups

Pax were so eager to finish the 20×20, we still had over 10 minutes left when the finished. We circled up for some more fun in the rain.
20 – 4 count flutter kicks IC with weight up
Completed some OH holds, squat holds, planks, moseyed the full lot twice- Finished with 10 burpees

As we wrapped up 2020 and all that was awful, we have many things to be thankful for in this year and in the hope of the year to come:
– We’re thankful for F3, what is has meant to so many of us through this tough year.
– Great areas of growth in F3 Lex, soon to be 2 new AO’s, several new pax
– Oshag wasn’t complaining today
– Raquel hit 100 posts for the year!
– Looking forward to 2021 and a much better year!

End in COT

Everybody Gets A Medal

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-29
Weather: Cold. Not Titanic hit iceberg cold, but cold.

Q: Muck
PAX: 5 – Sous Vide, Toto, Mister Slate, Possum, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Runners stretch (side to side)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (switch)
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers, in cadence

Tha Thang
Diego morning…

Mosey to coupons.

One partner did the primary exercise, while another partner ran approximately 50 yards and completed a secondary exercise. Once the partners collectively accomolished the main exercise number, they moved on to the next level:

SECONDARY EXERCISE = 20 Curls (w/ coupon)

COLLECTIVE EXERCISE = 150 Overhead Press (w/ coupon)
SECONDARY EXERCISE = 20 Cross crunches (elbows to opposite knees)


COLLECTIVE EXERCISE = 250 Bentover Rows (w/ coupon)
SECONDARY EXERCISE = 20 American Hammers

COLLECTIVE EXERCISE = 300 Squats (w/coupon)
SECONDARY EXERCISE = 20 “No Surrenders”

When all five stages were complete, partners would go to the top of the list and begin again until time was over.

Mosey back to the flag for medals presentation ceremony and COT.

For their hard work, for the effort, for their perseverance, for braving the frigid temperatures, for showing respect to their teammates and their Q, and for leaving no man behind… they were all winners. So each pax member got a medal.

I’m not crying, you’re crying. 🙂

End in COT

“Generic Ruck Title”

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-28
Weather: 9°C, slight breeze

Q: Ping
PAX: 11 – Sous Vide, Possum, Incognito, Lansbury, Axeman, Muck, Zebra, Radio, Wally World, Toto, Ping

Arm circles, Michael Phelps, toe touch, quad stretch, side straddle hops

Tha Thang
≈2.3 mile ruck + arm curls, overhead press, merkins, & plank

Cool Down: toe touch, quad stretch

End in COT

All I want for Christmas is some more bear crawls

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-12-26
Weather: Frosty 12 degrees

Q: Animal Style
PAX: 2 – Animal Style, TStark

Michael Phelps, left arm stretch across & over, bend over to the front and touch your toes (lil John), rock squat left/righ/middle, leg over twist, foot to thigh grab your toe, butterfly, quad stretch

Tha Thang
Reference the pic- 9 exercises to build a Christmas tree with a star on top; grabbed double coupons and did one leg around the building farmer carry- then bear crawl, jog/skip/side lunge, bear crawl again, jog/skip/side lunge, back to the coupons for another leg of farmer carry- continued until the coupons were back at home base. Finished up with a bow on top – 4-5 minutes of planking.

Metal X-mas soundtrack

End in COT

Christmas Eve Offering

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-24
Weather: Around 50 – spitting, but never truly raining

Q: Incognito
PAX: 9 – Sous Vide, Wally World, Axeman, Raquel, 49er, Zebra, Possum, Incognito, Muck

Mosey to shelter
Hillbillies IC
Frankensteins IC
Imperial Walkers IC
Grass Grabbers IC
Seal Jacks IC
Abe Vgoda IC

Tha Thang
Had 5 cones setup around the top two levels of the parking lot
We stopped at each one doing 10 Merkins at each cone
Repeato doing 10 Lunges at each one
Repeato doing 10 Burpees at each one
Back to shelter – Tricep Dips IC

Mosey to coupons
Each PAX grab two CMU’s
Shrugs IC
We started from the bleachers where the coupons are; used the next two light poles as markers: each represented a stop on the way out and back (that’s 5 stops).
Farmer Carried the CMU’s to each stop, doing 10 overhead presses at each stop.
Repeato doing 10 Curls at each stop
Took a short break by doing Shrugs and SSH’s IC
Repeato CMU Farmers Carry doing 10 overhead presses and 10 curls at each stop

Put CMU’s up and mosey back to flag

Played Third Day Christmas Offerings during the WO to celebrate the birth of Christ and to make up for my heathen Heavy Metal (Twisted Sister) Christmas album used at last Q.

End in COT

The Revenge of Krampus – 12 Days of Krampus

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-23
Weather: Clear, 30’s

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 2 – Boo Boo, Whitewall

Stretch – OYO

Tha Thang
12 Days of Krampus
1 – Merkin with Ruck on
2 – Man Makers using Ruck
3 – Overhead Press using Ruck
4 – Squats with Ruck on
5 – 4 Count Flutter Kicks
6 – Merkins (Body Weight Only)
7 – Squat Thrusts using Ruck
8 – Front Rack Lunges
9 – Big Boy Sit Ups
10 – Ruck Curls
11 – Mountain Climbers with Ruck on
12 – Monkey Humpers with Ruck on

10 Minutes of Step Ups at the picnic tables

Prayers for safe travels. Prayers for those dealing with both COVID and non-COVID related medical issues. We ask for wisdom, guidance, and selfless love in the decisions and actions we take.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-22
Weather: Cold, but the type of cold where it’s not that bad once you get moving.

Q: Wally World
PAX: 7 – Possum, Wally World, Sous Vide, Muck, Radio, Boo Boo, Raquel

Michael phelps
Straight-leg hamstring stretch
Down dog
Up dog
Right foot to right hand (in plank position)
Move right leg underneath body into pigeon stretch
Do same stretches on the left side
Overhead and across body arm stretches

Tha Thang
Diego/Dora (not sure which this would be categorized as)

Partnered up, one partner starts on the exercise reps while the other did a lap around the parking lot. The partner doing the exercise does as many reps as they can until their partner gets back from running, then they switch. The reps each partner does should add up to the total rep count for each exercise.

Exercise 1: Burpees – 50 reps
Exercise 2: Jump squats – 100 reps
Exercise 3: Mericans – 150 reps
Exercise 4: Plank jacks – 200 reps
Exercise 5: Bicycles – 250 reps
Exercise 6: LBCs – 300 reps

Finished with a mosey around the parking lot and some light stretching.

There is a very loose connection between this workout and honoring the late Diego Maradona…primarily in the fact that the name of this type of workout is a Diego. No other connections could be found.

End in COT

Christmas Walk and Talk

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-21
Weather: Cool and Breezy

Q: Possum
PAX: 14 – Toto, Pom Pom, Axeman, Radio, Spam, Wally World, Mule, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Sous Vide, Zebra, Boo Boo, Muck, Possum


Tha Thang
Pax counted out by three to form walking and talking groups. YHC suggested topics to discuss including best TV add showing the Christmas spirit, how do you choose Christmas cards, where would you like to spend Christmas, what special gift would you like to give to the pax. Walking and talking fun was had by all.

End in COT

Cardio to Keep Warm

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-12-19
Weather: Right around 30

Q: Incognito
PAX: 7 – Incognito, Lansbury, Sushi, Animal Style, TStark, Weird Science, Boo Boo

Jog in place
Mosey to a different spot on the parking lot
Some stretches, mostly leg stretches (correction, all legs stretches)

Tha Thang
30 seconds of cardio; 15 seconds break
The cardio consisted of a variety of things:
Jump Squats, slalom jumps, frog hop burpees, jump knee tuck, fast feet, etc.
Did about 40 minutes of that

Then a 4 minute traditional tabata: 20 seconds on with 10 second break
Lunges and Merkins

Moseyed back to the flag for some Mary:
Side ankle grabbers
Night and Day
Plank cross knee to elbow and out

End in COT

Rule #1. cardio

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-19
Weather: Some clouds, mostly clear and cold – around 25° To 35°

Q: Splash Down
PAX: 14 – Raquel, Possum, Axeman, Pom Pom, 49er, Sous Vide, Muck, Oshag, Ricky Bobby, Hertz, Liberace, Radio, Count Chocula, Splash Down

Various runner stretching:
Quad pulls
Calf stretches
Leg swings
Runner stretch
Grass grabbers x 10 IC
1 minute of “stretch whatever you need”

Tha Thang
Mosey to tennis courts.

Round 1
* traditional suicide run with in between each tennis court as the stop and turn point. (Once at the furthest start over)
* Low plank/ al gore till all are back

Round 2
* Suicide run with exercise in between each tennis court. (Not a ladder format so each exercise was done once)
Stop 1: 25 SSHs
Stop 2: 25 LBCs
Stop 3: 25 lunges (1 is 1)
Stop 4: 25 mountain climbers
Stop 5: 25 gas pumpers
Stop 6: 25 merkins
Stop 7: 25 Bobby hurleys
Stop 8: no exercise. pick up the pace on return.
* Plank/al gore until pax is back.

Did round 2 twice.

Ended with 4 minutes of traditional suicide runs.

To Oshags disapproval we ended a few minutes, this VQ will make sure to not make that mistake again.

Thanks for being good sports everyone!

End in COT

Who schedules volleyball practice at 6 A.M. on a Friday before Christmas?

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-18
Weather: Cold enough for beard frost

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 2 – Whitewall, Weird Science

Our fearless leader/Q Duggar had to cement his “Father of the Year” status and take his daughter to volleyball practice. As a result Whitewall and I were left Q less and sad!

To overcome the sadness of our lost “Duggar Time” we decided to see if we could ruck our sadness away. We were successful and after only 10 seconds we were fine and had a great ruck!

Tha Thang
Rucked for 45 minutes

Happy belated birthday to Duggar! You make 60 look good!

End in COT

C H R I S T M A S, the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-17
Weather: It was cold. Not Rocky going to Russia and training in Siberia cold, but cold.

Q: Muck
PAX: 8 – Raquel, Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Zebra, Axeman, Muck

– Runners Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (switch)
– Michael Phelps
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers, in cadence

Tha Thang
Nine stations. Each station had two rounds of exercises and the exercises at each station spelled out CHRISTMAS. Each exercise was done for 1:30, rest for :15, then rotate to the next letter.

Between each round we did a mosey around the inner loop of the parking lot.

Round 1: Cross crunches (Big Boy Sit-ups, elbows to opposite knees)
Round 2: Copperhead Squats

Round 1: Hillbillies
Round 2: (American) Hammers

Round 1: Run In Place (high knees)
Round 2: Raggedy Anns (one hand behind head, bend sideways to opposite side, do 25 reps, switch sides)

Round 1: Inch worms (bend at waist, hand walk out to plank, hand walk back to standing, repeat)
Round 2: Ice skaters

Round 1: Side to side jump squats
Round 2: Side Straddle Hops

Round 1: Forward Lunge w/ Twist
Round 2: Reverse Lunge w/ Twist

Round 1: Mountain climbers
Round 2: Monkey humpers

Round 1: Alphabets (like box cutters, except go through the alphabet)
Round 2: Big Arm Circles (25 forward >>> 25 backwards >>> Repeat)

Round 1: Squats
Round 2: Skip in place

Got in a couple of extra stations before wrapping up.

Mix of Christmas, Christian, and 80’s rock jams. Great soundtrack for the season.

End in COT

Where’s the Snow?

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-16
Weather: 34 Degrees and rainy.

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 5 – Oshag, Weird Science, Santa’s Little Helper, Raquel, Boo Boo

Warm up:

Headed to shelter and did:
-10 side straddle hops in cadence
-arm circles
-Michael Phelps
-Plank with calf stretch

Tha Thang
In shelter did:

Overhead press with ruck
Curls with ruck
Squats with ruck
Big Boys with ruck
Merkins with ruck
10 step ups on picnic table

First time through did 5 reps of each exercise with the 10 step ups to finish. Repeated but increased by 5 reps each time through the exercises so 5, 10, 15, and 20 and then 10 (so we had time to ruck). We did 10 step ups in between each set as a break/reward.

Rucked for the last 15 minutes to try to get our hands warm!

It was nice to see Raquel and Oshag on such a lovely morning! Hope to see more PAX in the future!

End in COT

Merry Heavy Metal Christmas; mixed in a few Burpees

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-15
Weather: 24 degrees; felt better than it sounds

Q: Incognito
PAX: 11 – Pom Pom, Boo Boo, Incognito, Axeman, Muck, Purple Rain, Possum, Animal Style, Zebra, Oshag, Sous Vide

Warm-up with some jogging in place; mixed in a few burpees (15)
A few other warmup/stretch exercises
Moseyed to basketball court
Do some skaters, karaoke, side steps, in a circle back and forth
Did a football shuffle; mixed in a few burpees (15)
Did some one-legged diamond burpees (10)
Flutter Kicks

Tha Thang
Did a Cooper
Burpees, Squats, and Merkins
Start with 10, run around the court; then 9, run around the court; etc. down to 1
(that’s 55 Burpees)
Flutter Kicks
Listened to ‘Beverly Hills’ while doing some lite SSH’s (arms only up to shoulder height), did a Burpee every time they sang Beverly Hills (17 burpees)
Next we did Mountaineer Motivators: SSH’s, Lit SSH’s, Leg only Jacks, and Hops – start with 10 of each, then 9, etc. down to 1
Did a loose boxer shuffle stretchy thing; mixed in a few burpees (15)

Moseyed back to the parking lot.

Most of the music was from Twisted Sister’s ‘A Twisted Christmas’ album.
Oshag really enjoyed it, especially the song ‘Heavy Metal Christmas’ – I would encourage anyone and everyone to play this on your next Q.

End in COT

A Historical Day…for 49er, anyway

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-14
Weather: 36 and a cold drizzle

Q: 49er
PAX: 7 – 49er, Mule, Muck, Radio, Sous Vide, Possum, Weird Science

Warmup? We don’t need no stinkin’ warmup!

Tha Thang
On this day 18 years ago, YHC was hoping he didn’t forget the lyrics to the song he sang as his M walked down the aisle. While only 3 men stood next to me that day, 6 joined me in the gloom this morning. In honor of that fateful day, we rucked the Gridlock loop (2.4mi), stopping 4 times to do 12 ruck curls and 14 overhead presses.

No adds. We were already a couple minutes late.

End in COT

Army/Navy By the Numbers

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-12
Weather: Awesome

Q: Oshag
PAX: 14 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sushi, Count Chocula, Incognito, Radio, Lincoln Log, Possum, Raquel, Axeman, Purple Rain, Muck, Toto, Sous Vide

Grass Grabbers – in cadence
Imperial Walkers – in cadence
Dynos – Not in cadence

Mosey to football field

Tha Thang
Explore the Battlefield

Indian Run/Lunge/Bear Crawl around field

Anchors Aweigh – Superman/LazyMan
The Army Goes Rolling Along – Army Crawl up & down hill

121st Meeting – 121 LBCs/Sous Vides Combo

All time record – 61 – 52 – 7 Navy leads
61 – Curls
52 – Overhead Presses
7 – Manmakers

Minute Drills
0-0 – Nothing but Plank for 1 Minute
3-3 – Walmart Burpees
6-6 – Hand Release Burpees
7-7 – Walkout Burpees
7-7 – Manmakers
21-21 – Curls/Jumping Lunges (opps, screwed this up and missed the last round)
21-21 – Rows/Pull Thrus

Minute Drills Repeato back down the ladder

Mosey back to parking lot and enjoyed a little coffeeteria under a rainbow. Everyone cleared out when the rain came.


End in COT

Thought my legs were going to hurt, then Diego showed up

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-12-12
Weather: Perfect! Cloudy, 54 degree

Q: Hanz&Franz
PAX: 5 – Hanz&Franz, Boo Boo, Zebra, Weird Science, Sparky

Dynamic Warm up

Tha Thang
Bolt 45, three rounds with a Hallelujah 30 yards down and back
Diego. He brought the pain!

End in COT

To be the best takes training

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-11
Weather: Perfect. Clear and 45. Much warmer than it has been lately.

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Mister Slate, Whitewall

Looking for some shoulder activation we did some arm circles, Michael Phelps, overhead claps and some downward dog calf stretch and head thru the window for shoulders then to a good morning to hit the back

Tha Thang
Given the challenge by Boo Boo to respond to the Army beatdown from Wednesday morning, YHC went on a search for some training programs from USA’s fine elite strike force in the Navy Seals. In my search I found that….I’m not positive I can even hang with their warmups. Found some workout schedules to lead into Seal training and decided to go with these, at a serious scaled down version. The training these Warriors go thru is tremendous and though RESPECT is an automatic…seeing the work that is put in, day in and day out, left me in awe. Not sure that my beatdown did enough to even scratch the 45 minute surface I had to work with but I know that we as HIM’s owe them and all servicemen everything we have and YHC intends to pay it back each day with every bead of sweat, every good deed for our community and every lending hand possible for those in need. These men and women lay everything on the line for us and we owe them by being the best versions of ourselves to lead the best Country in the world.

Though RESPECT is earned by all servicemen…..GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY!!!!

Since Seals operate in water pretty heavily there had to be some mods so…

40 yards of crawl bear
20 merkins – rest 30 seconds
25 BBS – rest 30 seconds
6 pull ups – rest 30 seconds
1/2 mile run (all this is scaled heavily from the program)

Back to the top of the lot – each movement is done AMRAP for 2 minutes with 1 minute in between
10 pull ups then run to the bottom of the hill

From here it was a Dora with hill sprints
1 or 2 Pax worked at the bottom while the remaining Pax would hill sprint to the top and do variation of

2 tractor tire flips
5 sandbag clean and press
30 ruck plate swings

This was done until work at the bottom of the hill was completed. Since this is a military themed all work was done as a cadence count though silent to each Pax. So each movement count is 2 = 1

100 Mountain Climbers (Sous Vides)
200 Side Straddle Hops
300 LBCs (though we ran out of time @ 100)

“The only easy day was yesterday”

End in COT

I’m feeling 22!!!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-10
Weather: Somewhere between 30 and 40 degrees

Q: Wally World
PAX: 16 – Wally World, Splash Down, Oshag, Sous Vide, Raquel, Radio, Toto, Sushi, Axeman, Mister Slate, Muck, Animal Style, Possum, Purple Rain, Pom Pom, Zebra

Jogged to the shelter near the playground.

Michael Phelps
Overhead tricep stretch
Grass grabbers
Straight leg hanging stretch

Tha Thang
Every exercise was 22 reps. First set includes exercise 1 then a jog to the middle of the parking lot and back. Second set includes exercises 1 & 2 then a jog to the middle of the parking lot and back. Third set includes exercises 1, 2 & 3 then a jog to the middle of the parking lot and back. You get the idea. We went to the ninth set.

Exercise 1: LBCs
Exercise 2: Squats
Exercise 3: Pushups
Exercise 4: Crunch extenders
Exercise 5: Lunges (1 is 1 so 11 on each leg)
Exercise 6: Dips
Exercise 7: American hammers
Exercise 8: Monkey humpers
Exercise 9: Burpees

Jogged back to the parking lot and finished with a 1 minute plank.

There was some technical difficulty with the playlist this morning, so Taylor Swift’s hit song “22” played over and over…and over again for the whole workout.

End in COT

Electric Strawberry Starter Pack (Wolfhound Edition) – GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-09
Weather: 32, Partly Cloudy, Breezy

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 7 – Boo Boo, Whitewall, Weird Science, Ping, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Zebra

– Legs (Hanging Hamstring, Knee Crossovers, Down Dogs (Calfs)
– Arms (Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, Michael Phelps)

Tha Thang
This week is Army-Navy week. The week has always held importance in my household and I know for many others in the PAX the same is true. Yes, it is cliché to say but nonetheless it remains true that on Saturday every player on the field is willing to give their life for every fan in the stands. So in the true spirit of Army-Navy week, the Q today focused on honoring the 25th Infantry Division (AKA – Electric Strawberry / 27th Infantry Regiments – Wolfhounds).

Wolfhound Motto: Nec Aspera Terrent (No Fear on Earth; Frightened By No Difficulties; Difficulties be Damned)

Conditioning Drill 1: 10 Reps Each, 2 Sets
– Bend & Reach with Ruck
– Rear Lunge (2 is 1) with Ruck
– High Jumpers (No Ruck)
– The Rower (No Ruck)
– Squats with Ruck
– Abe Vigoda’s (No Ruck)
– Prone Row/Superman’s (No Ruck)
– Forward Lunge (2 is 1) with Ruck
– Bent-Leg Body Twist/Windshield Wipers (No Ruck)
– Merkins

Conditioning Drill 2: 3 Sets
– Chest Presses with Ruck – 20 Reps
– Big Boy Sit-ups (No Ruck) – 10 Reps
– Shoulder Presses with Ruck – 15 Reps

Conditioning Drill 3: 10 Reps Each, 2 Sets
– The Power Jump/Sumo Squat Jump (No Ruck)
– V-ups (No Ruck)
– Sous Vides (No Ruck)
– Leg Tucks & Twists/Fart Rockets (No Ruck)
– Single Leg Merkin (No Ruck & Switch Hands After 5 Reps)

Omaha Drill (In Honor of 25th Infantry Division we are calling it the Chosin Reservoir Drill this morning). Q leads PAX and PAX must follow the movements the Q does. From the starting point of AO parking lot down the hill to the park road and back to the starting point, the Q rotated movements from a mosey, jail break, army crawl, & baby crawl.

Merry – Dealer’s Choice
– 25 Flutter Kicks (2 is 1)
– 1 Minute Front Leaning Rest (AKA THE PLANK)

Prayers of thanks and protection for those that have served us in all branches of the military. Prayers for guidance in the ambiguity of our careers and in our daily lives.

End in COT

Santa’s Workshop

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-08
Weather: Low 20’s and awesome!

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 16 – Sous Vide, Animal Style, Oshag, Ronaldo, Raquel, Mister Slate, Possum, Ollie, Lincoln Log, Boo Boo, Purple Rain, Ping, Incognito, Radio, Muck, Wally World

Side straddle hops, flings, seal jumps, squats and Frankensteins

Tha Thang
Everyone got in groups in twos. There were 7 cones in a single file line. Each group started at a cone and the eighth group was at the top running a suicide of 5, 15 and 30 yards. When the runners got back each group moved forward one cone. The exercises were planks, burpees, mercans, squats, LBC’s, Bobby hurleys, and mountain climbers. We did this two times.
The next station was dragging a 70lb sled down 30yds and back while the exercises were planks, burpees, curls, SSH’s, jump rope, squats and big boy sit ups. This station was done three times.
The last station was a suit case carry down 30yds and back while the groups did planks, burpees, chest press, med. ball throws, plank jacks, SSH’s and leg kicks.

End in COT

Happy Birthday Sous Vide!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-07
Weather: 32 and clear

Q: Zebra
PAX: 13 – Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Axeman, Oshag, Mister Slate, Possum, Pom Pom, Ping, Ollie, Sushi, Muck, Santa’s Little Helper, Zebra

Stretch and wait for Ollie to show up…

Tha Thang
2.5 miles of mumbleruck was plenty of time to solve all the problems with the UK Basketball team as well as run through the UK Football Offensive Coordinator coaching search. Give us a call when you’re ready to listen, Cal and Stoops!

While rucking, we stopped to do work and added on a new exercise each time.
1. 10 merkins
2. 10 merkins, 10 squats
3. 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 curls
4. 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 curls, 10 situps
5. 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 curls, 10 situps, 10 overhead presses

Happy Birthday Sous Vide – Respect!

End in COT

12 days of Christmas

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-12-05
Weather: Misty and 34 degrees

Q: Sparky
PAX: 9 – Weird Science, Animal Style, Boo Boo, Sushi, 49er, Mule, Zebra, TStark, Sparky

Arm pulls, arm crimes, grass grabbers, side straddle hops, monkey humpers, Frankenstein, hip flexers

Tha Thang
Mosey to to coupons and grab one and meet at first pole light, 4 corners and sprint between locations. Coupon curls, overhead press, up/downs, v-ups, air squats, plank jacks, plank shoulder taps, mountain climbers, burpees, mircans

Circle up played Thunderstruck and each time they said Thunderstruck we did a burpee

12 days of Christmas
1. Man maker
2. Burpees
3 air squats
4 Star jumps
5 Mircan’s
6 up/downs
7 overhead press
8 coupon curls
9 plank shoulder taps
10 plank jacks
11 Mountain climbers
12 side straddle hops

End in COT

Twelve Days of Christmas, F3 Style

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-05
Weather: Frosty. Like that girl who turned me down for a date once in high school (this joke is going to get old)

Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Possum, Sous Vide, Peaches (DR), Incognito, Purple Rain, Axeman, Raquel, Splash Down, Wally World, Count Chocula, Radio, Hertz, Muck

A little Christmas music playing as the Pax arrived…

  • Runners stretch, side to side (switch)
  • Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
  • Quad pulls (switch)
  • Michael Phelps
  • Tricep pulls (switch)
  • Grass grabbers (in cadence)

Tha Thang
We began with one of the Q’s favorite warm ups, Uno… everyone played three cards in rotation and did the number of reps on that card:
RED – Squats
BLUE – Mercans
YELLOW – Big Boy Situps
GREEN – Plank jacks

Reverses and Skips: 10 of the exercises of that color

Draw Twos:  20 of the exercises of that color

WILD – 5 Burpees

DRAW +4  – Run, short parking lot loop

Then a mosey to the coupons, followed by a walk to the scoreboard with coupons.

The theme of the day was the Twelve Days of Christmas. Before each exercise, the Q would say, “On the ____ day of Christmas, the good Q gave to thee”. The Pax would do the exercise, then work back down the list (as the song does):

1. One 200 yard mosey;
2. Burpees
3. No Surrenders
4. Merkins with rotation
5. Monkey humpers!!!!
6. Curls for the girls
7. Chest presses
8. Big boy situps
9. Box cutters
10. Bent over rows
11. Lunges with twist (2 is 1)
12. Man makers

This Q is not the singer Sparky is, so just read out the exercises as we went along. 🙂

Oshag and Santa’s Little Helper showed up around Day 11. SLH missed her guys. 🙂

Fellowship and coffee after.

End in COT

Square Wheel

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-04
Weather: 44 with light rain.

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 3 – Lansbury, Whitewall, Weird Science

Weird Science took us through 20 SSH. YHC took us through 20 Imperial walkers and stretches.

Tha Thang
Pyramid of Pain:
10 Walkout merkins
30 LBCs
50 Squats
25 HR Merkins
100 Overhead claps

10 Minute EMOM: 10 Ruck plate swings + 10 Ruck plate curls + 10 Ruck plate overhead presses

Two Rounds: 10 Pull-ups X 20 Big Boy Sit-ups X 10 Bench Dips X 40 Flutter Kicks w/ruck plate

Plate work finish.

End in COT

Criss-Cross 4 Corners

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-03
Weather: 20s and clear

Q: 49er
PAX: 13 – 49er, Cyclops (DR), Zebra, Raquel, Possum, Sous Vide, Mister Slate, Purple Rain, Sushi, Muck, Wally World, Splash Down, Incognito

Light stretches while we did a Name-a-rama
Grass Grabbers x15 IC
Dynamic warmups across the lane
-Jog back
-Butt kickers
-High knees

Tha Thang
Pax moved to the 1st corner for 5 reps, then the 2nd corner for 10 reps, 15 reps at the 3rd corner and 20 reps at the 4th, then ran across the lot diagonally and started over with 5-10-15-20 reps until completing 4 rounds for a total of 50 of each exercise.

Round 1
1st Corner – Shoulder taps x2
2nd Corner – AmHams
3rd Corner – Squats
4th Corner – LBCs

Round 2
1st Corner – Mountain Climbers
2nd Corner – Box Cutters
3rd Corner – Flying squirrels
4th Corner – Bobby Hurleys

End in COT

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-12-02
Weather: 20, clear

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 3 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Whitewall

– Hanging hamstrings
– Knee crossovers
– Down Dogs (calf stretches)
– Michael Phelps
– Modified overhead claps (no claps, just a slower movement to warm up the shoulders)

  • 22 Merkins (Each day 22 veterans take their own life. But together we can win the war against veteran suicide. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR 6.

Tha Thang
All exercises done with a ruck or a ruck on & a sandbag used

Round 1 – 10 overhead shoulder presses, suitcase carry to middle of parking lot, 10 overhead shoulder presses, suitcase carry to end of parking lot. 10 overhead should presses. Repeat

Round 2 – 10 curls/10 rows/10 triceps extensions, rifle carry to middle of parking lot, 10 curls/10 rows/10 triceps extensions, rifle carry to end of parking lot, 10 curls/10 rows/10 triceps extensions. Repeat

Round 3 – 15 chest presses, lunge walk to middle of parking lot, 15 chest presses, murder bunnies to end of parking lot, 15 chest presses, two step squats to middle of parking lot, 15 chest presses, sandbag clean and toss or walking ruck extensions to end of parking lot, 15 chest presses

Round 4 – 5 Columbian neckties (Burpee incorporating a Catalina Wine Mixer), run to middle of parking lot, 5 Columbian neckties, run back to start, 5 Columbian neckties, run to end of parking lot, 5 Columbian neckties, run back to start, 5 Columbian neckties

Prayers for those small business owners impacted by COVID. Prayers for the upcoming winter months and the impact COVID will have on our lives. Prayers for peaceful and painless passing of a loved one, who is in their final days.

End in COT

Reverse Triangles

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-01
Weather: Winter wonderland

Q: Wally World
PAX: 10 – Sous Vide, Possum, Axeman, Muck, Toto, Incognito, Boo Boo, Animal Style, Raquel, Mister Slate, Wally World

Moseyed up to the coupons and carried 1 per person to the basketball courts
Michael Phelps
Overhead arm/tricep stretch
Grass Grabbers – in cadence

Tha Thang
Each set included 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps, 10 reps, and 15 reps of each exercise. In between each set of reps, we did 5 I’m-a-stars.

Set #1:
Hand release ‘Mericans
Straight leg dead lifts (with coupon)
Big boy sit-ups (straight leg)

Set #2:
Curls (with coupon)
Pause squats (no coupon)
Gas pumpers

Set #3:
Overhead press (with coupon)
Lunges (2 is 1, no coupon)
Crunch extenders (with coupon)

Took the coupons back to the bleachers and moseyed back to the parking lot.

Finished with 1 minute of Al Gore.

It was a beautiful, snowy morning to workout with the PAX. Thanks to everyone who braved the cold weather!

End in COT

the dawn of the African Proverb….

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-30
Weather: balmy tropical paradise

Q: Toto
PAX: 12 – Splash Down, Possum, Wally World, Muck, Radio, Zebra, Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Purple Rain, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Toto


Tha Thang
Ruck with intermittent exercises. Air squats, mercans, imperial march, American Hammer, curls with ruck, burpees

End in COT

More Mashed Potatoes Please!

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-11-28
Weather: Cool but refreshing

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 8 – Weird Science, Zebra, Mule, Sparky, Sushi, Duggar, Triceratops, Animal Style

Side Straddle Hops
Arm circles
Grass Grabbers
Finkle Swings (Laces Out!)

Tha Thang
Moseyed to get a coupon and then circled up for some reflecting on our Thanksgiving meals!

Despite a solid Q from Duggar at Paddock on Friday, the Q still had lots of Thanksgiving food to work off! To stay slim and trim, the Pax followed a specific scientific plan to burn off the extra calories. For each part of the Thanksgiving meal, the Pax did a specific exercise.

Mashed Potatoes=Alternatively Shoulder Taps 20 (2 is one)
Rolls=10 Arods
Stuffing=20 Overhead presses
Sweet potatoes = 20 curls
Broccoli Casserole =20 coupon squats
Corn pudding=20 coupon rows
Turkey with Gravy=20 Merkins
Bread Sauce = Big Boys (from Duggar’s meal)

Since we all know we had seconds, each exercise was done a second time. This time we added Green Bean Casserole =15 Man Makers (from Animal Style’s meal)

The Q then realized he had had “thirds” and the Pax repeated the exercises a third time to make sure no calories were left behind! This time we added Mac N Cheese= 40 Freddie Mercury’s (From Zebra’s meal).

The Pax then had to work off desert!
Pecan Pie=40 American Hammers
Pumpkin Pie=10 Burpees

We repeated these as well because who can have just one slice of pie!

Banana Pudding=40 squats( from Triceratops and Dugger’s meal)

We the returned the coupons and in honor of the First Thanksgiving did a Fellowship Run (Sparky’s version of an Indian Run) back to the starting area.

There was still a little time left so we did planks, six inches, and star crunches until time was up.

End in COT

Ut Prosim – “That I May Serve”

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-28
Weather: 40 and clear

Q: 49er
PAX: 13 – 49er, Pom Pom, Purple Rain, Possum, Sous Vide, Oshag, Radio, Incognito, Count Chocula, Wally World, Axeman, Toto, Muck

Moseyed to the football field with ruck plates or grabbed coupons and assembled at the scoreboard for stretches.

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles – forward and reverse
Grass Grabbers x10 IC

Tha Thang
Modified version of the Gobbler Challenge created by Gobbler for Thanksgiving day (originally 1000 total reps and a 1.25 mile run). Some did the whole thing below. YHC and others reduced reps and/or run length as needed.

5 rounds.
Each round consists of:
10 swings – 10 reps of the exercise
15 swings – 15 reps
25 swings – 25 reps
25 swings – 25 reps
Run the football field up and back
Wait for the pax before beginning the next round.

Round 1 exercise – Hand release Merkins
Round 2 exercise – Body weight squats
Round 3 exercise – Bent over rows
Round 4 exercise – Rowers
Round 5 exercise – Overhead presses

As a proud Virginia Tech Hokie, YHC is often asked what a Hokie is. A Hokie’s roots are the Fighting Gobblers, but even more important is the motto of Virginia Tech – Ut Prosim, or “That I May Serve”. Even before knowing Christ, YHC knew the importance of living a servant life, and I’m appreciative of the HIMs of F3 who do the same. Showing up in the literal and figurative gloom to stand beside each other, leading our families, and shining a light in our communities wherever we can are all examples of that servant life we live. YHC is proud to do it alongside each of you.

End in COT

Burning the turkey fat

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-11-27
Weather: 49

Q: Duggar
PAX: 4 – Duggar, Ping, Whitewall, Weird Science

We started rucking

Tha Thang
Stoped every quarter mile and worked.

1/4 -10 merkins 20 gas pumps 30 air squats 40 LBC’s

1/2 2 min plank

3/4 10 merkins 20 gas pumps 30 air squats 40 LBC’s

1 mile 2 min plank

10 merkins 20 gas pumps 30 air squats 40 LBC’s

1.5 2 min plank

1.75 10 merkins 20 gas pumps 30 air squats 40 LBC’s

2 miles end

End in COT

Returning to the scene

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-24
Weather: Mid 30’s

Q: Zebra
PAX: 9 – Pom Pom, Toto, Sous Vide, Incognito, Ollie, Joella , Muck, Animal Style, Zebra

Quick stretching to get the arms and hips loosened.
Downward dog and runners stretch
Copperhead squats IC
Michael Phelps
Mosey to the coupons

Tha Thang
QIC explained that today’s beatdown was like returning to the scene of a crime. No, that crime was not returning to the Lansbury barre workout, that would be a terrible idea. Speaking of bad ideas, this was a return to GR21 2 am PT test. Too bad none of the other GR21 pax were there to endure today.

Pax lined up along the football field with their coupons.
Mosey to the scoreboard (~200m) do 10 burpees
Mosey back and do 10 squat thrusters
Goal – 15 times through.

End in COT

Ruck-A-Thon Recovery Ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-23
Weather: Cool and clear

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 12 – Weird Science, Toto, Mister Slate, Pom Pom, Muck, Mule, Sushi, Possum, Axeman, Duggar, Zebra, Radio

Greeting and disclaimer.
Side Straddle Hops
Put on rucks and ruck

Tha Thang
After a fantastic Ruck-A-Thon the Pax needed a simple ruck to flush out their legs and recover from logging over 250 combined miles!

Rucked from AO parking lot to front parking lot and did a little PT with the rucks. 20 Merkins, 20 Curls, 20 Overhead Presses, and 20 Rows. Then rucked back to the AO parking lot and did 15 squats to finish out the time.

Great turn out for a post Ruck-A-Thon ruck! Great work!

End in COT

2020 Bless the Rains Ruck-A-Thon

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-20
Weather: Perfect for November Ruck-A-Thon

Q: Muck
PAX: 28 – Incognito, Radio, Lansbury, Mule, 49er, TStark, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Toto, Trilogy, Splash Down, Muck, Mister Slate, Wally World, Ping, Weird Science, Animal Style, Sous Vide, Axeman, My Boy Blue, Sparky, Zebra, Lincoln Log, Duggar, Sushi, Boo Boo, Matlock, Giggles

On November 20th-21st 27 HIMS along with several 2.0’s and pets set out to complete 24 continuous hours of Rucking in support of Toto (Stefan Kern) and family as they return to Africa as missionaries in 2021.

Tha Thang
Each pax that participated in this event set out to achieve their own personal goals, reach new records of distance and grow in the relationships that are helping to build and serve our local community. This event was a huge success as evidenced by these highlights:

By The Numbers:
250+ combined miles were rucked over the 24 hour period
82+ combined hours of rucking took place between our PAX
$4500+ raised and counting to support Toto’s family
29 – miles logged by Lansbury, who set out to ruck a Marathon and then returned with his 2.0’s to add a few more miles
1 to 72 – The age range of ruckers and 2.0’s that participated in the event

  • Great work by 49er to set personal distance and time records on your journey to better health and fitness
  • Oshag was the only other PAX outside of Lansbury to hit the 20+ mile mark and he didn’t lose any flags in the process!
  • Great work by 2.0’s that participated: Matlock, Eazy E, Giggles, Trilogy, Maggie, Kate and Aubree
  • Great idea by Muck to support our brother as we Plant Grow and Serve in our community and beyond!

End in COT

Ruck-A-Thon Convergence

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-21
Weather:  Cool and overcast

Q: Zebra & Lincoln Log
PAX: 20 – Muck, Pom Pom, Sous Vide, Rhoda, Wally World, Axeman, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sparky, Possum, Wolverine, Animal Style, Toto, Weird Science, Lincoln Log, Duggar, Count Chocula, Incognito, Sushi, Zebra

16 Pax circled up on the basketball courts with rucks on while Sous Vide, Animal Style and Weird Science continued rucking the trails of Gridlock. The verbal disclaimer and a quick review of the 5 core principles of F3 was made.
Lincoln Log led the group in stretching and Warm-O-Rama
Merkins IC
Runner Stretch, Plank, Downward/Upward Dog
Copperhead squats IC

Pax were counted and divided into two platoons for the remainder of the morning.

First task as platoons: Overhead Ruck hold competition. Last man standing’s team wins. Losing team would suffer additional punishment.
The competition was close with the final two competitors and both teams completed 10 Merkins with ruck on.
Platoons were instructed to head to the pull up shelter.

Tha Thang
1st Movement: Team Weight
Platoons arrived at the pull up shelter only to find a picnic table filled with additional weights they would bear for the remainder of the morning. Each team received 2 sandbags, 4 concrete pumpkins (Boo Boo’s creation) and a 40+lb slosh pipe.
Work at the pull up shelter – 30 ruck step ups. With Duggar back in the mix, the PAX were far too chatty and clearly not given enough work, so 20 additional step ups were assigned.
Next was a 1 min ruck plank with added time if any failed to stay off the ground
Platoons were instructed to move as a platoon to the cones located next to the pool parking lot

2nd Movement: Get In Line
Platoons lined up socially distanced.
While holding Al Gore, the PAX at the back of the line bear crawled to the front until each PAX has advanced forward
Next, holding plank, the PAX at the back lunge walked to the front
Teams were instructed to secure weights and head to the Hanz and Franz hill.

3rd Movement: Hill Climb
Pax descended the hill to the bottom and returned to the top 2x
We completed 30 flutter kicks in cadence while holding rucks up
Teams were directed to move weights to the scoreboard

4th movement: Omaha Drill Finale
Weights and rucks were dropped at the scoreboard and PAX lined up on the field
We completed 4 movements at the Q’s direction all the way across the field: Mosey, Bear Crawl, Army Crawl and Jailbreak

We carried the weights back to the AO and finished the morning off with Sous Vide’s bacon explosion breakfast.

Welcome to FNG Rhoda!

End in COT

One – Two – Three – Four

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-19
Weather: Upper 30’s – Pretty Nice

Q: Incognito
PAX: 15 – Possum, Axeman, Oshag, Pom Pom, Mister Slate, Pee Wee, Zebra, Splash Down, Wally World, Muck, Incognito, Animal Style, Toto, Sous Vide, Purple Rain

Knee Hugs
Various Others
Various Run in Place Moves

Mosey to Basketball Court
5 Burpees
Groucho Walk
5 Burpees
Reverse Groucho Walk

Tha Thang
Mosey to Pullup Shelter
Partner up – one partner does set, then other partner does set
5 Pullups
10 Merkins
10 Air Squats
10 Gas Pumpers
Run to end of Parking Lot

Repeato – only 2 sets of each thing
Repeato – only 3 sets of everything
Repeato – only 4 sets of everything
When doing the sets DON’T BACK DOWN – at least that’s what Tom and the Heartbreakers had to say about it.

Mosey to Flag
10 Burpees
5 Burpees

Next Q – per Wally World’s dire pleading: Katy Perry and Taylor Swift!

End in COT

No Pilates or Barre

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-11-18
Weather: Too cold for Lansbury and Duggar to show up!

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 5 – Weird Science, Oshag, Sous Vide, Whitewall, Santa’s Little Helper

Waited for a possible Duggar appearance and then started rucking to stay warm.

Tha Thang
After a controversial Pilates and Barre Q yesterday, the Q opted for an old school ruck with PT workout.

We rucked for a while and then did 20 squats, 20 Merkins, 20 curls, 20 overhead presses, and 20 rows. Then rucked for a while and repeated. Rucked the rest of the time.

It was nice to have some RESPECT at The Paddock! Hope to see you all again!

End in COT