Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-05
Weather: Clear and upper 40s
Q: 49er
PAX: 19 – 49er, Raquel, Muck, Oshag, Lincoln Log, Zebra, Pom Pom, Pee Wee, Purple Rain, Wally World, Splash Down, Possum, Animal Style, Toto, Sous Vide, Incognito, Ollie, Mister Slate, Santa’s Little Helper
It was a dark, clear morning. Two flags flew high over the grassy knoll of the Gridlock parking lot, but one was feared to be lost forever. As the Pax began to gather for the beatdown, one loan figure and his dog rucked up out of the tree line to join us. Aging and sore from completing a round of 100 burpees earlier in the week (for the loss of his first flag), Indiana Oshag looked around frantically for someone to blame for the loss of flag #2, fearful of what the Pax might ask him to do for the loss of a second.
DR Pax – Hot Wheels, F3 Louisville
Started with a Name-a-rama and a count off because I couldn’t believe the size of the crowd on a Thursday. Clearly, the numbers surprised the Pax, as they forgot how to count past 10 and were rewarded with extra merkins to wake up their brains.,
Plank and stretching
Side Straddle Hops IC x20
Grass Grabbers IC x15
Abe Vigodas IC x15
Tha Thang
4 Corners – Round 1 (of the 3 YHC actually planned)
This workout assigned an exercise to each of the 4 corners of the parking lot.
1st Corner – Merkins
2nd Corner – American Hammers
3rd Corner – Bobby Hurley’s
4th Corner – Big Boy Sit-ups
Pax moseyed to the 1st corner for 5 merkins, then the 2nd corner for 10 AmHams, 15 Bobby Hurleys at the 3rd corner and 20 Big Boys at the 4th, then ran across the lot diagonally and started over with 5 AmHams, 10 Bobbys, 15 Big Boys, and 20 merkins. After making the loop and crossing the lot 4 times, Pax had completed 50 reps of each move.
YHC is no archaeologist, but I received an anonymous tip that we should explore the coupon bleacher for the famed Lost Flag , so I directed the men to the Temple of Memory Loss. Sure enough, the flag was planted proudly for all to see in front of the coupon bleachers. We all needed a drink to celebrate the grueling trek, so I broke out the Catalina wine Mixers – 2 sets of 5 OYO.
Next up, we honored another explorer – one who may be even more famous than Indiana Oshag: Dora the Explorer.
Pax paired off with a partner and started 100 squats while their partner crossed the football field, did 5 burpees and returned. When 100 squats were done, we switched to 200 merkins for the rest of our time.
And while I didn’t have a speaker with me, YHC definitely heard the Indiana Jones theme song in my head as I told Indiana Oshag to grab his flag and lead us bravely back to the parking lot for COT.
On a side note, Indiana Oshag left with his flag but managed to leave poor Santa’s Little Helper’s leash behind. Word on the street is that he can have it back for 50 Catalina’s.
End in COT
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