This Is How We Roll

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-10-07
Weather: Steady rain… the kind you go to the shelter for. Until Oshag drags you out in it.

Q: Muck
PAX: 9 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Red Flanders, Possum, Sous Vide, Geppetto, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls, OYO
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers, 10 IC

Tha Thang
Muck’s exercise dice, with a mixture of wild card choices mixed in (three parking lot laps, step-ups, dips, dead bugs, etc.).

I thought Possum was at 200, but he’s actually at 197. Getting close!

End in COT

Deck of Death: Orange Salamander Edition

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2021-10-04
Weather: 64

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 3 – Boo Boo, Doc Holiday, Weird Science

Random stretches

Tha Thang
Diamonds – Deadlifts
Spades – Squats
Clubs – Flutter Kicks w/ruck OH
Hearts – Lunges x2
FC – 1 minute step ups avoiding to step on the Orange Salamander on the stairs

All movements used ruck or had it on while completing.

End in COT

Deck of death

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-10-02
Weather: Perfect, high 50s/low 60s

Q: Wally World
PAX: 4 – Wally World, Mule, Animal Style, TStark

Various stretching

Tha Thang
Completed a completely normal deck of death:

Spades: Saturday nights with coupon
Clubs: coupon curls (2 is 1)
Diamonds: coupon chest press (2 is 1)
Hearts: coupon squats

Face cards: 10 cockroaches IC
Jokers: mosey lap around the church

End in COT

Rounding Third and Heading for Home (Baseball season is coming to a close)

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-10-02
Weather: 62 and IDEAL!

Q: Radio
PAX: 13 – Lincoln Log, Santa’s Little Helper, Raquel, Oshag, Axeman, Possum, Ollie, TLC, Geppetto, Incognito, Chewbacca, Radio, Czekov

Dynamic warmup – high knees, butt kickers, pigeon pulls and Frankensteins.
Stationary warmup – grass grabbers (12), imperial walkers (10), and hillbillies (8).
Mosey through the playground, back to the main road.
Did 20 incline Merkins at the wooden rail followed by 20 step ups and 20 decline Merkins.
Mosey to the FB field for some baseball fitness.

Tha Thang
We took the appropriate number of coupons to 1b area and same number to the 2b area. We did not need coupons at 3b or at home plate.
All pax began at home plate. One pax would draw a hit card (either a single, double, triple, or HR); the Q drew the pitch card which was the method of running the bases (Bernie, sprint, high shuffle, low shuffle/defensive slide, double leg bounds/broad jump, single leg bounds, or Carioca).
When we arrived at the base another pax would draw a card out of a hat with the exercise we would all complete. Singles equaled 30 reps, doubles 60 reps, triples 90 reps, and HR equaled 120 reps or seconds.
We had 3 singles on the day (coupon curls, box cutters, coupon upright rows). We had 4 doubles (big boy sit-ups, coupon bent over rows, little baby crunches, and coupon chest press). We had 2 triples today (flutter kicks, Bobby Hurleys &/or you could do bear crawls). We hit 2 HR’s today (plank jacks and Al Gore).
After completing the prescribed number of exercises at the base we moseyed back to home plate to draw the next pitch and hit cards. We did not get through all 7 activities I had prepared for each base. We returned the coupons and moseyed back to the parking lot.

Had a few seconds left so we all did 10 burpees just to stay more fit than the average wimpy man.

Reminded everyone that:
Nobody got out today…everyone got hits.
It was a great day at the park and an awesome way to finish the season!
(Incognito and Lincoln Log said we were all winners and we all deserved trophies.)

End in COT

Burnin’ Ring of Fire

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-30
Weather: “Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” It was great.

Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sous Vide, Red Flanders, Steve-O, Incognito, Farva (Lex), Chewbacca, Geppetto, Raquel, Showcase Showdown, Muck, Bartman (DR)

– Runner’s stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– Michael Phelps
– Pull arm across (switch)
– Tricep pulls behind head (switch)
– Grass grabbers, IC (12)

Tha Thang
Mosey to the parking lot coupons for Ring of Fire…

In a large circle, there are multiple exercise stations. Everyone does the exercise in front of them for 1 1/2 minutes (AMRAP) and then rotate around the ring of fire to the next exercise. :30 rest in-between.

Exercise stations:

  1. Bentover Rows w/ coupon
  2. Squats w/ coupon
  3. Raggedy Ann’s w/coupon (switch sides)
  4. Curls w/ coupon
  5. Overhead press w/ coupon
  6. Coupon swings
  7. Lunges w/ twist
  8. Plank jacks
  9. American Hammers
  10. Arm Circles
  11. Mercans w/ rotation
  12. Jump squats, side to side
  13. Imperial Walkers
  14. Copperhead Squats
  15. Hand release mercans
  16. High Knees in place
  17. LBC’s
  18. Side straddle hops

We did nine stations the first round. Then a mosey around the inner loop of the parking lot. Then came back and did new exercises (coupon work remained the same).

Moseyed back to the flag… finished with 50 SSH’s.

Great to have Bartman in from Raleigh.

And Steve-o is an old school rocker… who knew? 🙂

End in COT

The Gambler

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-10
Weather: 72 and muggy

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, Muck, Incognito, Steveo, Axeman, Raquel, Showcase Showdown, Bandwagon

Dynamic stuff

Tha Thang
Mosied to coupons by parking lot. Paired up and did 100 chest presses while partner ran 50yds and did three burpees. Second set was 150 curls. Mosied to brick wall and did 20 donkey kicks. Mosied back to flag and did Black Jack. Mercans and LBC’s.

End in COT

More Than Words

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-28
Weather: Perfect

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 14 – Lincoln Log, Martina, Axeman, Steve-O, Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Oshag, Zebra, Incognito, Nurse Joy, Muck, Showcase Showdown, Thin Mint, Santa’s Little Helper

Michael Phelps
Copperhead Squats – 12 IC
Mosey 1/8 mi around to 2nd parking tier from top.
Hillbillies – 12 IC
Abe Vigodas – 12 IC

Tha Thang
Round 1: 5 Burpees, 1/8 mi Run around top two tiers
Round 2: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 1/8 mi Run
Round 3: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1/8 mi Run
Round 4: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 1/8 mi Run
Round 5: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 1/8 mi Run
Round 6: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 1 min Plank, 1/8 mi Run
Round 7: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 1 min Plank, 35 Am Hams, 1/8 mi Run
Round 8: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 30 sec Plank, 35 Am Hams, 40 Overhead Presses in the People’s Chair, 1/8 mi Run
Round 9: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 30 sec Plank, 35 Am Hams, 40 Overhead Presses in the People’s Chair, 50 SHH, 1/8 mi Run

Then run 1/8 mi back to start.

End in COT

A good Ole’ Fashion Cage fight

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-25
Weather: Perfect

Q: Gypsy (DR)
PAX: 16 – Whitewall, Cubbie, Oshag, Gypsy (DR), Muck, Incognito, Fergie, Animal Style, Lansbury, Suave, Czekov, Wally World, Hertz, Radio, Lincoln Log, Chewbacca

6:50AM. finished the pre-run and found a few pax already standing outside on this cool fall morning. As the PAX continued to roll in, YHC knew that the we had a lot of work to get in this morning so I gave the disclaimer right at 7am and we took off immediately for a mosey to get the blood flowing.
Circle up at the Tennis Courts.

COP: (Circle of Pain) warm-up

5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats

Tha Thang
4 Corners
Starting in the center of the 4 tennis courts you run to one of the 4 corners and perform 10 of a set exercise then run back to center for 2 Burpees.
Go to the next corner and so on and so forth until all 4 corners and 4 sets of burpees are completed. We did 4 rounds of this with the following exercise in the corners. (32 burpees in the middle as well)

Round 1 Merkins Wide arm Merkins Narrow Merkins Carolina Dry-dock
Round 2 WW2 Reverse LBC Flutters Hells to heaven
Round 3 Squats Lunges Reverse Lunges Jump Squats
Round 4 Merkins WW2 Squats Burpees
10 or each exercise
Great Work guys!!!

Why are we standing around talking about F3 Disaster Ops and F3 Mission trips, WE have more work to do.
(but seriously if you want to know more about the Nations 2nd F events, DM me and I can get you connected with the events NANTAN or Q lead)

The PAX looked like they were getting chilly as YHC talked their ears off so figured we needed to warm up with 1 round of BLIMPS:

5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats

Modified CAGE FIGHT WAR!!!
Borrowed a deck of F3 Workout cards from Whitewall.
(See MudGear site to order a set)
The game is simple: PAX lines up against the cage fence. One by one you draw a card, announce the exercise on it and keep it.
(Number cards you add 10 to it, face cards are 20, aces are 100)
The entire pax does the exercise at the far end of third tennis court and return to start. This is done until each pax member’s pulled a card is completed and a little sprinkle in of the 5 core principles of F3.

Exercises pulled today: Heels to heaven, Bear Craw, 100 Arm circles, 300 yard Sprint, Flutters, various types of Merkins, a few types of crunches.. some Squats.

Mosey back to the AO launch.

2.75 miles of fun with all pax staying together!

NMS (Naked Mole Skin)
Great work by all today!
It was a bit chilly so YHC wanted to keep us moving and NOT roll in the wet fields. YHC DOES NOT LIKE rolling around in the cold wet fields. So a good ol’ Fashion cage fight was perfect for today:

Welcome to Cubbie and Hotwheels
Thank you for coming in Rabbit (Memphis)

DONE!!. Lets go get coffee and Bagels

AS always: If you have read this far. Take the next 30 seconds to text a person in your life that you have not heard from in a while. It may be what helps them through the day.

Thank you for allowing me to lead.
John (Gypsy) Boles

End in COT

Count Chocula’s Morning Routine

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-23
Weather: Low 50s – chilly, bit nipply

Q: Wally World
PAX: 10 – Wally World, Thin Mint, Geppetto, Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Lansbury, Steve-O, Muck, Red Flanders, Raquel

Various stretching

Tha Thang
Ran the loop (2.4 miles) & stopped 10 times to do 10 squats, 10 mericans, and 10 big boy sit-ups.

This was inspired by Count Chocula’s morning workout of 100 squats, 100 mericans & 100 big boy sit-ups (as reported by Linc).

End in COT

Winds of Change: Dropping Deuces Edition

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-09-22
Weather: 60, windy

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 2 – Boo Boo, Wally World

Random arm and leg stretching

Tha Thang
Deck O Death:
Hearts – ruck merkins
Clubs – curls
Spades – shoulder press
Diamonds – triceps extensions
Face Cards – 5 burpees
Jokers – hill run

Heavy rain delayed start by a few minutes until it died down enough to get to shelter. 5 minutes into deck the winds kicked up to 10 mph sustained and 20 mph gusts. Needless to say cards flew everywhere. 10 minutes later the Q had to pause the WO to take care of an emergency situation. Upon return of the Q, the deck was promptly completed. This morning was definitely a s*%t show….

End in COT

Oops, there goes my shirt / Up over my head / oh my

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-21

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 13 – Lansbury, Wally World, TLC, Nurse Joy, Muck, Lincoln Log, Incognito, Sous Vide, Raquel, Steve-O, Red Flanders, Zebra, Ja-Booty

Dynamic warm-up without rhythm

Tha Thang
40/20 Tabata with 12 exercises (3 rounds each)

End in COT

Recycle around the building

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-09-18
Weather: Warm and humid for a morning

Q: Animal Style
PAX: 4 – Animal Style, Fergie, Wally World, Prime

Assortment of stretching including shoulders, neck, triceps, quads, hamstring, etc. 1.5 lap saunter around the building and back to pick up the coupons for some fun.

Tha Thang
All pax grab 2 coupons and kick off the rounds with 10x man makers. Farmer carry 2x coupons to the corner; rotating pax choice for coupon exercise once there; leave coupons and go around the building back to them changing up exercises each 1/4 leg/side… bear crawl, pax choice, bear crawl, pax choice. Rerun to coupons and farmer carry next leg/side, pax choice coupon exercise, rinse repeat until the coupons are back at their storage place.

Finish final minutes with some planks; named FNG “Prime” as he works at Amazon and didn’t want to scare him off

End in COT

My Mouth is a Rudder

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-18
Weather: Upper 60’s, a shade muggy

Q: Incognito
PAX: 7 – Sous Vide, Raquel, Radio, Muck, Chewbacca, Lincoln Log, Incognito

Did some warmup moves to ‘Loco-Motion’: SSH’s, Susanne Somers, Skaters, and Dorothy’s
Performed some stretches amidst suicides

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the volleyball net
Did Coach Sherills to ‘Help Me Rhonda’
Did Johnny Roscoes to ‘Roxanne’

Did Sugar Cookie’s across the volleyball field
Did ‘Coach’ at the pullup shelter. That’s where you get in groups of 3: 1 holds a pullup position on a rafter, another encourages, and a third runs the perimeter of the shelter; then switch and keep going

Went to coupons to do 5 exercises continuously
Curls, Rows, Squats, Overhead Press, and Squat Thrust – 10 reps a piece

Finished on the basketball court with some Good Morning Burpees

Along the way we learned how to use our mouths for good and be better men:
Don’t Lie
Don’t have unwholesome, dirty talk
Build each other up, only speak what is beneficial
Don’t let bitterness, rage, slander, anything malicious come from your mouth
Be kind and compassionate
And last, but most important; Forgive each other!

End in COT

The 5:30 A.L.A.R.M.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-16
Weather: Heavy Fog, Bright Lights, 61 Degrees

Q: Raquel
PAX: 14 – Red Flanders, Raquel, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Sous Vide, Incognito, Geppetto, Chewbacca, Possum, Nurse Joy, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Muck, Axeman

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Tri stretch across chest, Tri stretch over head, Bend and Hang, Plank to Down Dog, S’Up Dog, Reach for the Sky on L and R side

Tha Thang
Q kept Burpees to a minimum due to Tuesday’s Burpocalypse. Pax counted off in 1s and 2s to partner up, 1s moseyed up to coupons and carried back to flag, 2s moseyed down to other side of lost and performed 2 Burpees.

Jumped right into the 5:30 A.L.A.R.M. Partners performed reps up to 200 reps total, once all completed, all pax moved on to next exercise. One partner performed reps, other ran 60 yds, performed a single solitary burpee, then returned to take over reps from partner. Partners performed:

A(rms): 200 Curls
L(egs): 200 Weighted Calf Raises
A(bs): 200 Freddie Mercurys (2 is 1)
R (exercise): 200 Rockette Dips
M (exercise): 200 Monkey Humpers

Pax jammed to some upbeat tunes throughout.

End in COT

Recovery ruck

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-09-15
Weather: Cool, just a splash of rain

Q: Wally World
PAX: 4 – Wally World, Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Weird Science

10 minutes of stretching

Tha Thang
Decided to do a recovery ruck due to Sous Vide’s ridiculous workout yesterday. Rucked to the shelter up the road, stopped and did a few exercises:
– squats
– overhead press
– curls
– chest press
– Saturday nights
– dips

Rucked back to the parking lot.

End in COT

Burpee fest

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-14
Weather: Clear, humid and 68

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 14 – Sous Vide, Possum, Wally World, Showcase Showdown, Nurse Joy, Muck, Incognito, Bandwagon, Axeman, Steve-O, Ollie, Geppetto, Oshag, Red Flanders

Dynamic stretches

Tha Thang
In the big parking lot we started in one corner and did 20 burpees. Ran to the next corner and did 19, next corner 18 and so on until we got to 1. All in all, almost 2 miles covered with 210 burpees.
Great job guys!! There was zero complaints and fun was had by all!!!

End in COT

“We just rucking the loop?”

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-13

Q: Zebra
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, 49er, Geppetto, Muck, Chewbacca, Zebra

Warm up OYO

Tha Thang
Rucked to the scoreboard hill

Hill climb with 10 squats at the top, 10 merkins at the bottom. Descend the ladder all the way to 1.

Repeato with ruck on front. Ruck curls at the top, overhead press at the bottom. Descended to 5 reps.

On the football field went the full length of the field with various exercises to go from pole to pole.
1 – lunge walk. 2 – ruck rifle carry . 3 – lunge walk with ruck rifle carry. 4 – bear crawl

Finally, we rucked the rest of the loop.

End in COT

Fun @ Foxhole

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-09-11

Q: TStark
PAX: 4 – TStark, Animal Style, Zebra, Fergie

Michael Phelps
Grass grabbers
Knee pull
leg stretches
Mosey around church

Tha Thang
Imperial walkers
Side straddle hops

Jacob’s ladder workout
-Burpees then run up and down the hill (Start with one burpee then increase the # by 1 each time you get back up the hill. run down n up the hill 10 times.
-Merkins whilst partner runs down and up the hill*3
-Squats whist parter runs down and up the hill *3

Coupon workout
20 shoulder press – sprint 25m and bear crawl back
20 goblin squats – sprint 25m and hop back
20 curls – sprint 25m and back pedal back
20 bend over rows – sprint 25m and fo Frankensteins back
20 chest press’ – sprint 25m and do lunges back
(Repeat coupon workouts 3 times reducing the # of reps by 5 each time)

Mosey back to starting position then do a 4 minute planks Tabata.

End in COT

9/11 – Never Forget

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-11
Weather: Perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 13 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, 49er, Bandwagon, Possum, Chewbacca, Radio, Axeman, Incognito, Raquel, Lansbury, Matlock, Ollie

Stretches and Dynos in the parking lot.

Tha Thang
Each movement today honored those lost 20 years ago on this day.
2996 total dead – 1.5 mile mosey = approximately 3000 strides

Run ended at the coupons on the football field.
WTC 1 = 110 stories, WTC 2 = 110 stories – Round 1 – 220 Merkins top of the hill, PAX partner coupon carry down and up the hill

343 Firefighters perished in the towers – Round 2 – 343 LBC’s, PAX partner coupon carry down and up the hill

23 members of the NYPD died in the towers – Round 3 – 23 Manmakers, PAX partner mosey down and up the hill

37 members of the Port Authority passed in the towers – Round 4 – 37 Catalina Wine Mixers, PAX partner mosey down and up the hill

We ran out of time. The following rounds did not happen. Posting in case someone wants to pick them up:
Flight 77 – 184 souls perished – 184 Curls
Flight 93 – 40 souls perished – 40 Burpees
Pentagon – 184 souls perished – 184 Squats

FNG’s – Chuck Donovan – Johnny Fever and Bandwagon’s BIL – Scratch
Also present – Chekov

Thanks to all that came out today.


End in COT

Some New Things

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-09
Weather: Around 60, maybe a bit cooler

Q: Incognito
PAX: 12 – Showcase Showdown, Nurse Joy, Zebra, Steve-O, Muck, Thin Mint, 49er, Red Flanders, Sous Vide, Farva (Lex), Axeman, Incognito


One Calls IC
Copperhead Squats IC

Tha Thang
Mosey to Basketball Court
Cupid Shuffle – do what Cupid tells you to do while in plank position
ALARM – 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 10 American Hammers, Run across both courts, 10 Merkins – Repeato for the length of a song
Cut a Flip – 5 Merkins, 5 BBS, repeato for the length of a song
Forest to the Sea – 10 squats, Bear Crawl to half court, 5 burpees, crab walk, 10 squats, repeato for the length of a song
Did some Lansbury-esque butt exercises
Swimmer One Calls IC

Moseyed back to the flag, with a little bit of time for some Dan Taylors.

End in COT

Geriatric Babysitting

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-07
Weather: Low 60s – PERFECT

Q: Wally World
PAX: 14 – Wally World, Sous Vide, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Axeman, Muck, Showcase Showdown, Bandwagon, Possum, Nurse Joy, Farva (Lex), Incognito, Steve-O, Boo Boo

Various stretching – very important when working with the elderly

Tha Thang
Grouped up on the tennis courts. We would do an ab exercise IC – then mosey to the upper tennis courts & group up again. We would then do an arm or leg exercise IC, then mosey back to the lower tennis courts.

Some of the exercises we did:
– Cockroaches
– Dead bugs
– Box cutters
– Reverse sit-ups
– Crunches
– Crunch extenders
– Australian push-ups
– American hammers
– Copperhead mericans
– Pulse squats
– Carolina dry docks
– Monkey humpers
– Plank arm raises
– Lunges
– Narrow grip mericans
– Leg lifts

All jokes aside, these old guys kick butt.

End in COT

Shoulder struck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-04
Weather: Mid 60s, nice weather

Q: Yanni
PAX: 13 – Yanni, Oshag, Showcase Showdown, O’ Papa, Sous Vide, Chewbacca, Muck, Axeman, Radio, Santa’s Little Helper, Raquel, Bandwagon, Gepetto

Michael Phelps

Arm circles

Butt kickers 


Toe touches

Grass grabbers in cadence

Tha Thang
Thunderstruck with arm circles and overhead claps on “Thunder”

Danger zone with side straddle hops and a squat on “Danger Zone”

Set up 3 stations for Push ups, Squats, coupon Curls. Pax to complete 500 Curls, 750 Push ups, 1000 Squats as a group. No more than 20, 25, 30 respectively on each set. Between sets, run to the end of the parking lot and up to the next station, repeat until numbers are hit.

Circle up, on your six, play “Made for this”, with heel touches, and a big boy sit up on “made for this”

Still circled on your six, raise your legs out in front, one Pax jumps up, runs around, pushes down legs all around the circle, sits back down, and next person goes around the circle

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-04
Weather: Low 60’s – Very Nice

Q: Incognito
PAX: 4 – Incognito, Boo Boo, Fergie, TStark

Some Stretches

Tha Thang
Mosey to middle of parking lot to do 2 different DORA’s
Bear Crawl 1-2-3 100 Merkins – 200 LBCs – 300 Squats
One partner bear crawl while the other does the exercises

Did some Dan Taylor’s (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1) before starting our next DORA

Lazy Doras 1-2-3 100 Merkins – 200 LBCs – 300 Squats
10- Merkins while partner holds plank, then switch
20 LBCs while partner does a 6″ Leg Hold, then switch
25 Squats while partner holds Al Gore, then switch

Closed with Merkin Jax (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1)
Had some time left, so we did Flutter Kicks IC

End in COT

Introducing D.J. Scrabble (D.J. Slowcase Slowdown plays your favorite tunes)

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-02
Weather: Perfect. 61 degree. Clear sky. Slight cool breeze. Seems like the first morning in months that we broke under 70 degrees and the humidity is gone

Q: Showcase Showdown
PAX: 18 – Bandwagon, Chewbacca, Cyclops (DR), Incognito, Muck, Nurse Joy, Oshag, Possum, Raquel, Red Flanders, Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Steve-O, Thin Mint, Wally World, Zebra, Geppetto, Santa’s Little Helper

We stretched

Tha Thang
Scrabble Trick-Or-Treat (a.k.a. Pre-Dawn Alphabet Soup)
Mosey to the tennis courts, circle up
(starting interlude: TubThumpers by ChumbaWumba: side-straddle hops and do a burpee each time you hear “I get knocked down, but I get up again.)
a. Group starts an OYO exercise (such as high-knee hops to “Jump Around” by House of Pain),
b. the 1st PAX runner in the circle grabs the flashlight,
c. PAX jailbreaks to plastic Jack-o-lantern at other end of 5 tennis courts in the dark,
d. Picks a Scrabble letter out of the bowl after yelling “Trick or Treat” (I meant to tell them to do that),
e. then runs back to the group, announcing his letter, which corresponds to a certain exercise on my list. (see attached)
f. New exercise is announced to group, while next PAX takes the flashlight and starts running back to the pumpkin,
g. Simultaneously, a new track is pulled up & played, while the rest of us perform the exercise

(mid-course interludes: after every 10 tracks, we pause the normal Scrabble Trick or Treat and we do another round of ChumbaWamba or Mad about You (plank, then each time Belina says Mad, do a merkin) or Beastie’s Root Down, same concept except do a merkin each time you hear “Down”)
Musical Highlights include: The Stones, AC/DC, Robb Base, Cindi Lauper, John Williams (the composer), U2, and LaCrae
Exercise Lowlights include: Mr. Miagis, 4 sets of Am-Hams in a row (most common letter “E”), Ben Afflecks, Group Jailbreak to Pumpkin, Crab-Walk Battle, & Man-Makers (which required us to use imaginary coupons, since I forgot what a man-maker was.)

Mosey back to parking lot for 1 last interlude of TubThumpers. Then, ended with a CoT (Circle of Thanks) where each PAX mentioned 1-word things they were thankful to The Provider for.
I am also thankful for the support and patience of all you guys who came out for my first Q and your words of encouragement.

End in COT

Ida saw only a little rain

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-31
Weather: Ida say it was OK, little wet

Q: Oshag
PAX: 10 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Possum, Sous Vide, Raquel, Steve-O, Incognito, Muck, Red Flanders, Wally World

Mosey/ruck to tennis courts for down/up dogs, runner’s stretch (the real one, not the one Muck says), Superman, Lazyman – just to show water don’t hurt

Tha Thang
A sideline thang and a running thang for each round.
Round 1 – Windshield wipers, Superman at the edge of each of 3 courts
Break – Celebration of Life – 3 courts
Round 2 – Curls, Lazyman at the edge of each of 3 courts
Break – Celebration of Life – 3 courts
Round 3 – Chest press, Sous vides at the edge of each of 3 courts
Break – mosey to last court, Jail Break back
Round 4 – Overhead press, T-Jacks at the edge of each of 3 courts
Break – Jail Break to the end, mosey back
Round 5 – Upright Row, Jump Squats at the edge of each of 3 courts
Break – OYO full lap
Round 6 – Squat Thrusts, Merkins
Break – OYO full lap
Mosey/ruck back to flag

End in COT

Rucking on Monday August 30, 2021

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-30
Weather: A Nice Morning

Q: Incognito
PAX: 14 – Axeman, Wally World, Geppetto, Farva (Lex), Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Possum, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Muck, Nurse Joy, Bandwagon, Chewbacca, Incognito

Wide Leg Squat with Calf Raise
Chest, Arm, and Tricep Stretches

Tha Thang
Rucked with a few stops along the way
Stop 1: 20 curls, 20 Merkins
Stop 2: 20 squats, 20 Merkins
Stop 3 (pullup shelter): 30 Step-ups, 10 pullups (eccentric on the way down), 10 Decline Merkins, 20 Decline Merkins
Stop 4 (by coupons): Farmer carried 2 coupons from bleacher to the trail.
At the bottom did 20 Merkins with 1 hand on each coupon, 25 Curls with coupon, 25 overhead press with coupon, farmer carry coupons back and put them up
25 squats
Stop 5 (back at the flag): 20 Merkins, 20 Curls

End in COT

Farmers vs. Lumberjacks

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-28
Weather: “If it was any better, it would have to be twins” I never understood that phrase..

Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Hertz, Incognito, Showcase Showdown, Geppetto, Possum, O’ Papa, Bagman, Ollie, Raquel, Axeman, Radio, Chewbacca, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Arm pull across (switch)
– Tricep pull behind head (switch)
– Grass grabbers, 10, IC

Tha Thang
First up was “Telephone Number”. The 10 digits in your phone number determined the number of reps of each exercise:
1. Plank jacks
2. Side straddle hops
3. Mercans
4. Burpees
5. Cross crunches (2 is 1)
6. No Surrenders
7. Mercans w/ rotation
8. American hammers (2 is 1)
9. Bobby Hurleys
10. Squats

Then a mosey to the football field for two rounds of “Lumberjacks vs. Farmers” cup game:
Dividing the teams into two groups, one team’s goal was to knock all the cups down on their side (Lumberjacks). The other team’s goal was to set all of the cups back up (Farmers). At the end of two minutes, the winning team with the most cups in their position only had to run to the first light pole. Losing team had to run to the second light pole.
I’m pretty sure the Lumberjacks won both times, because it’s much easier to knock something down than it is to build something up (there’s your moral for today).

Then off to the coupons for six rounds of Benjamins (Round 1 was repeated twice):

25 Curls >>> 25 Walking Lunges >>> 25 Mercans w/ rotation >>> 25 Walking Lunges back to coupons

25 Shoulder Presses >>> 25 High Skips >>> 25 Mountain Climbers >>> 25 High Skips

25 Bent Over Rows >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps >>> 25 LBC’s >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps back

25 Coupon swings >>> 25 High knees >>> 25 American Hammers >>> 25 High knees back

25 Raggedy Ann’s >>> 25 Bernies >>> 25 Cross crunches >>> 25 Bernies back

Mosey back to the flag for five minutes of “Pax Choice” Mary.

Welcome O’ Papa!

End in COT

Fun & Games

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-08-28
Weather: Humid. Ridiculously humid

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 5 – Boo Boo, Wally World, Sparky, TStark, Animal Style

Various stretches

Tha Thang
Ring of Fire: 10 stations setup in a circle. PAX completed 10 Reps or a 30 sec hold of the exercise listed at station and then ran a lap around the ring to the next station. Repeat until PAX hit all stations. Flip exercise cards over and do event again.

10 cards laid face down at 100 yards distance. PAX completed AMRAP of exercise listed on card until next PAX ran and brought back another card.

Finished with a short game of ultimate frisbee.

End in COT

The Most Famous Diego Is…?

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-26
Weather: Classy

Q: Muck
PAX: 12 – Chewbacca, Farva (Lex), Sous Vide, Possum, Incognito, Oshag, Steve-O, Wally World, Showcase Showdown, Geppetto, Santa’s Little Helper, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Arms across chest (switch)
– Tricep pulls behind head (switch)
– Grass grabbers, 15, IC

Mosey to football field coupons. Everyone took a coupon to the scoreboard hill.

Tha Thang
Diego morning (Dora’s more difficult brother).

We partnered up. Each team responsible for collectively completing the total reps for the exercise at the top of the hill, while their partner completed 10 reps of another exercise at the bottom of the hill.

1st Round:
Top: 100 – Coupon swings
Bottom: 10 – Copperhead Squats

2nd Round:
Top: 150 – Overhead press w/coupon
Bottom: 10 – Merkins

3rd Round:
Top: 200 – LBC’s
Bottom: 10 – Side Straddle Hops

4th Round:
Top: 250 – Curls w/coupon
Bottom: 10 – Imperial Walkers

5th Round:
Top: 300 – Squats (with or without coupon)
Bottom: 10 – Side straddle hops

5th round may have been cut a little short due to time.

Return coupons and mosey back to the flag.

50 squats with the 60 seconds left on the clock.

According to Ranker, Diego Maradona is the most famous Diego. I don’t know who that is, but he gets this morning’s backblast photo.

Welcome Geppetto!

End in COT

Coupon CSUP

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-24
Weather: Still Summer, it’s perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 9 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Incognito, Possum, Zebra, Sous Vide, Muck, Farva (Lex), Axeman

Double Coupon Carry from Football Field to Basketball Courts – Double Coupons, Lansbury, that would be harder than a single coupon carry – you would have known had you been there.

Tha Thang
Coupon CSUP
Celebrations of Life w/coupon – here’s where the CSUP started. Each PAX chose their carry sequence during the Celebration of Life – only guidance was sometimes carry 2 coupons, sometimes carry 1 coupon, sometimes put them down and run.

In between Celebrations, we added exercises – T-Jacks, Plank Jacks, Big Boys, LBCs, Catalinas, Merkins, Sous Vides, etc…

In honor of the missing hater, Dead Bugs was the ‘rest’ position while waiting for the 6.

Finished by carry 2 coupons, Lansbury see previous coupon reference, back to the football field to rest until next time.

End in COT

11s on the hill

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-08-25
Weather: Humid

Q: Wally World
PAX: 5 – Wally World, Whitewall, Boo Boo, Showcase Showdown, Thin Mint

Various stretching

Tha Thang
We did 11s – a workout where you have 2 different exercises. On one side, you’ll do 10 reps of one exercise, then 1 of the other. Then you go to 9 of one exercise, and 2 of the other. Total reps should always add up to 11.

At the top of the big hill, we started with 10 overhead press, 10 curls, & 10 chest press – all with ruck/weight. We then moseyed to the bottom of the hill, where we did 1 cockroach, 1 big boy sit-up, & 1 American Hammer (2 is 1). We then moseyed up to the top of the hill and repeated but switched rep count to 9 at the top & 2 at the bottom. We continued this pattern until we got to 1 rep at the top and 10 at the bottom.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-23
Weather: “Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.” George Carlin

Q: Muck
PAX: 6 – Farva (Lex), Possum, Chewbacca, Sous Vide, Zebra, Muck

Warm up? Nope, ain’t gonna do it.

Tha Thang
2.4 mile loop.

7 stations… 20 squats and 20 mercans at each.

Great conversation and fellowship throughout.

Prayers for Haiti, Afghanistan, Tennessee and North Carolina flooding.

End in COT

CTF Ruck 2021

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-20
Weather: 80s and Clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 21 – Lansbury, Animal Style, Ping, Yanni, Spam, Possum, 49er, TLC, Raquel, Hertz, Weird Science, Red Flanders, Cherub, Lincoln Log, Zebra, Little King, Sous Vide, Showcase Showdown, Wally World, Splash Down, Nurse Joy

Circle up | Rules | Teams | Ken Greves Prayer | Map Release

Tha Thang
10 Waypoint ruck with 3 hour time limit. 8-10 miles traveled. PAX used QR Codes at each waypoint to log their time. Points awarded on a decreasing scale for each waypoint.

Bonus points awarded based on sand bucket transport. Loss of points for late return. Bonus points for timely return.

Special thanks to our scoring team and Toto for his ministry.

End in COT

Trying to be like Votto -shooting for 2000 (hits or reps)

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-21
Weather: Beautiful, sunny 71 degrees

Q: Radio
PAX: 6 – Muck, Sous Vide, Ollie, Incognito, Radio, Chewbacca

Grass Grabbers -10; Abe Vigodas-10; Imperial Walkers-11; Hillbillies-10; SSH-21’s (but messed up, so we repeated and did 14’s); then moseyed to the main road and took a left and another left to get to FB field while tossing a FB. We had two drops, so we did 20 dips when we arrived at the FB bleachers.

Tha Thang
100-walking lunges (50 forward, 50 backward)
100-agility jumps (either F/B or S to S)
95-mountain climbers (1 is 1)
Votto HR trot around half FB field
90-ice skaters
85-flutter kicks
80-shoulder taps (1 is 1)
Votto HR trot (same as above)
75-American Hammers (1 is 1)
70-coupon chest press
65-big boy sit-ups
Votto HR trot
60-coupon squats
55-gas pumpers
50-coupon curls
Votto HR trot
45-double leg raises
40-coupon swings (did 20, next exercise, other 20)
Votto HR trot
30-coupon rows (upright or bent over, your choice)
25-box cutters
Ran out of time so we moseyed back to base camp tossing FB.
Had one drop so we did one burpee (because Ollie loves burpees!)

While doing the Votto HR trots we had topics to discuss. We were planning to do 7 of those in honor of Votto hitting HR’s in 7 consecutive games and do over 2000 reps, but we ran out of time. Probably what every MLB player says…”I would have gotten 2000 hits too, but I ran out of time.” An incredible accomplishment and to think Pete Rose has doubled that total—both should be in the HOF. We had a FNG-Chewbacca and he did terrific work!

End in COT

Tire flipping fun

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-08-21
Weather: Low to mid 70s

Q: Wally World
PAX: 3 – Wally World, Animal Style, Fergie

Lots of stretching

Tha Thang
Station work, timing was determined by the person doing the tire flips. Once they finished, we rotated stations.

Round 1:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Cockroaches: AMRAP
Chest press: AMRAP with coupon

Round 2:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Squats: AMRAP no coupon
Straight leg BB sit-ups: AMRAP

Round 3:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Mercans: AMRAP
Lunges: AMRAP alternating legs

Round 4:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips backAmerican hammers: AMRAP
Plank: until tire flip is done

Round 5:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Straight leg dead lift: AMRAP with coupon
Deadbugs: AMRAP alternating hand/foot

Round 6:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Overhead press: AMRAP
Bobby Hurleys: AMRAP

Round 7:
7 tire flips down, 7 tire flips back
Crunch extenders: AMRAP
Curls: AMRAP

End in COT

Tiers of Rain

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-19
Weather: Humid and then buckets of rain

Q: Zebra
PAX: 9 – Thin Mint, Showcase Showdown, Steve-O, Oshag, Sous Vide, Possum, Wally World, Santa’s Little Helper, Zebra

Static stretching
Imperial Walkers IC
Hillbillies IC

Tha Thang
4 tiers of 4 exercises, climbing up and down the ladder.

Tier 1:
5 Burpees, 10 Dead Bugs, 15 Squats, 20 SSH

It started raining lightly as we began tier 2. The rain never let up.
Tier 2:
5 Jack in the box Jump Squats, 10 Mountain Climbers, 15 Diamond Merkins, 20 OH claps

Tier 3:
5 Body Builders, 10 Lunges, 15 American Hammers, 20 Merkins

Tier 4:
5 Big Boy Sit-ups, 10 A-Rods, 15 Superman’s, 20 Sumo Squats

The pax especially enjoyed Big Boy’s and Superman’s in the puddles of rain!

End in COT

Is that a skunk?

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-08-18
Weather: Fantastic

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 4 – Weird Science, Boo Boo, Thin Mint, Showcase Showdown

Stretch on your own

Tha Thang
Mosey to light pole at the bottom of the hill. At each pole we did 10 merkins, 20 squats, 20 Big boys and ran to the next pole. Repeated merkins, squats, and big boys at each pole until the end near the soccer fields. Ran back to A.O.

Saw lots of skunks and learned that Boo Boo knows skunk noises and is fine with chasing skunks away. What a guy!

End in COT

We Rucked

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-16
Weather: It’s still summer, it was awesome.

Q: Oshag
PAX: 9 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Backdoor, Sous Vide, Bandwagon, Lincoln Log, Nurse Joy, Farva (Lex), Zebra

Short Ruck and Dynos

Tha Thang
Stopped at the wall for step ups and other stuff. Threw in a little pyramid. Incline Merkins on the Ruck and deep squats at the bridge. Got back to the flag with about 4 minutes left so we took a lap around the parking lot.

End in COT

Deck of death with some sweet tunes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-17
Weather: Temperature was nice but 99% humidity wasn’t

Q: Wally World
PAX: 12 – Wally World, Sous Vide, Oshag, Boo Boo, Steveo, Incognito, Thin Mint, Farva, Showcase Showdown, Nurse Joy, Bagman, Santa’s Little Helper

Various stretching
25 cockroaches IC

Tha Thang
Q had a totally normal deck of cards. Whatever card flipped over determined the exercise and rep count. After each joker, we switched up the exercises.

❤️ – merkins
♠️ – overhead press
♣️ – curls
♦️ – squat
Face cards – chest press

1st joker – run down the parking lot hill, jail break back

❤️ – lunges w/ coupon overhead (1 is 1)
♠️ – straight leg dead lift
♣️ – dead bugs (2 is 1)
♦️ – tricep extension
Face cards – 5 man makers

2nd joker – jog to bottom of hill and Bernie back

❤️ – flutter kicks w/ coupon overhead (2 is 1)
♠️ – bent over rows
♣️ – kettle bell swings
♦️ – mountain climbers
Face cards – 5 Catalina wine mixers

3rd joker – 50 side straddle hops IC

❤️ – big boy sit-ups
♠️ – coupon front raises
♣️ – thrusters
♦️ – flying squirrels
Face cards – 5 jello makers

To reiterate, it was a totally normal deck of cards, nothing weird about it. If you want the sweet Taylor Swift playlist, message me on slack.

End in COT

3 was better than 4

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-14
Weather: Perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Radio, Incognito, Hertz, Czekov, Showcase Showdown

Dynos, Introductions – Czekov was an FNG today – some cadence warm-ups just for funzies.

Tha Thang
Mosey to coupons, load a stick with 4 coupons, transport coupons to the top of the hill. Football field had 4 sets of cones for today’s beatdown.

Set 1 – 3 Rounds – Each round starts at the bottom of the hill, 2 HIMs on one stick carried the coupons to the top and dropped them at the top
Round 1 – Lunge walk to first cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – Side Straddle Hop, In Cadence
Round 2 – Lunge walk to the 2nd set of cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – No Surrenders – 10 reps
Round 3 – Lunge walk to the 3rd set of cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill

Set 2 – 3 Rounds – Each round starts at the bottom of the hill, 2 HIMs on one stick carried the coupons to the top and dropped them at the top

Round 1 – Bernie Sanders to first cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – 4 Count Sous Vides
Round 2 – Bernie Sanders to the 2nd set of cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – 4 Count T Jacks
Round 3 – Bernie Sanders to the 3rd set of cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill

Set 3 – 3 Rounds – Each round starts at the bottom of the hill, 2 HIMs on one stick carried the coupons to the top and dropped them at the top

Round 1 – Karaoke to 1st cones 2 Coach Sherrill’s at the cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – 4 Count Plank Jacks – 20, In Cadence
Round 2 – Karaoke to 2nd cones 2 Coach Sherrill’s at the cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bottom of the hill
All PAX – Monkey Humpers
Round 3 -Karaoke to 3rd cones 2 Coach Sherrill’s at the cones, Jail Break to the last set of cones, Mosey back and partner carry the coupons to the bleachers

Mosey back to the flag.

Welcome, Czekov.

End in COT

F3 new guy Q tips see attached file

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-08-14
Weather: Cloudy

Q: Fergie
PAX: 10 – Fergie, Lincoln Log, Brown Water, Bucky, Sparky, TStark, Mule, Bootlegger, Lansbury, Water Bucket

Stretch , various types
Cross hops, push ups , Indian run x2 , pull ups , coupons , in and outs . Mixed different kinds

Tha Thang
Completed burpees
Did front and reverse bear crawls

End in COT