Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-25
Weather: Perfect
Q: Gypsy (DR)
PAX: 16 – Whitewall, Cubbie, Oshag, Gypsy (DR), Muck, Incognito, Fergie, Animal Style, Lansbury, Suave, Czekov, Wally World, Hertz, Radio, Lincoln Log, Chewbacca
6:50AM. finished the pre-run and found a few pax already standing outside on this cool fall morning. As the PAX continued to roll in, YHC knew that the we had a lot of work to get in this morning so I gave the disclaimer right at 7am and we took off immediately for a mosey to get the blood flowing.
Circle up at the Tennis Courts.
COP: (Circle of Pain) warm-up
5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
Tha Thang
4 Corners
Starting in the center of the 4 tennis courts you run to one of the 4 corners and perform 10 of a set exercise then run back to center for 2 Burpees.
Go to the next corner and so on and so forth until all 4 corners and 4 sets of burpees are completed. We did 4 rounds of this with the following exercise in the corners. (32 burpees in the middle as well)
Round 1 Merkins Wide arm Merkins Narrow Merkins Carolina Dry-dock
Round 2 WW2 Reverse LBC Flutters Hells to heaven
Round 3 Squats Lunges Reverse Lunges Jump Squats
Round 4 Merkins WW2 Squats Burpees
10 or each exercise
Great Work guys!!!
Why are we standing around talking about F3 Disaster Ops and F3 Mission trips, WE have more work to do.
(but seriously if you want to know more about the Nations 2nd F events, DM me and I can get you connected with the events NANTAN or Q lead)
The PAX looked like they were getting chilly as YHC talked their ears off so figured we needed to warm up with 1 round of BLIMPS:
5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
Modified CAGE FIGHT WAR!!!
Borrowed a deck of F3 Workout cards from Whitewall.
(See MudGear site to order a set)
The game is simple: PAX lines up against the cage fence. One by one you draw a card, announce the exercise on it and keep it.
(Number cards you add 10 to it, face cards are 20, aces are 100)
The entire pax does the exercise at the far end of third tennis court and return to start. This is done until each pax member’s pulled a card is completed and a little sprinkle in of the 5 core principles of F3.
Exercises pulled today: Heels to heaven, Bear Craw, 100 Arm circles, 300 yard Sprint, Flutters, various types of Merkins, a few types of crunches.. some Squats.
Mosey back to the AO launch.
2.75 miles of fun with all pax staying together!
NMS (Naked Mole Skin)
Great work by all today!
It was a bit chilly so YHC wanted to keep us moving and NOT roll in the wet fields. YHC DOES NOT LIKE rolling around in the cold wet fields. So a good ol’ Fashion cage fight was perfect for today:
Welcome to Cubbie and Hotwheels
Thank you for coming in Rabbit (Memphis)
DONE!!. Lets go get coffee and Bagels
AS always: If you have read this far. Take the next 30 seconds to text a person in your life that you have not heard from in a while. It may be what helps them through the day.
Thank you for allowing me to lead.
John (Gypsy) Boles
End in COT