Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-02-27
Weather: 50 and damp. Otherwise awesome!
Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, Radio, Muck, Lincoln Log, Oshag, Raquel, Toto, Axeman
10 squats, 20 SSH’s, 20 seal jumps, 20 flings, 20 pogo jumps, 5 high pogo jumps, 20 wide outs, 10 gate swings, 10 scissor jumps, skipping, side shuffle, lateral run, backwards cycle, lunges, side lunges, hip pop ups, single leg hip pop ups, single leg raise, outside leg raise, inside leg raise, sky divers, bulldogs, forward/backwards leg circles, bulldogs with straight leg, knee to arm pit, cobras, iron cross, mountain climbers, groiners, single leg mountain climbers, lead leg pick ups, rock and rolls.
Tha Thang
Car pushing. Two people pushed a car for 30 seconds. We did four sets of 30 seconds each. Jogged to baseball entrance and did three sets of 20 donkey kicks on brink wall followed by 10 single leg squats on the benches. Walked back to glad and finished with Atwood minute plank.
End in COT