Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-01
Weather: 36 and misty
Q: 49er
PAX: 14 – 49er, Bagman, 3rd Shift, Sushi, Raquel, Incognito, Radio, Oshag, Axeman, Kisses, Hertz, Lansbury, Juul, Sous Vide
Plank / name-a-rama / 5 principles
Downward dog – calf stretch
Runners stretch
Knee hugs / pigeon pulls
Grass grabbers x20 IC
Mosey to the football field by way of the road
Tha Thang
With winter in full swing in America, the jock culture has transitioned from throwing a football around outside to watching college basketball on the tube and at least thinking about getting ready for spring and the beach. Avid lifters may be bundled up in sweats at the gym or if they are working out in the garage, they’ve added a space heater or an extra layer of clothing.
But there is a hardy group of athletes – besides the men of F3 – who live for those winter months when the ground is covered in white as far as the eye can see – those who smile broadly at the season’s first snowflake while others frown and head inside to throw another log onto the fire. Some of these winter athletes ski, some snowboard, and some skate, but the winter sports practiced by the biggest, strongest, and fastest athletes is sledding.
Olympic bobsledders prove their worth in a combine – a test of speed and strength including sprints, squats, the two-handed shot toss and the broad jump along with other exercises. Today’s F3 combine combined all 4 of these moves.
Round 1:
15 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps
Round 2
30 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps
Round 3 – repeated twice
45 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps
After the combine, the Pax split into teams of 3 or 4 for bobsled races. Starting on the line, all teams completed:
40yd sprint
15yd bear crawl single file
15yd low crawl (extra fun on a muddy field) single file
15yd crawl bear to the finish line single file
We ran 4 races with a different exercise between them.
Race 1 then Pax did 15 burpees
Race 2 then Pax did 3 rounds of hill runs (2 burpees at the bottom of the hill, Bernie up the hill, 2 burpees at the top, and mosey down)
Race 3 then Oshag led us in T-jumps x20 IC
Race 4
Today was a reminder that we’re all man enough in God’s eyes. The enemy uses comparison to make us feel like we’re not as good as the guys we see on TV every week, or he uses lies to bolster our pride too much, but we each have a calling of our own and we can be a hero to other men just in showing up each day.
End in COT