One Song at a Time

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-27
Weather: Mid-to-Upper 20’s; light dusting of snow on the ground, a great morning

Q: Incognito
PAX: 4 – Sous Vide, Muck, Zebra, Incognito

Boxer shuffle in the parking lot, with Michael Phelps
Mosey up to coupons on the football field
Straight Leg Hangs
Quad Stretch
Pigeon Pull
Walk out to Plank
Downward Dog Calf Stretch
Arm Circles

Tha Thang
The area in front of the bleachers represented on side
We set 4 coupons (1 for each PAX) straight out from the bleachers about 15 or 20 yards away

For the length of one song we did the following:
5 Coupons Squats – run to bleachers – 5 Merkins – run back to coupons – repeato

We did this for 5 additional songs using the two exercises as listed here:
Shoulder Press & Lunges
Curls & Jump Squats
Romanian Dead Lift & Merkins
Bent Over Rows & Tricep Dips
Curls & Merkins

Put the coupons back

Closed with just a couple minutes of Mary:
Leg Raise with Leg Lift IC
Right Leg Reach IC
Left Leg Reach IC

Moseyed back to parking lot

End in COT

Sometimes you fly solo

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-26
Weather: 45 and nice. The rain held out right to the end

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 1 – Whitewall

We don’t need no stinking warm ups

Tha Thang
I knew judging by slack last night that YHC was gonna be going it alone this morning but didn’t want to take the chance that a straggler or DR Pax would show so off we go. Besides got pretty good sleep last night which is rare so it was going to be a good day!

Start off with a mosey down the hill and to the .25 mi mark. Stop for work
40 air squats
10 standard merkins
10 diamond merkins
10 wide arm merkins
20 BBS
Off for more running to the .5 mi mark
There began the 8s (a figure 8 stretch thru the soccer fields)
40 air squats then run to the halfway mark
30 merkins (10 standard, diamond and wide arm) then run to the end
20 BBS then run back to the halfway mark
40 air squats then back to the beginning
30 merkins (standard, diamond and wide arm)
Run out another .5 mi going quarter out and quarter back to the 8s.
20 BBS then head back towards the lot stopping at .25 mi mark for
40 air squats
30 merkins with the same mix
20 BBS
Back to the shelter at the parking lot
45 bench dips broken into 15s with a 10 second break in between
Finish with a 2 minute wall sit

The pace was slow on the run but popped in the earbuds and got after it. With everyone’s schedule being hectic there are days like this and I’m thankful God gives me the ability to get out and push myself

End in COT

A Clash with Rochamburpees

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-25
Weather: 48, Overcast, Wet (no rain)

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 7 – Boo Boo, Sous Vide, 49er, Incognito, Raquel, Bagman, Muck

8 minutes of various stretching potions (holding each stretch for 40 sec.); Serpentine mosey from shelter to bottom and back (grabbing a coupon before going back to the shelter)

Tha Thang
REPs OYO unless otherwise stated

20 Bulgarian Split Squats (10 on each leg)
5 Tea Time Merkins (slower / nice & easy warm-up)
20 Reverse Lunges (alternating, 1 is 1) (Hallelujahs for Extra Credit)
5 Worlds Greatest Merkins (right arm stationary – In Cadence 2 count)
15 Squats (With Coupons)
15 Lion Kings (With Coupons)
10-Count From a PAX

10 Captain Thors (1 big boy with 4 american hammers)
10 Control Freak Merkins (In Cadence, 2 Count – Down / Up)
20 Reverse Lunges (alternating, 1 is 1) (Hallelujahs for Extra Credit)
5 Worlds Greatest Merkins (left arm stationary – In Cadence 1,2 count only)
15 Squats (With Coupons)
15 Lion Kings (With Coupons)
10-Count From a PAX

Fire Drill (Wood chops, PAX calls fire, drop to ground – roll right then merkin – roll left then merkin, back to wood chop)
15 Lateral Bounds (Ski Jumps)
10 Rocket Merkins
20 Reverse Lunge Knee Drives (alternating, 1 is 1)
12 Shoulder Press
8 Side Plank Leg Lifts (Right Side)
8 Side Plank Leg Lifts (Left Side)
10 Coupon Curls
20-Count From a PAX

3 Minutes Rochamburpees (Rock / Paper / Scissors) – Partners, Loser does 1 burpee, Each Round you add a burpee)

End in COT

First Cold Weather Q

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-22
Weather: Clear low 20s

Q: Yanni
PAX: 11 – Bagman, Alfalfa, Ding Dong, Radio, Muck, Raquel, Incognito, Sous Vide, Weird Science, Lincoln Log, Yanni

Abe vigoda x10
Finkle swings 10 each leg
Arm circles 10 small 10 large forward and back
Grass grabbers x 10
21s ssh x2

Tha Thang
Mosey to the football field
Colt 45s- Coupon curls and bleacher dips
Bent over rows 30
Bleacher step ups 30 each leg

Partner up, one partner runs, other partner adds to totals
50 merkins
100 4 count flutter kicks
150 overhead claps
200 4 count american hammers
250 coupon squats

Mosey to hill below scoreboard
Everyone find a spot on the hill. Picture a clock face, 12 o clock is the scoreboard, 6 o clock is the sidewalk.
Call out a number 1-12 and walk a plank to that number on the clock, hold plank 10 seconds, do 10 merkins
Call out new number, walk to that number, hold 10 seconds, 9 merkins
Repeat to 0 merkins left

Partner up
Partner 1 hold Al Gore
Partner two, hill runs. Sprint forward, backwards, facing right and facing left

Mosey back to Parking lot

End in COT

Duggar of the Four Days

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-19
Weather: 31° and clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 5 – Duggar, Weird Science, Whitewall, Zebra, Lansbury

Mosey + OYO Stretches

Tha Thang
PAX went on a run with two stations of work.

After encountering a trash panda, PAX explored their way counter clockwise around the playground… Somehow without any play.

PAX finished with wall work that would make Lil John blush.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-20
Weather: Low 30’s

Q: Zebra
PAX: 5 – Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Raquel, Mayberry (DR), Zebra

Thanks to DR Pax Mayberry for showing up today and crushing us all with his speed and skill!

Name-O-Rama while doing boxer shuffle and Michael PhelpsDeep Squat stretch OYO
10 Abe Vigodas IC
10 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Hillbillies IC
Dynamic Stretching – Knee pulls, Pigeon stretch, Quad pulls, High Knees

Tha Thang
This Q is the result of a day home with a sick 2.0 and plenty of time to think and plan something new.

Starting in the bottom corner of the parking lot, we stopped at each station/crosswalk to complete 5 reps, then AYG Sprint up the hill, then 4 more stations. We completed the loop, adding 5 reps each time. We completed rounds of 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps, 20 reps and then with the remaining time did one more loop with 10 reps each.

Station 1: Merkins
Station 2: Moroccan Night Clubs
Station 3: Bonnie Blairs – 2 is 1 (Jump lunges)
Station 4: Spider Planks (Shoulder taps then knee taps)
AYG Hill Sprint
Station 5: Overhead Press
Station 6: Body Builders (Burpee + a Plank Jack)
Station 7: Grapplers
Station 8: Dorothy’s

Finished with Mary
10 – slow count 8 count dead bugs
Merkins AMRAP (Boo Boo’s pick)

End in COT

The World Has Turned and Left Me Here

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-17
Weather: Low 30’s, felt warm

Q: Zebra
PAX: 8 – Ping, 49er, Ronaldo, Boo Boo, Axeman, Sous Vide, Weird Science, Zebra

I woke up with a message that the Q on the docket was up all night with a 2.0 and requesting to tag out for the beatdown. Without a lot of time, pulled one out of the bag of past Q’s and ran with it.
More importantly, I setup a new playlist for the day…All Weezer!

Boxer shuffle and Michael Phelps OYO
15 Copperhead Squats IC
10 Merkins IC
Plank/Runners Stretch
Mosey to the coupons and paired up to get started

Tha Thang
Starting at the crosswalk in the upper lot. One partner did reps at the crosswalk while the other moseyed to the end of the lot for core work.

Round 1: PAX 1 completed 20 Camel Merkins, while PAX 2 did BB Situps AMRAP. After completing Merkins, Pax ran to the end of the lot and traded roles. Each group completed 5 times (Total – 100 Merkins)

Round 2: PAX 1 completed 20 Squats (with or without Coupon weight), while PAX 2 did new Spider Planks. (Plank with shoulder taps then toe taps) Completed 5 times (Total – 100 Squats)

Round 3: (shortened run) PAX 1 completed 20 Coupon Curls, while PAX 2 did new Dorothy’s (Squat jump with toe tap on the jump) Completed 5 times with a sprint one direction (Total – 100 Curls)

End in COT

Father Time

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-15
Weather: 15° and Clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 19 – Alfalfa, Ding Dong, Ping, Raquel, Bagman, Muck, Juul, Weird Science, Sparky, Zebra, Incognito, Radio, Stapler, Ronaldo, Sous Vide, Axeman, Lansbury, Hertz, 49er

Dynamic warm-up + Mosey up the lot

Tha Thang
Tabata: 4 cycles of each exercise—30 sec work, 15 sec rest, and 30 seconds rest between exercise except as noted below.

Mountain Climbers
Copperhead Squats
Catalina Wine Mixers
90 seconds of lunges
Shoulder Taps
Carolina Dry Docks
120 seconds of overhead claps
Flutter Kicks
Bobby Hurley’s
120 seconds of SSH

10 Minute EMOM of 3 Burpees + 10 Squats

3 minute plank finish

Shout-out to 3 FNGs earning their street cred on day 1.

End in COT

Uninspired Backblast #PaddockRising

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-14
Weather: 18° and Dusting of snow

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Lansbury, Whitewall, Weird Science, Cherub

Dynamic warm-up

Tha Thang
PAX ran 2.5 miles with three stops for bodyweight work.

PAX did a 10 minute coupon EMOM of 10 curls, 10 shoulder presses, and 10 bent over rows.

End in COT

How Deep Is Your Love?

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-13
Weather: Upper 30’s; some drizzle but not too much.

Q: Incognito
PAX: 7 – Lansbury, Raquel, 49er, Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Muck, Incognito

Jog in place
Walkouts – with stretch at bottom and top
Frankensteins IC
Finkle Swings IC
Seal Jacks IC
Michael Phelps OYO
Arm & Tri Stretch

Tha Thang
We Went Around the Horn moseying the circumference of the parking lot stopping for routine exercises of varied reps:
by the Flag: Box Jumps
Other Corner: Ranger Merkins
By Coupons: Overhead Claps
Shelter: Tricep Dips
Close to the Trash: Hops up Curb

by the Flag: Iron Mike (Jump Lunges)
Other Corner: Standard Merkins
By Coupons: Overhead Claps
Shelter: Seated Squat Jumps
Close to the Trash: Decline Merkin

by the Flag: Monkey Drill (Sideways Lunge, knuckles close to ground)
Other Corner: Dive Bombers

Moseyed to the Shelter for some Core Work, 30 seconds per exercise, 10 second break:
Travolta Merkins
Squat X
Forward & Backward Walking Plank
Warrior 3 Lunge
The Bruce (cross ankles at top of Merkin)
Speed Skaters (wide leg, move over and lift)
X-Cross Plank (bring elbow and knee together, then back out)
Roll – feet up in the air, roll down and stand up
Sphinx Merkin
Towel Hop
Floyd Mayweather – Plank Punch (punch behind arm and infront of arm in plank)
Screamer Lunge
Prison Cell Pushup
Steam Engine
Mountain Climber
One Leg Towel hop
Single Leg Walkout to Plank, then Low-Plank (Sphinx)

I was really impressed how much folks enjoyed the BeeGees during these final 17 moves. All the men were in a romantic mood thinking about Valentine’s Day tomorrow. The song “How Deep Is Your Love” was especially touching to all of us.

Closed with Flutter Kicks IC

End in COT

Let’s try this new diddy I picked up

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-12
Weather: Weather app says 34 but felt like 60 since this is the first time that Paddock didn’t feel like a wind tunnel. Very fine morning in the gloom!

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 4 – Cherub, Lansbury, Weird Science, Whitewall

Quick mosey around the lot. SSH, Grass Grabbers, leg swings for half the side length of the lot and knee pulls for the other half. Back across doing high knees to butt kickers. Off we go

Tha Thang
So this past weekend got some bonus time with M and she wanted me to go try her new Burn Bootcamp gym. I figure this will be some great extra time to spend and connect. Little did I know that she was bringing me to 45 minute torture session to show me that White Wall summer beach bod still has some serious work to do.
As I lay there on the mat trying to figure out what station I lost my lung and having the white haired older guy next to me telling me to get my butt up and back to work (RESPECT!!), I thought….ya parts of this workout definitely need to be taken to Paddock!

As this is a running AO on Wednesdays…we ran 1.5 miles which was really just to catch our breath. At every 1/4 mile interval we stopped for a 4 minute exercise. At the top of each minute there was another movement and once the reps were completed it was back to it

Station 1
4 minutes of Spider squats (jump lunge each leg then a air squat)
3 burpees on the top of each minute.

Station 2
4 minutes of Side Straddle Hops
3 burpees on the top of each minute

Station 3
10 merkins each minute

Station 4
Air Squats
10 merkins each minute

Station 5
Back and forth between plank jump to mountain climbers
5 BBS each minute

This was a burner. I like the workouts that you get what you give. The rep count depending on what you had in the tank though being completely honest I’d say my reps started dying off at the last 2 stations.

End in COT

Monkey Humpers in the rain

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-11
Weather: Rain and low 40’s

Q: Madoff
PAX: 9 – Oshag, Muck, Lansbury, Raquel, Zebra, Bagman, Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Madoff

We started with some arm circles, Mike Phelps, Grass grabbers (IC), SHH (IC) and leg stretches

Tha Thang
We went over the Escalating Board of Pain:

10 Mountain Climbers-Count each leg
20 Merkins
30 LBC’s
40 Monkey Humpers (Especially fun in close quarters with a bunch of sweaty dudes)
50 American Hammers-Count each side
60 Overhead Claps (way harder than they seem)
70 Plank Jacks
80 Moroccan Nightclubs (also sneaky hard)
90 SSH’s
100 Freddie Mercury’s

PAX were instructed to complete the first exercise (under the shelter) then run a lap (in the cold rain), return to the shelter and complete the first two exercises then run a lap, return to the shelter andcomplete the first 3 exercises then run a lap…..the PAX continued this sequence until 6:15 (or we finished – turns out 6:15 came first)

End in COT

Wet and Wild 2020!!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-10
Weather: 47 and rain. Perfect weather!

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 4 – Sous Vide, Axeman, 49er, Boo Boo

10 SSH
10 Hillbillies
10 Seal Jumps
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Squats
10 Flings
20 Frankensteins
20 Small Jumps

Tha Thang
Starting in one corner of the large parking lot, we ran to the next corner and did 15 burpees. Ran to the next corner and did 15 coupon squats. Ran to the next corner and did 15 SSH’s. Ran to the next corner and did 4 flips of the tire. Repeat but this time 14 of everything etc. We completed 7 rounds for totals of about a mile and a half running, 84 burpees, 84 coupon squats, 84 SSH’s and 28 tire flips.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-08
Weather: Cold, snowy, windy – Perfect for a cold beatdown

Q: Oshag
PAX: 18 – Kisses, Boo Boo, Incognito, Lansbury, Opera Ghost (OG), Hanz&Franz, Zebra, Sous Vide, Axeman, Ricky Bobby, Raquel, Sushi, Hertz, Brutus, Weird Science, 49er, Muck, Oshag

Mosey to the snow slicked basketball courts. Dynos, stretches, arm circles, Michael Phelps

Tha Thang
Bootcamp Start

T-Jacks 4 count x 30Bear crawls 4 count x 20
Sous Vides (Mountain Climbers) x 30
Lunge twist 4 count x 10
Basic Burpee x 20
A-Skips 2 count x 30
Runner Lunge Squat x 20

Mosey to Hill
4 Stations 90 sec each
Station 1 – Tire flip
Station 2 – Upwhill lunge, jog back
Station 3 – Bear crawl downhill, jog up
Station 4 – Bernie Sanders uphill, jog back

Sprint up, jog down
Karaoke up facing baseball fields, jog down – Karaoke up facing tennis courts, jog down
Shuffle up and down
Sprint up, jog down

Return to stations

4 Stations 90 sec
Tire flip up hill
Coach Sherril run uphill (run 3 strides and hit a grass drill)
Fireman drag uphill – switch as needed
Leap frog – uphill

Everyone all uphill
Sprint up, jog down
Karaoke up facing baseball fields, jog down – Karaoke up facing tennis courts, jog down
Shuffle up and down
Sprint up, drag down

Everyone welcome the newest millennial O-Bury. Arrogant cuss but like all he’s welcome and got a beat down today.

End in COT

Sled Dogs #PaddockRising

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-07
Weather: 28° with a gentle snowfall

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Lansbury, Weird Science, Cherub, Whitewall

Unload tires, load pavers into tires, and belt up.

Tha Thang
2.15 mile Run/Ruck with tires loaded down with pavers and snow.

Station 1: SSH Paver Presses, Iso Lunge Paver Chops, Merkins

Station 2: Tire+Paver Squats, Tire+Paver Curls, Incline Tire+Paver Pulls

Station 3: SSH Paver Presses, LBCs, Handstand Merkins.

March on the grass through the snow, picking up extra weight and resistance.

Mary + Wall Sit Finisher

End in COT

This One’s Gonna Hurt Later

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-06
Weather: Upper 30s and overcast but calm

Q: 49er
PAX: 5 – 49er, Sous Vide, Oshag, Muck, Boo Boo

The morning Q comes courtesy of a little stroll through the F3 Louisville backblasts with a late-night playlist from Amazon Music. YHC was expecting cold rain and got an alert from WeatherBug to seek shelter due to lightning strikes but we had a pretty good, mild morning for early February.

We started in the lot with a round of stretching and warmups:
Plank / Downward dog
Pigeon Pulls
SSHs x25 IC

Serpentine mosey through the lot to get coupons. Stop at each crosswalk for 10 squats.

Tha Thang
Next, we circled up in the shelter with our coupons for the remainder of the WO, aided by a late-night pop/hip-hop playlist:

1.Manmakers x10 IC
2.Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes x25 IC
3.Squat Potato – 2 coupons for 1min each way
-Pax held a squat in an outward facing circle and passed 2 coupons for a minute in each direction.
4.Calf Raises with Coupon x35 IC
5.Cut a Flip w/ Wide Grip Merkin for 1 minute
-Pax alternated 5 BBS / 5 Merkins AMRAP
6.Elf on a Shelf x20 OYO each side
7.Cut a Flip w/ Diamond Merkins for 1 minute
8.Lion King x20 OYO each side
9.Pass the Potatoes – 2 coupons for 4 minutes, alternating direction every minute
-Pax sat in a circle with their backs to each other. We then passed the coupon in alternating directions. Think American Hammer + Squat Potato
10.Cut a Flip w/ standard Merkin for 1 minute
11.Manmakers x10 OYO
12.Squat potatoes w/ 2 coupons – 4 minutes, switching direction about every minute (“Give Me Everything” by Pitbull)

Having completed a real backbreaker and wondering if I had any Advil at home, we put the coupons away and moseyed back to the lot.

End in COT

Windy Tabata #PaddockRising

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-05
Weather: 34° with wicked wind

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Weird Science, Sous Vide, Whitewall, Lansbury

SSH, Copperhead Squats, Mosey around lot, OYO leg and arm stretches.

Tha Thang
Tabata (35:30 – 96 intervals): 12 sets, 4 30-sec cycles, and 30 seconds rest between sets.
1. Skater hops w/Pavers
2. Am Hams w/Pavers
3. Paver chops with lunge position (switch legs halfway through each cycle)
4. Coupon Iron Cross
5. Pull-ups
6. Bob Hurley’s
7. Hanging Leg Raise
8. Coupon Goblet Squat
9. Coupon Chest Press
10. Bent over coupon row
11. Coupon curls
12. Coupon Squat Press

*Pavers = 10lbs
*Coupons = 38lbs

Glad to have Sous Vide make the trek to Paddock #PaddockRising

End in COT

I Got Gravel In My Palms

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-03
Weather: 45 deg and clear

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 7 – Lincoln Log, Boo Boo, Axeman, Zebra, Oshag, Sous Vide, 49er

Dynamic Legs Stretches followed by a 1/4 mile Run to the next ball field parking lot.

Mountain Climbers
Grass Grabbers

Tha Thang
Round 1: 5 Burpees, 1/8 mi Run
Round 2: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 1/8 mi Run
Round 3: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 1/8 mi Run
Round 4: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 1/8 mi Run
Round 5: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 1/8 mi Run
Round 6: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 30 sec Plank, 1/8 mi Run
Round 7: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 30 sec Plank, 35 Am Hams, 1/8 mi Run
Round 8: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 Dry Docks, 25 Squats, 30 sec Plank, 35 Am Hams, 40 Overhead Presses in the People’s Chair, 1/8 mi Run

Then run 1/4 mi back to AO.

End in COT

Cool Runnings

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-01
Weather: 36 and misty

Q: 49er
PAX: 14 – 49er, Bagman, 3rd Shift, Sushi, Raquel, Incognito, Radio, Oshag, Axeman, Kisses, Hertz, Lansbury, Juul, Sous Vide

Plank / name-a-rama / 5 principles
Downward dog – calf stretch
Runners stretch
Knee hugs / pigeon pulls
Grass grabbers x20 IC

Mosey to the football field by way of the road

Tha Thang
With winter in full swing in America, the jock culture has transitioned from throwing a football around outside to watching college basketball on the tube and at least thinking about getting ready for spring and the beach. Avid lifters may be bundled up in sweats at the gym or if they are working out in the garage, they’ve added a space heater or an extra layer of clothing.

But there is a hardy group of athletes – besides the men of F3 – who live for those winter months when the ground is covered in white as far as the eye can see – those who smile broadly at the season’s first snowflake while others frown and head inside to throw another log onto the fire. Some of these winter athletes ski, some snowboard, and some skate, but the winter sports practiced by the biggest, strongest, and fastest athletes is sledding.

Olympic bobsledders prove their worth in a combine – a test of speed and strength including sprints, squats, the two-handed shot toss and the broad jump along with other exercises. Today’s F3 combine combined all 4 of these moves.

Round 1:
15 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps

Round 2
30 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps

Round 3 – repeated twice
45 yd sprint
40 coupon squats
20yd coupon toss – underhand with 2 hands
10yd broad jumps

After the combine, the Pax split into teams of 3 or 4 for bobsled races. Starting on the line, all teams completed:

40yd sprint
15yd bear crawl single file
15yd low crawl (extra fun on a muddy field) single file
15yd crawl bear to the finish line single file

We ran 4 races with a different exercise between them.

Race 1 then Pax did 15 burpees
Race 2 then Pax did 3 rounds of hill runs (2 burpees at the bottom of the hill, Bernie up the hill, 2 burpees at the top, and mosey down)
Race 3 then Oshag led us in T-jumps x20 IC
Race 4

Today was a reminder that we’re all man enough in God’s eyes. The enemy uses comparison to make us feel like we’re not as good as the guys we see on TV every week, or he uses lies to bolster our pride too much, but we each have a calling of our own and we can be a hero to other men just in showing up each day.

End in COT

Michelin Men #PaddockRising

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-31
Weather: 37°, clear, and dry.

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Lansbury, Whitewall, Weird Science, Cherub

Dynamic Warm-up. Mosey around lot. Stretch.

Tha Thang
Round 1:
5 x 40 yard Tire Sprints
5 x 40 yard hop back sprints
2 x 40 yard Bear Crawls w/Tires
15 Manmakers w/Tires
20 Mountain Climbers (2=1)
25 American Hammers
30 Curls w/tires

Round 2:
2 x 40 yard Lunge Tire Pulls
2 x 40 yard Lunge Tire Pulls w/Twist
2 x 40 yard Lateral bear crawls w/Tire
15 Hand Release Merkins
20 Hand Stand Merkins
25 Flutter Kicks (2=1)
30 Hand-to-hand Tire Toss & Catch

Round 3:
10 x 40 yard Tire Sprints
30 Leg Raises w/Tire Overhead
20 Standing Rows w/Tire
1 Min Wall Sit w/Tire
1 Min Overhead Tire Press AMRAP

Thank you to White Wall for putting together tires 2.0. Great to see Weird Science on a school day. #PaddockRising

End in COT

Back to the 90’s

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-30
Weather: 32 degrees

Q: Zebra
PAX: 5 – Incognito, Oshag, Sous Vide, Muck, Zebra

Pax circled up and did boxer shuffles and name-o-rama since the QIC has been MIA he thought he may not remember anyone’s name. 5 pax, 3 with respect, young guys we’re outnumbered. Much respect! Armed with a back to the 90’s playlist, here we go.
8 – Plank with flying arm IC
10 – Imperial Walkers
10 – Hillbillies
Dynamic stretches: Frankenstein’s, knee to chest, pigeon pulls, quad stretch
Mosey to the coupons

Tha Thang
5 stations: Upper parking lot – start by first tree, each light pole is a station, last tree is 5th station

Round 1: 10 Minutes – AMRAP
Station 1: 20 merkins – Sprint to next station
Station 2: 20 Coupon Squats – Overhead coupon carry to next station
Station 3: 20 – Coupon Curls – Sprint to next station
Station 4: 20 Mountain Climbers 1×1 – Bear Crawl to station 5
Station 5: 20 toe taps 1×1 – Mosey to coupon, carry to next station, mosey to start.

Round 2: 10 minutes
Station 1: 5 burpees – sprint
Station 2: 20 Lunges 1×1 – overhead carry
Station 3: 20 coupon presses – sprint
Station 4: 20 American Hammers 1×1
Station 5: 20 Calf Raises

Long mosey back to start, then Mary for finisher
007’s IC
Superman’s IC
Plank with flying arms IC
Deadbug’s IC

End in COT

Get to work on that beach bod!

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-29
Weather: Above freezing. That’s all we can ask for

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 3 – Whitewall, Lansbury, Cherub

Arm swings and circles, SSH, copperhead squats and some walkout merkins

Tha Thang
Get a nice mile run to get things warmed up but first…10 burpees. Get to the .25 mi mark…10 burpees. Again at the .5 mi mark…10 burpees. Get the theme? In total we did a mile with 50 burpees done in intervals.

Once back to the lot it was time for a Dora. 1 team worked while the other ran the length of the lot.
100 merkins
200 bench dips
300 air squats
400 calf raises off the curb

Finish with
15 Am Hams IC

Blessed to have other leaders of men out there to push me to be better

End in COT

Running in the dark part 2

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-28
Weather: Cold and dark

Q: Madoff
PAX: 5 – Bagman , Muck, Oshag, 49er, Sous Vide

Circled up for some arm circles, Mike Phelps and leg stretches (all OYO) and some SSH and GrassGrabbers (IC)

Tha Thang
I learned my lesson from a few most back and came prepared with a headlamp for a nice run this morning in the pitch black.

We set off at a brisk mosey on the path. Every 30-60 seconds we would all turn around and meet up at the back of the pack for an exercise.

We did jump squats, merkins, mountain climbers, SSH, planks and maybe a few others in our exercises between the running.

All in all, I’m sure everyone got a good cardio workout in this AM. Nice work men!

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-27
Weather: 41° and damp

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 6 – Lansbury, Oshag, 49er, Madoff, Axeman, Sous Vide

Mosey to court and dynamic warm-up

Tha Thang

24—Bob Hurley’s
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Hand Release Merkins
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Leg Lunges
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Line Touches
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Shoulder Merkins
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Mountain Climbers (2 is 1)
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Flutter Kicks (2 is 1)
1—Full Court Line Drill
24—Foot Fires
1—Full Court Line Drill (8 Total)

5—Burpees for Kobe’s NBA titles
13—Merkins for Gianna
81—SSH/Seal Claps for the 2nd highest scoring NBA game
60—Dips/Squats for the most points in a final NBA career game

5-Min GOAT Yoga Flow

81-Big Boy Sit-ups in overtime

Thankful for today, it isn’t a given.

End in COT

Parking lot mosey station to station

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-25
Weather: Low 30’s and damp

Q: Radio
PAX: 18 – Bagman , Raquel, Muck, Sous Vide, Zebra, Axeman, Oshag, Stapler, Weird Science, 49er, Hanz&Franz, Ricky Bobby, Incognito, Hertz, Lansbury, Cherub, Red Flanders, Radio

High knees, butt kickers, walking knee hugs, walking glute stretch, Frankensteins, hillbillies-12, grass grabbers-12

Tha Thang
Mosey from bottom parking lot to the top clockwise. At the top we had 9 stations (tractor tire flips, tire sledgehammer swings, burpees, coupon squats, coupon military/shoulder press, merkins, coupon arm curls, coupon farmer’s walk, coupon bench/chest press). We did one station while partner planked. Then we moseyed to next level of parking pad and did bear crawls. Moseyed to next level and did double leg bounds/broad jumps and single leg bounds/high skips on way back. Then moseyed to next level and did Carioca steps up and back. Then moseyed back to bottom and did 50 American hammers. We repeated our mosey pattern to the top and did two stations/planks. Next time did two more stations and planks. Last time around did final four stations and planks.

Each time on the way moseying back down each parking lot section we changed the mobility exercises (partner carry, lunges, Bernie Sanders, exaggerated Carioca steps, high shuffles, sprint and defensive slide). We did a different ab exercise at the bottom each time usually for 50 reps (Dolly’s, Palms to the sky, and finished with big boy sit-ups-18 reps as our final count.

End in COT

When all else fails…do some EMOM

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-24
Weather: Rain and bunches of it but 45 degrees which is a win this time of year

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 2 – Whitewall, Cherub

Some solo stretching and SSH IC all while catching up

Tha Thang
Well….YHC had a workout planned that involved the F3 workout deck. About 5:00 am realized that deck is sitting in my desk drawer at the shop so….time to improvise!
Decided to do an EMOM rotation

Set 1
10 minute EMOM of 3 burpees and 3 pull ups

Set 2
10 minute EMOM of 10 merkins and 10 bench dips

Set 3
5 minute EMOM of 30 air squats

Set 4
8 minute EMOM of alternating minutes between:
20 BBS
20 Flutter kicks 2 as 1

30 burpees, 30 pull ups, 100 merkins, 100 bench dips, 150 air squats, 80 BBS and 80 flutter kicks

End in COT

In Our Sanctuary

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-23
Weather: Mid-30s; felt good for this time of year

Q: Incognito
PAX: 7 – Incognito, Zebra, Sous Vide, Muck, Ronaldo, Red Flanders, 49er

Walkouts – with stretch at bottom and top
Frankensteins IC
Finkle Swings IC
Hip Rotations

Tha Thang
Grabbed some coupons and grouped in the shelter.
Today we did 4 minutes sets.
3 exercises, 20 seconds, repeat 4x w/no breaks

The 5 4-minute sets were as follows:
Curls – Jump Squats – Merkins
Overhead Press – Burpees – High Knees
Bent Over Rows – Gas Pumpers – Plank Jacks
Squat Thrusters – Flutter Kicks – Merkins
Coupon Squats – Jump Lunges – Mountain Climbers

We took a break between each 4 minute set by moseying down the steps to the road and back up the other steps. Had to chop off 1:20 from the last set to finish in time.
Last thing we did was 4 1-minute holds:
Wall Sit
Al Gore

We closed out with Circle of Trust in the shelter since it’s the closest thing we have to a sanctuary at our AO.

End in COT

Cherub VQ

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-17
Weather: 16 degrees

Q: Cherub
PAX: 3 – Cherub, Lansbury, Whitewall

Grass grabbers, SSH

Tha Thang
3 sets of:
Bench Jumps (8-10 reps)
Pull-Ups (as many as you can do)
Pistol Squat (8-10 reps)
Push-Ups (8-10 reps)
Lateral Leap (8-10 reps)
Inverted Row (8-10 reps)
Bulgarian Split-Squat (8-10 reps per leg)
Decline Push-Ups (8-10 reps)
Dips (8-10 reps)
Ab Roll-Out (as many as you can do)

1 set of 10 40 yrs dashes

End in COT

More Than Posts

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-22
Weather: 17° | Clear | Wind 4 mph

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Lansbury, Cherub, Whitewall, Boo Boo

Jog in place, butt kickers, high knees, warm-up lap, OYO arm stretches, yoga flow leg stretches.

Tha Thang
11s: Pull-ups (Shelter) and Donkey Kicks (Playground)

Mosey to hill base>>>50 Air Squats>>>Mosey up hill to splash pad side>>>25 Grapplers, 25 Flutter Kicks (2 is 1)>>>mosey to playground side>>>25 Merkins, 25 Hand Release Merkins, 50 Shoulder Taps>>>Mosey to hill base>>>30 curtsey lunges>>>mosey up hill.

5 minutes of pilates to finish.

End in COT

Red in the face!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-21
Weather: 24, feels like 16. snow flurries

Q: Red Flanders
PAX: 4 – Red Flanders, Muck, Boo Boo, Sous Vide

mosey to the far end of the tennis courts for some dynamic stretches
Mosey back to the shelter at the parking area

Tha Thang
Roll the dice, do the exercise… repeat-o.

The dice were finicky this morning, YHC didn’t track all the WO, but PAX counted at least 50 burpees, 4 mins of wall sits, various jump squats and at least 30 lunges (2 is 1).

overall a great WO, a great day to WO, and Great Guys to WO with!

End in COT

Like, really cold!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-20
Weather: Like, really cold! 15

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 2 – Sous Vide, 49er

20 ssh, 20 hillbillies, 10 squats, 10 lunges and 20 leg kicks.

Tha Thang
Mosey to scoreboard and did 10 hill sprints to get the blood flowing. Mosey back to flag and complete a set of blackjack. Merkins and LBC’s.

End in COT

Aren’t tires supposed to roll?

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-18
Weather: Feared a downpour of rain but turned out to be perfect! 48 degrees and dry

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 16 – Lansbury, Sous Vide, Oshag, Yanni, 49er, Sparky, Kisses, Hanz&Franz, Radio, Whitewall, Incognito, Red Flanders, Zebra, Ricky Bobby, Brutus, Axeman

SSH x 25 IC
Grass Grabbers x 15 IC
Copper head Squats x 15 IC slow count
Lunges 5 each leg with a torso twist

Tha Thang
If the tire guy runs the Q there should be tires right? Sure enough. Decided to implement an idea that Gyspy had put together in a Charlotte AO. After the warmup it was time to find a tire and hookup. Idea was to run with resistance of the tire tied to a belt and stop every 2:30 for work. This was a trial run and….modifications need to be made for next time. Didn’t take a couple hundred feet to figure out this wasn’t going to work on pavement. Either way….the tire was the burden to pull or in some cases including mine…carry.
Work as follows:
25 air squats w/ tire
25 overhead press
25 merkins using the tire
30 tire curls
20 total tire toss (like a kettlebell) switching hands

In total:
Just shy of 2 miles of running
50 squats
50 merkins
50 overhead
30 curls
20 tire toss

Quick note at the end of the workout about what it means to carry a burden (or tire) around and what it means to lay that burden down. Sometimes we need the help of our brothers to help lay that burden down and maybe it’s the guy next to you in the gloom that needs help with his weight or burden. I’m proud to be a part of a group of men that are aware of this and always ready and willing to step up to that challenge. We need each other to become the best versions of ourselves and I’m lucky to be apart of that!

End in COT

Some Gave All – In Honor of Those Who Died February 7th, 2007

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-16
Weather: Upper 30s and clear

Q: 49er
PAX: 7 – 49er, Muck, Axeman, Boo Boo, Incognito, Sous Vide, Red Flanders

YHC read the below description of the event of February 7th, 2007 while PAX did some light stretching:

Feb. 7, 2007 Helicopter down in Anbar Multi-National Force – West PAO CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq –A Marine CH-46 helicopter went down in Al Anbar Province this morning while conducting routine operations. All seven crewmembers and passengers on board were killed in the crash. DoD Release: Crash was determined to be a result of enemy action in Al Anbar province, Iraq

Petty Officer 1st Class Gilbert Minjares Jr.
Petty Officer 3rd Class Manuel A. Ruiz
Capt. Jennifer J. Harris
1st Lt. Jared M. Landaker
Sgt. Travis D. Pfister
Cpl. Thomas E. Saba
Sgt. James R. Tijerina

Tha Thang
Station 1
Petty Officer 1st Class Gilbert Minjares Jr.

30 hand release push ups IC
30 ~ 4 count Mountain Climbers IC

Between each “station”, Pax moseyed to the end of the parking lot, up to the next row, and back around to the starting point.

Station 2
Petty Officer 3rd Class Manuel A. Ruiz

30 Jump Squats OYO
30 ~ Four count bicycle crunches IC
Repeat & mosey

Station 3
Capt. Jennifer J. Harris

1⁄2 PAX Planks
While 1⁄2 does 25 Bobby Hurley’s then switch
Repeat so everyone planks twice and does 50 Bobby Hurley’s (number was supposed to be 100, but we realized how similar Jump Squats and Bobby Hurleys are and knew we would be short on time.)

Station 4
1st Lt. Jared M. Landaker

Moseyed to the shelter wall for a new move – Sunday Mornings, consisting of:
-Wall sit while doing 10 overhead presses or overhead claps while pressing your arms flat against the wall
-5 donkey kicks
-Balls-to-the-wall vertical shoulder press (feet up on the wall, body vertical with hands on the ground)

Pax attempted 5 of these before moseying back to the start.

Station 5
Sgt. Travis D. Pfister

50 SSH
10 Burpees
Repeat and went on to Station 7 due to the time

((((Station 6 – Skipped due to lack of time
Cpl. Thomas E. Saba
25 lunges each leg
Bear Crawl (keep low and level) to mid field from side
Repeat 25 lunges and Bear Crawl back to side line))))

Station 7 Sgt. James R. Tijerina

30 Big Boy Sit Ups OYO
30 Two count Shoulder Taps OYO

Prayed for several local concerns as well as those who follow God’s calling into harm’s way. May we all have the strength to follow wherever He leads us every day.

End in COT

Running? Who planned this?

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-15
Weather: Drizzle rain but I’ll take that and 50 degrees all day in January

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 3 – Whitewall, Cherub, Lansbury

SSH, Grass grabbers and some leg stretches OYO while catching up

Tha Thang
Pretty simple but one of my favorites for a running AO.
Start off down the hill running and stop every 90 seconds for work. Do a rotation of the following:
5 burpees on stop 1
15 merkins stop 2
30 air squats on 3
50 LBCs on 4
Then keep that loop going
2.2 miles
20 burpees
60 merkins
120 air squats
150 LBCs
Finish with mary

End in COT

Dropping Dimes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-13
Weather: Clear and Cool

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 5 – Lansbury, Incognito, Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Axeman

SSH, 13 Walkout Merkins, Lateral Line Touches, Pigeon Pulls, Mosey, OYO arm stretches

Tha Thang
Modified 10-minute Nickel & Dimes: 5 Burpees & 5 Box Jumps EMOM.

.25 lap around parking lot—walking lunge down side slope, run along road, Sprint up opposite slope, mosey to shelter.

Tabata: 6 exercises, 30 seconds work & 10 rest for 4 rounds. 30 seconds rest between exercises.

Coupon Chest Press, Mountain Climbers, Air Squats, Grapplers, Wall Sits, Curls.

Bonus Round of 40 two count flutter kicks IC

End in COT

Tired Yet?

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-11
Weather: Damp and Warm

Q: Hertz
PAX: 16 – Radio, Sous Vide, Archangel , Incognito, Lincoln Log, Muck, Weird Science, Axeman, Lansbury, Ricky Bobby, Hertz, Brutus, 49er, Ren, Oshag, Water Bucket

dive bomber
high knee
butt kicker
bear crawl
crab walk

Tha Thang
Primary Workout – must keep tires with your group at all times.

Big Group

Push tires for 1 min
Jump Lunge
Big Boy Situp

Indian Crowd Surf – 3 min
Keep tires up and moving

Indian Hop skotch – 3 min
Rotate tires forward. hop in, on, out.

4 Person Teams
Pick it up, Put it down – 3 min
tires over the fence, back and forth

Ruck Tires 3 Min
25 4 count flutter
20 team squat with tire
15 curl with tire
10 decline pushup

Primary Workout Complete

Bonus – RACE
Get to intersection as fast as possible
Every single pax assumed tires had to come along. The Q never said this.

COT – Brother’s make carrying heavy crap better. But Christ says we don’t have to carry any crap.

Mosey back to shovel flag with out tires. Free of crap.

Name-o-rama and FNG becomes Archangle.

End in COT

Deck O Death – Modified

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-09
Weather: Cool to cold. Dry. Windy.

Q: Oshag
PAX: 5 – Sous Vide, Muck, Oshag, 49er, Axeman

The usual – mosey to basketball court, Michael Phelps, dyno stretches

Tha Thang
Jumped right into the Deck O Death

Spades – High Skips across both bball courts, run back
Clubs – Bobby Hurleys
Hearts – American Hammers
Diamonds – Everybody’s fav – Catalina Wine Mixers

Any 5 – Modified Burpees
Joker – Q’s choice
Ace – Merkins

We did not make it through. Will have to rectify that next time.

End in COT

Functional Fitness

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-08
Weather: Cold and Windy

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 2 – Lansbury, Cherub

Mosey around lot, dynamic warm-up, lateral line touches, OYO leg and arm stretches.

Tha Thang
PAX performed an 11 at the hill. Catalina Wine Mixers at the bottom and burpees/core work at the top.

PAX covered 1.8 miles total on the hill. Majority of the time, PAX hauled coupons up and down to simulate our children. PAX took an intermission to run the hill and elevate heart rates.

Finished with brief HIIT using pavers.

End in COT

Merkin Bonaza

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-07
Weather: Cool, little sleet/snow/rain – overall fair

Q: Oshag
PAX: 6 – Oshag, Muck, Sous Vide, Madoff, 49er, Axeman

Michael Phelps – lots of it
Leg stretches including grass grabbers
Mosey to basketball courts and a lap around the courts

Tha Thang
Birthday Merkins
Days 1 – 10 = 10 reps
Days 11-20 = 15 reps
Days 21-31 = 10 reps

Month of the year – I’m not providing all the descriptions here. Figure it out, make up your own meaning, or ask one of the HIMs at the beat down. Bascially, everything below is a form of a Merkin. We did groups of 2 each round.

1- classic
2- crossover legs
3- reverse hands
4- spider
5- staggered hands
6- dive bomber
7- sous vides (Mountain Climbers with Merkin)
8- catalinas (you know what this is)
9- decline
10- power (up to get hands off the ground – clap Merkin with no clap)
11- rockers (walk feet up, walk feet back)
12- one wide – only one hand moves out wide

2 Suicides between rounds of Merkins. First suicide was normal, second suicide always had a variation at each line – squats, Bobby Hurley’s, SSH, lunges and one Bernie Sanders suicide.

We counted about 250 Merkins of some variety. We made it through the whole list and did a few extra birthdays.

End in COT

Cardio, Strength, Core, and Bodyweight Tibata

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-06
Weather: 31 and clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 6 – Boo Boo, Zebra, Sous Vide, 49er, Axeman, Lansbury

Mosey, SSH, Walkout Merkins, Runner’s Yoga Stretche, Hinged arm circles, OYO arm stretching.

Tha Thang
12 Exercises: 4 rounds of each exercise. 30 seconds of work. 10 seconds of rest between rounds. 30 seconds rest between exercises.

Skaters, Coupon Shoulder Press, Grapplers, Lateral Crossover Merkins, High Toe Taps, Coupon Chest Press, Star Crunches, Dip Toe Taps, Mountain climbers, Coupon Curls, American Hammers, Burpees.

*15 Big Boy Sit-up bonus round
**Coupons = 38 lbs.

End in COT

No Merkins – of any kind. Especially the ones Linc mentioned.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-04
Weather: Cool, misty 40 degrees- awesome for January

Q: Oshag
PAX: 10 – Muck, Ricky Bobby, Lansbury, Weird Science, Hanz&Franz, Radio, Sous Vide, Oshag, 49er, Hertz

Mosey to basketball courts
Plank Name-O-Rama
Dynos – high knees, butt kickers, walking lunges, Frankensteins

Tha Thang
T-Jacks 4 count x 30
Bear crawls 4 count x 20
Lateral shuffles x 30
Lunge twist 4 count x 10
Basic Burpee x 20
A-Skips 2 count x 30
Runner Lunge Squat x 20


Mosey to Coupons
Fire Bucket Line (where was Water Bucket when we needed him) pick up a coupon do 2 curls and pass it along – plank when waiting for the Coupons to get to you or once you’ve passed them all to the next PAX

Repeato – put them back

Mosey to big hill

Run 5 hills – everyone

Pair upRunner – run down, Bernie Sanders up
Top- choice of Mary
Repeat 5 times

Run back to parking lot

Welcome Muck. Today’s FNG.

End in COT

Tibata Improv

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-03
Weather: 50 with rain

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 2 – Lansbury, Whitewall

High Knees, Butt Kickers, Walkout Merkins, Yoga Stretches, OYO Leg and Arm Stretches

Tha Thang
12 exercise Tibata. 4 rounds per exercise—30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 30 second break between exercises.

Exercises: Skaters, Lateral Hand Walk Merkins, Overhead Press, Bent Over Row, Crossbody Leg Extension Touches, Alternating Coupon Cardio Work, High Toe Taps, Man-makers, Big Boy Sit-ups, American Hammers, Chest Press, mystery exercise.

3 minute ab burner finish

End in COT

20-20 A Simple, Boring Q

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-02
Weather: Upper 30’s; not a bad morning

Q: Incognito
PAX: 6 – Incognito, 49er, Sous Vide, Zebra, Boo Boo, Madoff

Frankensteins IC
Run in place doing a Name-O-Rama
Michael Phelps IC
Runner’s Stretch
Neck Stretch

Tha Thang
Moseyed up to top of the parking lot by the coupons; grabbed 1 coupon for each person.
Warning: Madoff gripped his CMU (Concrete Masonry Unity) too tightly and it broke on him. Never grip a CMU too tight.

We did 20 Merkins – then we did 20 Merkins
Ran around the full parking lot, and back to where we started

We did 20 Merkins – then we did 20 Merkins
We did 20 Squats – then we did 20 Squats
Ran around 3 levels of the parking lot, and back to where we started

We did 20 Merkins – then we did 20 Merkins
We did 20 Squats – then we did 20 Squats
We did 20 Coupon Curls – then we did 20 Coupon Curls
Ran around 2 levels of the parking lot, and back to where we started

We did 20 Merkins – then we did 20 Merkins
We did 20 Squats – then we did 20 Squats
We did 20 Coupon Curls – then we did 20 Coupon Curls
We did 20 Lunges – then we did 20 Lunges
Ran around 1 level of the parking lot, and back to where we started

We did 20 Merkins – then we did 20 Merkins
We did 20 Squats – then we did 20 Squats
We did 20 Coupon Curls – then we did 20 Coupon Curls
We did 20 Lunges – then we did 20 Lunges
We did 20 Overhead Presses – then we did 20 Overhead Presses
Put our coupons back, then ran to the shelter

We did 20 Tricep Dips – then we did 20 Tricep Dips

Moseyed back to the flag for some Mary
Flutter Kicks IC
Dolly IC
Box Cutters IC

End in COT

New Years Eve Party

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-12-31
Weather: Cold – 35 and windy but no rain

Q: Madoff
PAX: 3 – Sous Vide, Zebra, Madoff

Phelps OYO
Grass Grabbers IC
Leg Stretches OYO

Tha Thang
Thang #1
Mosey to one end of the parking lot
10 second squat hold + 10 squats
Mosey to the other end of the lot
2 burpees
Repeat with 20, 20, 4. 30, 30, 6. 40, 40, 8. 50, 50, 10. (We were feeling it by 30)

Thang #2 (Elevens)
Mosey to bottom of parking lot stairs
10 flutter kicks (2 = 1) at base
Run to top
1 AMHAM (4 = 1)
Repeat with 9, 2. 8, 3…. until we get to 1, 10.

Mosey to starting point for some MARY
Flutter kicks IC
Dolly kicks (or whatever these are called – I was calling them scissor kicks) IC
Low plank until failure

End in COT

Toys R Us!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-12-30
Weather: Windy, warm and dry. 50 degrees

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 4 – Sous Vide, Lansbury, Boo Boo, Axeman

10 ssh, 10 seal jumps, 10 squats, 20 Frankensteins, 10 lunges. Finished with ladder work. Went through the ladder and jogged back to beginning 8 times.

Tha Thang
Groups of two with 4 stations. 1. 200 merkins with 10 kettle bell swings. 2. 600 jump ropes with 4 tire flips. 3. 200 hex bar deadlifts (135 lbs) with 10 leg lifts each leg. 4. 200 med. ball slams (20 lb) with 5 hurdles to jump on the way to the other end, 1 burpee and 5 more hurdles to jump on the way back. While one partner started on the main exercise the other partner jogged 50 yards to do the other part.

End in COT

Into the Fog

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-12-28
Weather: Shorts and t-shirt weather in December

Q: Zebra
PAX: 9 – Cherub, Hanz&Franz, Radio, Sous Vide, Hertz, Kisses, Weird Science, Axeman, Zebra

With a last minute need of a Q, YHC went to his bag of goodies and pulled out a handful of pain. T-Claps for Hertz for not only crushing the beatdown in impressive fashion, but for also dialing up some groan inducing pain in the last 10 minutes.

Plank hold for the Name-O-Rama with a merkin for each name
15 Abe Begodas IC
12 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Monkey jumpers IC
Dynamic stretching – Frankenstein’s, quad pulls, knee pulls, pigeon stretch

Tha Thang
Thang 1:
We started with 11’s in the parking lot.
Merkins, ~30 yd mosey, BB Sit-ups
After we moseyed to the basketball courts

Thang 2:
In each corner of the 2 courts, we completed 25 reps of each exercise for four rounds totaling 100 of each. We did karaoke along the sidelines and sprinted/Bernie Sanders along the end lines.
4 corners: LBC’s, Squats, flutter kicks (2 is 1) and lunges (1 is 1)
After we moseyed to the tennis courts

Thang 3: Red Barchetta
Round 1: Sprint all 8 courts then do 100 SSH, sprint back and plank to wait on the 6
Round 2: Sprint 6 courts then do 75 mountain climbers (1 is 1) sprint back and plank for the 6
Round 3: Sprint 4 courts then do 50 American Hammers (2 is 1) sprint back/plank
Round 4: Sprint 2 courts then do 25 merkins, sprint back/plank

On the mosey back, the Q realized we still had 10 min left and asked Hertz if he had anything to add. He took a detour to the hill and made us all regret it.
Crawl bear up the hill (most had to modify to bear crawl) then 2 roll over burpees (I forget the name) drop, merkin, roll over, sit-up, jump clap.
Crawl bear down the hill, then 2 regular burpees.
Repeat 3 times

Mosey back to the parking lot and with a little over 1 minute left we did a 1 min plank with a punishment of 5 burpees for any fallouts. Nobody dropped, so we did 5 burpees to celebrate!

End in COT

The show rolls on

Location: Paddock
Date: 2019-12-27
Weather: Beautiful. Warm, about 60 degrees and dry! Hard to come by this time of year

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 1 – Whitewall

Stretching a little bit while groaning about the Q always making us run.

Tha Thang
Took off for a 1.6 mile run to begin. Then return to the shelter for some work.
6 rounds of:
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 air squats

6 rounds of:
15 bench dips
15 big boys
15 jump squats

End in COT

Modified Murph

Location: Paddock
Date: 2019-12-20
Weather: Not too bad. Mid 30s and no rain

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 2 – Lansbury, Whitewall

Real quick leg stretches and 20 SSH

Tha Thang
Throwing a last second workout together….why not try to squeeze in a Murph.
Start with a mile run
Back to the shelter we did 10 rounds of
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 air squats
Then as Lansbury and myself were catching some must needed fellowship at the same time we modified due to time.
60 bench dips broken into 3 sets
Then off for the second mile of the run.

The workout was definitely modified as we were able to take time for real talk. Just days prior our workout was cut short due to finding a fatal car accident just minutes into the workout. I’m grateful for good brothers to help me grow and build the best version of myself as a man, husband, father, brother and leader

End in COT

Always Leave Incognito Wanting More

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-12-26
Weather: 44 deg F & clear

Q: 49er
PAX: 5 – 49er, Sous Vide, Zebra, Axeman, Incognito

Stretching OYO
Shadow boxing
Grass grabbers 20x IC
Plank Jacks 15x IC
Copperhead squats 15x IC

Mosey to the coupons by the baseball field

Tha Thang
Pax collected 1 coupon and formed a line to carry it. Pax in the front carried the coupon to set the pace. Pax in the rear did 2 merkins, sprinted to the front, and took the coupon. Incognito offered to carry the coupon the whole way, but we didn’t want him to have all the fun!

Pax carried the coupon from the baseball field back the way we came from the lot (approx. 1/2 lap) and then on to the base of the hill at the football field.

Next up, we put our heads together and tried to figure out how to divide 5 HIMs by 2. Ended up with one pair consisting of Incognito and Axeman, and a trio of Zebra, Sous Vide and YHC for a Bear Crawl 1-2-3:

Pax 1 bear crawled up the hill and moseyed down while Pax 2 did the move, then switched and repeated until they hit the numbers. The trio added 50% to each number below.

Merkins 100x
LBCs 200x
Squats 300x

Pax relay-carried the coupon back to the baseball field after complaints from Incognito that we carried it and didn’t even use it!

After returning the coupon, Pax hit their 6 in the shelter for Mary.

Freddie Mercuries – 90 seconds
Pretzel Crunches – 90 seconds, switched legs halfway
Bay City Scissors – Alternating 4ct flutter w/ 4ct scissor – 90 seconds
BBSU’s – 20x IC

Mosey back to the flag

End in COT