Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-09-26
Weather: Bottle it up and sell it… it gets no better!
Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Munson, Raquel, 49er, Radio, Oshag, Zebra, Hertz, Sous Vide, Wally World, Splash Down, Axeman, Incognito, Muck
Introduction and disclaimer
– Runners stretch, side to side
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls, side to side
– Michael Phelps
– Tricep pull, behind head, side to side
– Abe Vigodas, 10 OYO
Tha Thang
In honor of your Cincinnati Reds clinching their first playoff berth since 2013, we moseyed to the basketball court for four rounds of Field of Dreams action!
In teams of three (one group had four), the PAX took a base and completed AMRAP exercises there until relieved. Once the team at Home completed 10 burpees, all the runners would advance. When the last team completed their burpees, we ran a loop around the tennis courts.
1st Base (AMRAP exercises)
• 1st round: LBC’s
• 2nd round: Step back lunges, with twist
• 3rd round: Jump rope
• 4th round: Squats
2nd Base (AMRAP exercises)
• 1st round: American Hammers
• 2nd round: Cross crunches (elbows to opposite knees)
• 3rd round: Big boy situps
• 4th round: Bobby Hurleys (slap the ground, then jump shot)
3rd Base (AMRAP exercises)
• 1st round: Dips
• 2nd round: Incline mercans
• 3rd round: Step ups (be careful)
• 4th round: Dips
• Burpees (10)
Once four rounds of F.O.D. were completed, it was a mosey to the football field for some Benjamins (100 exercises per set, five sets total).
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” That’s why we did five rounds of awesomeness, and why I’m writing this LONG backblast. 🙂
Round 1:
• 25 Curls >>
• 25 Walking Lunges>>
• 25 Squats>>
• 25 Walking Lunges back to your coupon
Round 2:
• 25 Bentover Rows>>
• 25 Monkey steps>>
• 25 Mountain Climbers>>
• 25 Monkey steps back to your coupon
Round 3:
• 25 Bench Presses>>
• 25 High knees>>
• 25 Mercans>>
• 25 High knees back to your coupon
Round 4:
• 25 Raggedy Ann’s>>
• 25 Bear crawl steps>>
• 25 LBC’s>>
• 25 Bear crawl steps back to your coupon
Round 5:
• 25 Overhead presses>>
• 25 Sprint steps>>
• 25 SSH’s>>
• 25 Sprint steps back to your coupon
To make sure everyone got their money’s worth, we moseyed back to the flag for about six minutes of Mary. It involved 25 ice skaters, 25 LBC’s, 25 mercans w/ rotation… we may have snuck another 25 of something in there, can’t recall.
A good time was had by all! Welcome Splash Down and Munson!
End in COT