Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-08-26
Weather: Change In The Weather- Stevie Ray Vaughn (on playlist)
Q: Muck
PAX: 24 – Bettis, Morpheus, Buffet, Chewbacca, Dr. Quinn, 49er, Buzz Kill, Incognito, Radio, Axeman, Molar, Tailgate, Subject Matter, Tatanka, Flu Shot, No Mas, Phalanges, LeBron, Baby Driver, Sous Vide, Wally World, Oshag, Muck, Santa’s Little Helper
– Michael Phelps
– THE Runner’s Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– 007 Sit-ups (AMRAP, through “Live and Let Die”)
Tha Thang
To celebrate Sous Vide’s 1,000th post, he was crowned “King For The Day”. As King, he had the power to call “Burpee!” at any time and everyone had to do a Burpee. Note: The power went to his head and he used it quite often throughout the hour.
The pax paired up and moseyed to the football field coupons, then to the hill scoreboard.
Started off with three rounds of Diego (Dora’s cruel cousin). While one pax did a collective exercise at the top of the hill, the other team member ran to the bottom of the hill and did reps of another exercise. The pax at the bottom would then Bernie back up the hill and switch out.
Round 1:
Top- 100 Coupon swings
Bottom- 10 Sous Vides (Mountain Climbers)
Round 2:
Top- 150 Overhead press w/ coupon
Bottom- 10 Sous Vides (Mountain Climbers)
Round 3:
Top- 200 – Mercans
Bottom- Sous Vide’s choice (5 No Surrenders)
Teams put away their coupons and then moseyed to the basketball court for some Field of Dreams action (partially inspired because of the great season Sous Vide’s Baltimore Orioles are having). Pax divided into four groups and each took a base. Pax at Home did 10 Burpees, while the other pax did AMRAP reps at their bases. Once complete at Home, all four groups rotated. After all four bases were complete, it was a mosey around the outside of the tennis courts. We got through three rounds.
1st Base
Round 1- LBC’s
Round 2- Step Back Lunges w/ twist
Round 3- Jump Rope
2nd Base
Round 1- American Hammers
Round 2- Box cutters
Round 3- Big Boy Situps
3rd Base
Round 1- Dips
Round 2- Incline Mercans
Round 3- Step Ups
Then, pax moseyed back to the flag to finish up with some Alphabets (with Sous Vide sprinkling in some Burpees).
Today’s 6th Man was Sous Vide, who inspired us all with his naming story. Sorry buddy, you’re still stuck with the name. 🙂 Oshag distributed water bottles to everyone, then led us all in a toast to Sous Vide. And because we all had water left in our bottles, Sous Vide got drenched!
Lots of fun today and good fellowship! Reminder to bring guys who need a little F3 in their lives.
End in COT