Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-23
Weather: Mid 60’s – Beautiful Morning
Q: Incognito
PAX: 18 – Muck, El Fed, Animal Style, Lansbury, The Janitor, Sous Vide, Axeman, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Radio, Fergie, Raquel, Subject Matter, Yanni, Chewbacca, Geppetto, Incognito, Czekov
Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Bend and Hang, Runner’s Stretches
Tha Thang
Mosey to Basketball Court
40 SSHs IC
40 Merkins IC
40 Squats IC
40 Step Back Lunges
Mosey to Pullup Shelter
40 Pullups (done 8 EMOM for 5 minutes) w/40 squats mixed in
40 Over the Hills (traversing a picnic table)
40 BBS
40 Tricep Dips
Mosey to Football Field – lineup on 40 yard line
40 yard sprint
40 curls
40 yard bear crawl
40 overhead press
40 yard crabwalk
40 coupon bench press
40 yard sprint
40 Burpee Challenge
We divided up into two teams, each team at an opposite end of a 4 cone baseball triangle. Each team did 10 burpees at each cone, totaling 40 burpees.
My team won.
40 Manmaker’s Over the Hill (at the scoreboard)
Divided up into partners; one doing manmakers another moseying down the hill and bernie up, then switch. Complete until 40 Manmakers are done.
Mosey back to the flag for quick devotion.
Devotion: 40 is the number of completeness in the Bible. Once you hit 40, life is complete…and hence, essentially OVER.
End in COT