Putting the Mumble in Mumbleruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-28
Weather: Clear as a bell… which is a saying I don’t really understand.

Q: Muck
PAX: 5 – Muck, Possum, Sous Vide, Steve-O, Geppetto

No way, no how.

Tha Thang
2.4 miles
Seven stations of 20 squats, 20 mercans (1 station was incline).

Lots of catching up with the pax.

End in COT

We are Animal Style

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2022-02-26
Weather: Still Wintery

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 6 – Duke Nukem, Mule, TStark, Animal Style, Weird Science, Sparky

Michael Phelps
Arm circles
Side straddle hops
Toe touches
High knees
Butt kicks

Tha Thang
Moseyed around the building to the coupons and everyone grabbed a coupon.

HIMS circled up and a cup with pieces of paper with various exercises was placed in middle of the circle. There was also a discard cup. Each HIM took turns drawing out a piece of paper, reading out the exercise, and leading the group in the exercise. We went through all the exercises and then took a run around the parking lot and started a second round of exercises for the cup.

Exercises included:
Burpees, Catalina wine mixers, overhead presses, man makers, merkins, lbcs, big boys, mountain climbers, coupon squats, squat thrusters, curls, American hammers, planks shoulder taps, plank jacks, bear crawls, overhead claps, Australian push ups, and dealer’s choice.

Moseyed back to start and did planks and something I cannot remember.

It was Animal Styles last post before moving and we will miss him! Prayers for him and his family on their new adventure!

End in COT

Ice dreams

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-24
Weather: Icy and cold

Q: Zebra
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Showcase Showdown, Geppetto, The Janitor, Steve-O, Zebra

QIC waited in the parking lot alone thinking that none would show up due to the icy conditions. Then in rolled the headlights and the local clown car. 4 pax jumped out of the clown car, Sous Vide rolled up too. Rather than make the pax roll around on the muddy and icy ground, we moseyed to the Babe Ruth shelter for stretching and the beatdown.

Tha Thang
5 minutes of Mary – 20 seconds of AMRAP work and 10 seconds of rest
Big Boy Sit-ups, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Pickle Pounders and Freddie Mercury’s

EMOM – 3 rounds with mosey between each round
20 merkins, 10 walkouts, 20 squats, 15 V-Ups, 20 Dips, 20 Step Ups, 20 Jump Lunges, 20 Mountain Climbers

Finished with 5 minutes of Mary

End in COT

A calm, peaceful workout ✌🏼☮️

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-22
Weather: Mid 50s, a bit rainy

Q: Wally World
PAX: 7 – Oshag, Wally World, Sous Vide, Geppetto, Steve-O, Incognito, 49er

Mosey to football field
Butterfly stretch – 45 sec
Hanging hamstring stretch – 1 min
Runners lunge – 45 sec each leg
Runners hamstring stretch – 45 sec each leg
Figure 4 (include wiper twist) – 1 min each side
Deer pose – 1 min each side
Spine twist – 1 min each side

Listened to calming, peaceful music to put ourselves in a good headspace. ✌🏼☮️

Tha Thang
Partner up – 1 coupon per group. One partner is at the top of the hill exercising, while the other walks down/up the hill exercising.

Round 1:
Partner at top: burpees AMRAP
Partner walking: farmer carry coupon
Do this twice

Round 2:
Partner at top: dead bugs AMRAP
Partner walking: rifle carry down, murder bunny up
Do this twice

Round 3:
Partner at top: squat jumps AMRAP
Partner walking: curl shoulder press down, drag coupon backwards up
Do this twice

Round 4:
Partner at top: merkins AMRAP
Partner walking: rifle carry down, deadlift flip the coupon back up
Did this once (time ran out)

Mosey back to the flag

End in COT

In the zone with post valentine love songs

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2022-02-19
Weather: Brisk 37 degrees

Q: Sparky
PAX: 6 – TStark, Animal Style, Weird Science, Mule, Wally World, 49er

Arm stretches, grass grabbers, side straddle hips, arm circles, Frankensteins, legs

Tha Thang
Mosey to the work zones, tire flips, coupon work, rope jumping, medicine ball crunches, spirit run, and roll the octahedron and what it’s says who complete you complete (lunges, mountain climbers, squats, 2 minute run, plank, mircans, high knee, wall sits). Took a mosey and throw the octahedron ahead and complete exercise. While listening to post valentines music

End in COT

On Track

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-02-07
Weather: Cold and a little icy

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 4 – Weird Science, Wally World, Boo Boo, Doc Holiday

Warm up ruck lap around the track and various stretches.

Tha Thang
We rucked a lap round the track and then did 20 curls, 20 squats, 20 overhead presses, and 20 tricep extensions. We then rucked another lap and repeated this pattern until end of time.

End in COT

Cardio and Football

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-19
Weather: Somewhere around freezing; but nice and clear, felt pretty good

Q: Incognito
PAX: 15 – Possum, Muck, Sous Vide, Raquel, The Janitor, Radio, Oshag, Axeman, Subject Matter, Chewbacca, Geppetto, Country Road, El Fed, Santa’s Little Helper, Incognito

Some Stretching
Side-to-Side Merkins IC
Frankensteins IC
Merkins IC
Hillbillies IC
Copperhead Merkins IC
Grass Grabbers IC

Mosey to basketball courts
Some dynamic stretching

Tha Thang
Started the real WO portion with three routines
Thunderstruck Holding Plank w/Merkins and or Plank w/Squats at each “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck”
Plank Sprints – every 8 seconds for about 5 minutes
Football Shuffle (Left, Right, Set, Merkin, Jump) with one of 5 actions done at Q’s call

Moseyed to football field for additional work
10 Merkins
15 Coupon Squats
20 Skaters
25 Curls
30 Stepups
35 Bent Over Rows
30 Stepups
25 Curls
20 Skaters
15 Coupon Squats
10 Merkins
Run a Lap
Got through this almost twice

Closed with Mary (all IC)
Gas Pumpers
Flutter Kicks
Scissor Clappers
American Hammer

Mosey back to the flag

End in COT

Windy? No, it’s Thursday.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-17
Weather: It was so windy, I said to Sous Vide, “Gosh, it’s windy today.” He said, “No, it’s Thursday.”

Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Bootlegger, Steve-O, Geppetto, Possum, Axeman, Raquel, 49er, Oshag, Sous Vide, The Janitor, Slick Willie, Showcase Showdown, Muck

– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Arm across chest (switch)
– Tricep pulls behind head (switch)
– Michael Phelps
– Grass grabbers, IC (10)

Tha Thang
Diego – Like Dora, only hillier

  1. Mosey to football field coupons.
  2. Take coupons to hill.
  3. Partner up… one PAX begins exercise… the other PAX runs to bottom of hill, does a different exercise, then back up the hill.

• 100 – Overhead presses (10 plank jacks at the bottom)

• 150 – Coupon swings (Dan Taylor’s… lunge walk down the hill, 4 Squats, lunge walk back up the hill)

• 200 – Curls (10 Side to side jump Squats)

• 250 – Bench presses (10 Overhead Claps)

• 300 – SSH (10 Bentover rows… carry coupon to bottom, bring back when top exercise round is complete)

  1. Carry coupons back

  2. Mosey back to flag.

  3. Three minutes of pax choice Mary… Gas Pampers (Raquel) and Supermans (Oshag).

Happy 200th post to Raquel!

End in COT

St. Valentine’s Day Ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-14
Weather: Upper Teens

Q: Incognito
PAX: 9 – Geppetto, Thin Lizzy, Chewbacca, Axeman, Sous Vide, Possum, Muck, Slick Willie, Incognito


Tha Thang
Ruck around; stopped a handful of times for the following:
30 Squats
20 Left Leg Reverse Lunges
20 Right Leg Reverse Lunges
Bernie Sanders up scoreboard hill (5x)
30 Squats

End in COT

Love Hurts

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-02-14
Weather: 16

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 2 – Boo Boo, Doc Holiday

Random stretches and a mosey around the parking lot

Tha Thang
2 rounds @2:30 @each station:
Battle Ropes
Tire flips
Farmers carry
Mosey around parking lot

1 round @2:30 @each station:
Tire sledgehammers
Chest presses
Curls/tricep extensions
Mosey around parking lot

End in COT

Bengals vs. Rams Super Bowl Trivia

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2022-02-12
Weather: Mid 30s?

Q: Animal Style
PAX: 8 – Duke Nukem, Dash, Sparky, Wally World, Weird Science, TStark, Animal Style, Lansbury

The usual stretches and warm up routine

Tha Thang
Mosey to coupon spot in case we needed them. Pax were asked a series of trivia questions related to the two super bowl teams Bengals and Rams in a competition to win fabulous prizes. 3 chances to answer correctly before accepting the punishment of 10 burpees and a round of bear crawls. If pax answered correctly, they choose the next exercise instead.

End in COT

Coach Chewy’s Super Bowl 56 Prep Party

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-12
Weather: 32 w/ high overcast…dry ground…perfect

Q: Chewbacca
PAX: 13 – 49er, Axeman, Chewbacca, Country Road, El Fed, Geppetto, Hertz, Incognito, Muck, Possum, Radio, Sous Vide, Raquel

Frankensteins & Buttkickers x2
Arm Circles
Heisman Hops (3 each side – hold and crunch when you’re in that classic pose)
Fast-feet & Up/Downs, changing direction based on Q’s whistle and call outs…done for the length of THE Monday Night Football song by Hank Williams, Jr.
Mosey to the field

Tha Thang
Divided Pax into two groups: X’s & O’s
X: move around perimeter of the field (with HIM in the lead deciding to Mosey, Bernie, Karaoke, etc. stopping at each light post. Each stop had different letter with an exercise: B-I-N-G-A-L-S
Burpees, Inch worms w/shoulder taps (disclaimer: there was no good “E”), Never Cross Dolly, Air Dramas, Lunges, Sumo Squats – 6 reps each for a “pick 6”. Team keeps going until whistle.
Mosey or Jailbreak etc to the end of the field, running back after each exercise. Use coupons to do 7 (for a TD & PAT) reps of 8 exercises (7×8=Super Bowl 56). The exercises spell out alternate spelling of an end zone showboat dance: S-C-H-O-B-E-R-D for the following:Squats, Curls, Heisman Hops, Overhead press, Brench press, Elf of the shelf, Row, Dips (alternating single leg)

Each team did 2-3 full rounds. All exercises done as a team in cadence.

End in COT

The local ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-05
Weather: 15° clear

Q: Hertz
PAX: 11 – Sous Vide, Muck, The Janitor, Incognito, Oshag, Raquel, Axeman, Geppetto, Radio, 49er, Chewbacca

Push ups. Hops.
High knee
Butt kicker

Tha Thang

Bring boards – Mosey to get 2 Coupon each

Divide into two groups. Two coupons on board .Group 1 does the movement to the next corner and does the workout there until the Group 2, the coupon carrying group, totally arrives. Switch.

Corner 1
Burpee 10x
Hand carry the boards

Corner 2
Mtn climber 2×1 30
Any carry the boards

11s. – a coupon goes with you

Man maker – w / coupon
Lunge 2×1 – w / coupon

Curl – w/ coupon
Flutter 4×1 – coupon optional

Row – w/ coupon
Leg lift 2×1 – coupon optional

Corner 3
Catalina wine – 10x
Bernie Sanders
Arm carry the boards

Corner 4
Big Bobby Hurley 10x
Jail break to mosey
Any carry the boards


End in COT

Dealers Choice

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-10
Weather: 30 and very pleasant

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 15 – Axeman, Bootlegger, Geppetto, Wally World, Possum, Oshag, Muck, Sous Vide, Raquel, Incognito, Thin Lizzy, Showcase Showdown, Slick Willie, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Michael Phelps
Seal Jacks – 10 in cadence
Alarm Clocks – 10 OYO
Grass Grabbers – 10 in cadence
Danger Zone – PAX jammed out to danger zone by the lesser Kenny. Side straddle hops for full length of song. When song title was said we hit a squat

Tha Thang
Partnered up and gathered coupons in upper parking lot. Q dealt out two options for each exercise, in all cases one partner worked toward total reps while other partner ran down to the trash can by shelter entrance and back. PAX completed 7 rounds as follows:

1 – 150 V-Ups. 1 is 2 if done with coupon.
2 – 150 Curls. 100 if partner did 5 merkins at trash can.
3 – 200 Coupon Squats. 1 is 2 if done as jump squat.
4 – 150 Overhead Press. 100 if partner did 10 mountain climbers (2 is 1) at trash can
5 – 200 Big Boy Sit Ups. 1 is 2 if done with coupon.
6 – 100 shoulder taps or 25 burpees
7 – 75 merkins or 25 Catalinas

End in COT

The Return of Lucky 7

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-02-02
Weather: Raining and cool

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Sous Vide, Boo Boo

Various stetches

Tha Thang
Each HIM took turns rolling the 8 sided die.

1=10 merkins
2=20 curls
3=30 big boys
4=40 LBCs
5=50 squats
6=60 mountain climbers
7=lucky roller picks
8=80 over head claps

Re-rolled if there were back to back same numbers other than 7.

Did this until the time was up.

End in COT

Monday Ruck – ice, snow, cold, ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-07
Weather: Cold – Stupid, cold weather with ice and snow won’t go away. Cold and stupid.

Q: Oshag
PAX: 10 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Muck, Possum, Geppetto, Incognito, Axeman, Sous Vide, Chewbacca, Slick Willie

Stretches by the flag

Tha Thang
Ruck with an occasional break to pair up, give your ruck to a HIM, run ahead for 30-60 seconds before returning, retrieving your ruck as well as your partners while they ran. Running portion seemed to time up with the iciest part of the path. Stupid cold, stupid ice, stupid winter. Ready for spring. Winter is stupid.

End in COT

Monday Ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-31
Weather: Cold

Q: Oshag
PAX: 10 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Steve-O, The Janitor, Slick Willie, Muck, Possum, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Chewbacca

Arm swings and dynos

Tha Thang
Ruck around the icy path stopping along the way for some friendly PT. Stopped at ‘the hill’ for 11’s with curls and Merkins.

End in COT

Jumpstart My Heart plus Thin Lizzy

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-01
Weather: 30wonderful and mostly clear.

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 10 – Sous Vide, Possum, Muck, Steve-O, The Janitor, Boo Boo, Incognito, Showcase Showdown, Geppetto, Oshag

Various dynamic stretches

Tha Thang
Everyone got into groups of two. One partner was in a low plank while the other partner jumped over them side to side for 30 seconds. We then switched places for another 30 seconds. We completed three rounds of this. Next, in our same groups, we had six stations where one partner ran approximately 60 yds while the other partner did exercises. Station 1-both partners flipped the tire and nobody ran. Station 2-300 mountain climbers. Station 3-300 side straddle hops. Station 4- 150 Mercans. Station 5- 150 coupon curls. Station 6- 50 burpees (O’shags choice). This was all done to the soothing yet motivating sounds of Motley Crew’s Greatest Hits.

End in COT

Wally’s First Q at Birds Nest

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-01-31
Weather: Mid twenties – not terrible with no wind

Q: Wally World
PAX: 3 – Wally World, Doc Holiday, Weird Science

Various strecthes

Tha Thang
Started at one goal line on the football field – did 10 ruck curls, moseyed to the other goal line, did 10 mericans, moseyed back to the other goal line, put on the ruck and rucked to the other goal line, turned around and rucked to the 10 yard line (10 yards closer each time). Repeated this until we made it to the other end of the field. Finished with a mosey lap & ruck lap around the track.

End in COT

Guess the Theme

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-29
Weather: Colder Than Normal, Snow

Q: Possum
PAX: 10 – The Janitor, Sous Vide, Raquel, Oshag, Czekov, Incognito, Radio, Slick Willie, Possum, Santa’s Little Helper

Dynamic stretches while Q explained workout. Five burpee’s after each song. If you guess one of the five themes the burpee’s are reduced by one

Tha Thang
We grabbed four coupons and went to the the ball field entrance. The PAX did rotating exercises while one PAX did shuffle step/breakout in parking lot for time. Repeat with lunges/carioca, bear crawl/bernie sanders, breakout/bernie sanders in the snow. Pax did rounds of side sraddle hops, copperhead squats, shoulder taps, merkins, boy sit-ups, American hammer, mountain climbers, box cutters,curls, lbc’s, overhead press, flutter kicks, bent over rows, jump rope, coupon swing, coupon squat, plank hold, wall sit, and probably some others with five burpee’s at the end of each song. The PAX did guess the themes and the last three songs we’re only one burpee. Ended in a round of Mary.

End in COT

Dora…twice with some Burpees

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-27
Weather: 10 degrees; no wind, hence a very warm 10 degrees

Q: Incognito
PAX: 8 – Muck, Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Bootlegger, Steve-O, The Janitor, Geppetto, Incognito

Jog in place, switched it up with knees going in different directions
Moseyed to other end of the lower level – did quad pulls up to next level
Moseyed to other end of the second level – did Frankensteins up to next level
Moseyed to other end of the third level – did Pigeon Pulls, the Bernie up to the top

Tha Thang
Dora 1-2-3
100 Lunges
200 Merkins
300 Squats
1 partner did the exercise, other partner ran to crosswalk and did 10 SSHs

Everybody was so fast we had time for a second Dora 1-2-3
100 Dorothy’s
200 4-count Flutter Kicks
300 Squats
1 partner did the exercise, other partner ran to crosswalk and did 10 Mountain Climbers

End in COT

Judge Smails

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-25
Weather: 31 and calm

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Muck, Axeman, Possum, Geppetto, Boo Boo

Various dynamic stretches

Tha Thang
Deck of Death with four cones in a square about 40 yds apart. Each cone had 12 playing cards. Hearts were two legged mountain climbers, spades were Mercans, clubs were squats and diamonds were side straddle hops. However, we used a Pinochle deck which consists of only 48 cards with 2 aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens and nines. K=13, Q=12 on down to nines. All together it was 110 reps per suit. Aces were 5 burpees and there are 8 total aces. While doing all this we recited every great line from Caddyshack. We also had great music!!!

End in COT

Cereal Wars

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-24
Weather: Frost and flakes everywhere

Q: Muck
PAX: 6 – Incognito, Sous Vide, Possum, Bootlegger, Geppetto, Muck

Nah baby nah

Tha Thang
Muck Ruck- 2.4 mile loop,, seven stations of 20 squats and 20 mercans (one set was incline).

The mumblechatter centered on breakfast cereals, as we did a brackets game with the following:
Captain Crunch
Apple Jacks
Frosted Flakes
Honey Nut Cheerios
Fruit Loops
Lucky Charms
Raisin Bran
Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Congratulations to Lucky Charms for the victory!

End in COT

Nobody Suffered Heat Exhaustion

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-22
Weather: Between 7 and 9 degrees; clear

Q: Incognito
PAX: 5 – Incognito, Sous Vide, Muck, Geppetto, Axeman

Routine stretches, mosey to shelter, people’s chair, and dips

Tha Thang
Howling Monkeys
Merkin Waterfalls
Pure BURN on the fence near the shelter

Mosey to basketball court
Princess Tea Party for a couple minutes
Bataan Death March around the perimeter of the basketball court

Mosey to coupons
Did a routine involving 3 angles of lunges and 3 levels of Derkins

Did a suicide routine involving 40 yards, merkins, and SSHs
Moseyed to basketball court
Did Individual Medley – that’s 4 exercises: burpees, merkins, 2-count flutter kicks, and SSHs
Had 90 seconds to do the 4 exercises, we did 6 rounds:
1st round was 5 reps of each, 2nd round, 6 reps of each, etc. on up to 10

Closed with one round of Bruce Lee

End in COT

Keeping it Moving

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2022-01-22
Weather: Cold enough that Animal Style didn’t wear shorts. Temperature was about 258 Kelvin

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Animal Style

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
Tricep Stretch
Toe touches
Groin stretch

Tha Thang
4 corners around the A.O. Run from each corner to the next.

Corner 1-
30 big boys

Corner 2-
30 curls

Corner 3-
30 squats

Corner 4-
10 burpees

Repeat 2x


Corner 1
30 Lbc

Corner 2-
30 overhead press

Corner 3-
30 lunges 15 per side

Corner 4-
Mountain climbers- 30


End in COT

Mucho Leg-O

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-20
Weather: 20 or 25 degrees; about 2 inches of snow

Q: Incognito
PAX: 6 – Incognito, Muck, Sous Vide, Possum, Geppetto, Wally World

Some stretching and moseying on up to the shelter
Frankensteins IC
Hillbillies IC

Tha Thang
Did some ab and leg work in the shelter
Side Lunges OYO
Cockroach Resurrections IC
Zombie Crunch Left and then Right IC
Bolt45s IC
Derricks IC
Spartan Lunge IC

Mosey to the coupons on the football field
Each man grabbed a coupon and we went to the bottom of the hill
Murder Bunnys back up to the bleachers
Went over to the scoreboard and did ‘Catch me if you can” all the way to the fence
Everybody loved it so we did the same thing back to the scoreboard

Did one last thing with the coupons: Colt45’s OYO
Then we went back to the shelter to finish up

Before doing Mary, we did 10 Mucho Leg-o’s: 1 narrow squat, 1 standard squat, 1 wide squat, left lunge jump, and finally a right lunge jump = 1 rep
Possum inspired the backblast title during this exercise

Finished up with Bruce Lee’s (it’s 6 exercises):
20 American Hammers
20 Leg Raises
20 LBCs
20 Heel Touches
20 Gas Pumps
We started a repeato, but didn’t have time to get all the way through.

End in COT

Arms and Abs

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-01-12
Weather: Cold and windy

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 4 – Weird Science, Boo Boo, Muck, Sous Vide

Arm circles
Michael Phelps
Triceps stretch
Toe touches
Any other areas of concern

Tha Thang
Four corners

1st -25 overheads
2nd-25 big boys
3rd- 25 merkins
4th- 25 lbcs

We did this 4 times

1st- 25 curls
2nd – 25 bicycles
3rd- 25 biceps
4th- 25 flutters

We did this 2 times

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-18
Weather: Cold, Snow, Ice

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Possum, Axeman, Muck

Mosey to football field and move coupons to scoreboard
– Abe Vigodas
– Michael Phelps
– Grass (Snow) Grabbers

Tha Thang
11s with a ‘sprint’ up and down a snowy hill
Bottom – Curls, Top – Merkins
Break – WWI Snow Angels
Bottom – Overhead Press, Top – Squat Jacks
Break – Army Crawl up & down the hill
Bottom – Bent over rows, Top – Plank Jacks (this was a 7 due to time)
Break – 40 Sous Vides on the icy walking path

End in COT

Winter Wonderland

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-17
Weather: Mid 20’s and snowing

Q: Zebra
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, Czekov, Steve-O, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Possum, Incognito, Zebra

Warming up your car and de-icing your windows was enough warm up today

Tha Thang
2.4 mile ruck around the park in the snow. Beautiful morning to ruck.
Pax stopped at the big hill and tested the snow. Rucked to the bottom, 10 squats rucked back to the top, 10 lunges.
Finished with 10 merkins back at the AO.

End in COT

Frozone – Fergie you owe me one

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2022-01-15
Weather: Just above freezing

Q: Animal Style
PAX: 3 – Sparky, Fergie, Animal Style

Assorted stretching and warm up exercises

Tha Thang
To help Fergie out; Recycled the deck of death Q I did by myself awhile back (easy enough);
♦️# Coupon pull through x 2
❤️# Man makers
♣️# Curls
♠️# Coupon step up x 2
Facecards- alternating between dead bugs and triple sit up (cap’n crunch) value x 2
🃏1) bear crawl down/ back; 2) lunge walk down/back

End in COT

Can you spell?

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-13
Weather: Calm and warm

Q: Zebra
PAX: 13 – Geppetto, Raquel, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Muck, Axeman, Wally World, The Janitor, Possum, Sous Vide, Gutterball (DR), Bootlegger, Zebra

Michael Phelps
Downward dog
Runners stretch
Slow count Mountain Climbers IC
Copperhead Squats IC

Tha Thang
We gathered in the upper lot in a circle with coupons and did the corresponding exercises to spell each Pax’s name. Completed the reps for all but 2 pax

A – 5 Man Makers
B – 1 Minute Plank
C – 10 Merkins
D – 20 SSH
E – 10 Coupon Squats
F – 10 Coupon Curls
G – 5 Catalina Wine Mixers
H – 15 Calf Raises
I – 10 Bench Presses
J – 10 Jump Squats
K – 10 Walk Outs
L – 10 Big Boy Sit Ups
M – 10 Lunges
N – 10 American Hammers
O – 10 Wide Arm Merkins
P – 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps
Q – 10 OH Presses
R – 10 Grapplers
S – 10 Mountain Climbers
T – 15 Jump Ropes
U – 15 LBC’s
V – 10 Coupon Swings
W – 15 Tricep Dips
X – 10 Derkins
Y – 5 Burpees
Z – 10 Step Ups

End in COT

Running the Loop

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-11
Weather: Under 20 degrees, but clear

Q: Incognito
PAX: 8 – Muck, Axeman, Sous Vide, Geppetto, Wally World, Incognito, Possum, Gutterball (DR)

Frankensteins IC, Quad Pulls, Gate Steps, Downward Dog

Tha Thang
Jogged around the loop (2.4 miles). Stopped around 20 times +- doing one of the following exercises:
Bobby Hurleys
Dancing Bear
Broad Jumps
Single Leg Deadlift
Iron Mikes

End in COT

Fire and Ice

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-08
Weather: On the way to the beatdown, I saw a hitchhiker. He was so cold, he had both hands in his pockets and was holding a picture of his thumb between his chattering teeth. 🙂

Q: Muck
PAX: 10 – Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Raquel, Radio, Axeman, Hertz, Sous Vide, 49er, Incognito, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls, OYO
– Arms across chest (switch)
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers IC, 15

Tha Thang
The Q switched the plan due to the single digit temps and wind chill… better to stay out of the wind. Very proud of the hard charging pax who made it out! Would have shed a tear, but it would have froze on my face. 🙂

Started with Baba O’Reiley… Five minutes of Imperial Walkers set to Baba O’Reilly by The Who. Increased tempo for the final 30 seconds.

Then, to warm things up, we fell into a burning Ring of Fire. 1:30 on doing exercise; :30 seconds rest. Completed two rounds, switching some of the exercises between 1st and 2nd rounds. Here are the various stations:

1. Bentover Rows w/ coupon
2. Box cutters
3. Jump Rope
4. High Knees in place
5. Copperhead Squats
6. Big Boy Situps
7. Lunges w/ twist
8. Curls w/ coupon
9. Plank jacks
10. Dips
11. Coupon swings
12. Step ups

We also ran twice around the short loop of the parking lot.

Finished with five minutes of pax choice.

End in COT

76ers & Benjamins, They Just Go Together

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-06
Weather: It was so cold, we had to chop up the piano for firewood. It gave us two cords. 🙂

Q: Muck
PAX: 12 – Bootlegger, Zebra, Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Possum, Gutterball (DR), Geppetto, Steve-O, Red Flanders, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Arm across chest (switch)
– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers, 10, IC

Tha Thang
76ers (7 reps at 6 stations):
Sprint to first cone and do 7 reps. Repeat at 2nd & 3rd cones. Sprint to the 4th cone… turn around and repeat 7 reps at each cone coming back.
Five rounds:
1st round: Mercans
2nd round: Big Boy Situps (007 style)
3rd round: Plank jacks
4th round: American Hammers (2 is 1)
5th round: Box cutters

Mosey to the coupons by the baseball shelter for some Benjamins.

Benjamins (everything = 100)
Round 1: 25 Curls >>> 25 Walking Lunges >>> 25 Mercans >>> 25 Walking Lunges back to coupons

 Round 2:   25 Shoulder Presses >>> 25 High Knees >>> 25 Mountain Climbers (Sous Vides) >>> 25 High Knees back

 Round 3:   25 Bent Over Rows >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps >>> 25 LBC's >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps back

 Round 4:   25 Coupon swings >>> 25 High knees >>> 25 American Hammers >>> 25 High knees back

 Round 5:   25 Raggedy Ann’s (each side) >>> 25 Bernies >>> 25 Cross crunches (elbows to opposite knees) >>> 25 Bernies back

Moseyed back to the flag for five minutes of pax choice Mary. All 11 pax members chose an exercise and a count. Winner was Bootlegger, going strong with 15 burpees. 🙂

End in COT

Windy Weather Really Blows

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-01-05
Weather: 42, breezy

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 4 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Whitewall, Sous Vide

Random stretches

Tha Thang
Up Rows – AMRAP 45 seconds
Over hand hang holds – 45 seconds
Plate Pinch – 45 seconds each hand
Curls – AMRAP 45 seconds
Tricep Extensions – AMRAP 45 seconds
Hollow Boats – 1 minute
Flutter kicks – 1 minute
Side Plank – 1 minute each side

25 second rest between movements
4 sets

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-04
Weather: 22 and Clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 12 – Lansbury, Lincoln Log, Red Flanders, Muck, Axeman, Sous Vide, Possum, 49er, Showcase Showdown, The Janitor, Geppetto, Steve-O


Tha Thang
5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 reps of Merkins, Flutter Kicks, and squats.

Basketball court suicide between each round.

Mosey to baseball field entrance. Calf raises, Copperhead Squats, and Lunges (20-15-10/40-30-20/20-15-10).

End in COT

(20/20 x 7) + 2.4

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-01-03
Weather: It was so cold, if we had milked cows, we would have gotten ice cream.

Q: Muck
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, The Janitor, Possum, Steve-O, Axeman, Geppetto, Chewbacca, Muck

Nah baby nah.

Tha Thang
After Incognito’s surprise announcement, the pax pressed on to do a 2.4 mile loop, with seven stations of PT.

1st station: 22 squats, 22 mercans (to celebrate our new year)

Stations 2-7: 20 squats, 20 mercans (station 4 was inclines)

End in COT

Sweater Weather

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-01-03
Weather: 28, windy

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 3 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Doc Holiday

Arm stretches

Tha Thang
All exercises 30 seconds AMRAP with 30 second break.

Tricep Extensions
Up Rows
Chest Presses
OH presses
Plank (1 minute hold)
Bent over rows
Single arm shoulder shrugs (switch arms after 30 seconds)

End in COT