Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-06-18
Weather: A cool reprieve from the heat
Q: Zebra
PAX: 14 – Muck, Expo, Hertz, TStark, Fergie, Sous Vide, Incognito, Raquel, Radio, 49er, Axeman, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Zebra
Over half the pax got the memo and wore blue shorts with their black shirt. Our resident fashion police failed to comply.
Michael Phelps, arm circles, downward dog, runners stretch
10 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Hillbillies IC
QIC unloaded his trunk with lots of toys to play with today. Pax hauled 3 weighted fitness balls and 3 sandbags and moseyed to the tennis courts
Tha Thang
After a little more stretching, we split into 4 groups for Station work.
Station 1: Amrap
10 wall balls
20 mountain climbers
20 overhead claps
Station 2: Amrap
5 sandbag squat presses
10 BB sit-ups
20 SSH
Station 3: Amrap
5 burpees
10 jump squats
20 grapplers
Station 4:
8 court suicides with increasing merkins at each court. When the group completed their celebration, we rotated stations
After each group completed all 4 stations, 10 minutes remained.
Finisher: 1 round of 11’s
LBC’s — bear crawl 1 court — Variation of merkins (wide, diamond, clap) — Bernie back
End in COT