Exercise Dice

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-07-20
Weather: 72 degrees and partly cloudy

Q: Doc Holiday
PAX: 4 – Doc Holiday, Quick Match, Bootlegger, Manchild

Air Squats, Reverse Lunges, Grass Grabbers, Arm Circles, Dive Bombers

Tha Thang
Exercise Dice with plate carriers

Lateral Lunges, Planks to Pushups, Wall Sits, Pushups, Calf Raises, Dips, Planks, Pause Squats, Water Break = 1/4 mile run

End in COT

Chocolate Donut Flavored Toothbrushes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-20
Weather: Always Sunny & 70

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 9 – Lansbury, Muck, Baby Driver, Lincoln Log, Incognito, Sous Vide, Boo Boo, Buzz Kill, Flu Shot

Random stretches for 5-10 mins

Tha Thang
Mosey to tennis court
5 merkins each side of each court
10 squats “”
20 (1 count flutter kicks)
Mosey to coupons
Frogger across field (equal number of murder bunnies and gorillas)
OH carry back to store coupons
1 minute of plank jacks

Thanks for letting me Q. Brought back great memories and I had fun doing it with y’all. Call me if you find yourself around DC, NOVA, or the RVA.

End in COT

Descending Fun Run!!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-18
Weather: 68 and pleasant

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 10 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Buzz Kill, Lincoln Log, Ollie, 49er, Swift, Axeman, Radio, Baby Driver

Long dynamic warm up.

Tha Thang
Got in groups of two. Each pair had a coupon 100yds away in the lower lot. Partner 1 sprinted to the coupon and did 10 man makers. After sprinting back, partner two sprinted down and did 9 man makers. Basically, one partner did 10, 8, 6, 4 and two. The other partner did all the odds. We finished with a little Mary.

End in COT

Some fun, Some pain

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-15
Weather: Perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 12 – Oshag, No Mas, Toto, Bettis, Muck, Brown Note, Radio, Axeman, Subject Matter, Lansbury, Dr. Quinn, Buzz Kill

Dynos on the basketball court

Tha Thang
2 on 2 – Full Court basketball – next time include a 15 second shot clock
Extra PAX were on the sidelines doing Plank Jacks, T Jacks, or Bonnie Blairs – changed with each bucket – or since the buckets were not so forthcoming, every turnover. Game was to 3 and then teams switched.

Second Thang: Sugarcane
Round 1 – 2:00 min all out. Mark your spot on the ground. (No Sand bagging – Buzzkill)
2 Min Rest
Round 2 – All out back the the mark you left. Note the time.
2 Min Rest
Round 3 – All out for the time from Round 2 (the goal was to make it back to Round 1 mark)

Recovery run/mosey

End in COT

Harder than it looks

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-07-13
Weather: Cloudy

Q: Doc Holiday
PAX: 5 – Doc Holiday, Big E, Bootlegger, Manchild, Quick Match

Arm circles and grass grabbers

Tha Thang
Set up 4 stations, battle ropes, 40 lb KB Swings, 45 lb Goblet Squats, 10 lb sledgehammer tire beating, Each PAX took a station while the 5th ran up the hill and back. Then we rotated. Ab circle at mid point and end.

End in COT

Automatic Systematic

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-07-14
Weather: High humidity, high mumblechatter, high fidelity

Q: Muck
PAX: 6 – Axeman, Toto, Lansbury, Zebra, Buzz Kill, Muck

Nah baby nah

Tha Thang
Impromptu timer Q.
3:30 Ruck; 1:30 various AMRAP PT

PT exercises were:
– Curls
– Overhead press
– Ruck swings
– Squats
– American Hammers
– Mercans
– Bentover rows
– Lunge steps
– Big boy situps

Phil really enjoyed it.

End in COT

Buzz The Tower

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-13
Weather: Clear skies, full hearts, can’t lose

Q: Muck
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Swift, Axeman, Buzz Kill, Incognito, Santa’s Little Helper, Muck

– THE Runner’s Stretch (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– Arm Across Chest (switch)
– Tricep Pulls (switch)
– Michael Phelps
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)

Tha Thang
Mosey to the tennis courts.

Pair up with your wingman. Rule #1- never, ever leave your wingman!

MAVERICK Ladder on the tennis courts… add an exercise to each round. Buzz the tower between each round (up the stairs on one side, around the concession stand, come down the stairs on the other side), then return to base. Hold plank until the rest of the squadron arrives.

Mercans- 15
American Hammers- 15
V-ups- 15
Elbows to Knees ⁰Crunches- 15
Rotation w/ mercans- 15
Imperial Walkers- 15
Copperhead Squats- 15
Kick-ups- 15

For the last three rounds, it was a negative on buzzing the tower Ghostrider… the pattern was full (plus, we were running out of time). So, the run was shortened to an inside the tennis courts run.

Mosey back to the flag.

It was an honor, gentlemen. Any of these HIMs could be my wingman!

End in COT

2900 Reps

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-07-10
Weather: 65

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 6 – Bootlegger, Johnny Utah, Manchild, Quick Match, Doc Holiday, Beethoven


Tha Thang
Pax put into two man teams. One pax ran while the other pax did exercises. Pax switched off and continued working on the reps.

500 jump rope
400 coupon press
300 squats
200 curls
100 overhead press
200 merkins
300 triceps
400 crunches/American hammers
500 step ups

End in COT

Next Man Up!

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-07-12
Weather: Clear, cool and perfect!

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 9 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Swift, Splitter, Drop kick , Toto, Zebra, Showcase Showdown, Buzz Kill

Mosey to the UK football stadium. A couple dynamics.

Tha Thang
Ran laps around the football stadium. At corners one and three we did squats. Corners two and four we did mercans. We started with 20 and progressed down at each corner until 1.

End in COT

Soccer Clinic 2.0

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-08
Weather: Clear and Nice

Q: Incognito
PAX: 14 – Trilogy, Toto, Sous Vide, Radio, Swift, Boxcar, Wally World, Buzz Kill, Axeman, Lincoln Log, Muck, Hoser, 49er, Splitter

A few stretches, Frankensteins, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, etc.

Today was a soccer clinic and a coming out party as I revealed that I am a huge soccer fan. No more making fun of soccer to hide what I used to be ashamed of; now I am loud and proud to proclaim that I am indeed a soccer fan. I appreciated everyone’s encouragement with this revelation.

Tha Thang
Finkle Swings IC – this served as a Miyagi (wax-on/wax-off) Style of teaching to master the proper kicking technique

Provided a free test to simulate a reality that might indicate if someone would enjoy playing soccer. This test was a 90-second plank. If the patient exhibited excitement and a high level of thrill, then said individual is up to the rigor of enjoying soccer. If patient did NOT find thrill in this…well, I’m not sure what to do with you.

Went over the rules of the game; sadly no one knew any of the 3 rules of soccer:
1. No hands
2. Don’t go offsides
3. Don’t kick the ball out-of-bounds

There was a 5-burpee penalty for everybody for each penalty.
Did 10 Jack-in-the-Box Jump Knee Tucks

Next stop was an unexpected, circuitous route to the lower tennis courts.
Did 10 Jack-in-the-Box Jump Knee Tucks

Soccer Dora 1-2-3
100 Stepback Lunge to Soccer Kicks (100/each leg)
200 Freddie Mercuries (to strengthen the core for bicycle kicks)
300 Squats
Partner ran 2 courts, did a burpee, 2 more courts, did a burpee, turned around, stopped after 2 courts for a 3rd burpee, then ran the rest of the way back to rotate with partner

We played a 10-minute game of soccer on the tennis courts using two soccer balls
Poor Wally, acting as goalie, really failed letting at least 2 goals fly right over his head.
For each score, the other team did a burpee.

It was a close game; despite his failings, Wally’s team might have won… I think; but much too close to be called decisive.

End in COT

Stop Side Straddle Hopping!

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-07-08
Weather: Not too bad

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 4 – Golden Shower, Spock, Gwazi , Tonka

OYO to warm up the muscles

Tha Thang
Paula Abduls lunges, Bernie, and Merkins, rinse and repeat, reverse lunges, mosey, and LBC going back

Monkey drill with SSH in the middle and ends

Albatross Wings for time. Forward, rear, seal claps, overhead claps, and Moroccan Nightclub

Ended with Pax lead Marys

End in COT

Sherwood Ruck

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-07-07
Weather: 69 and clear

Q: Dub-K
PAX: 5 – Dub-K, Swift, Bettis, Buzz Kill, Toto

Arm cereals
Golfer swings
Cloud graver to forward fold
10 Americans
10 squats

Tha Thang
Ruck up.
35min Ruck
Stoping 10 time to do
10 Americans 10 squats.
(Ruck on whole time if you can emphasize deep squats and chest to the ground lock out the and Americans. When we stoped on hills head toward the down slope to increase difficulty if wanted.)

Back to AO at 6:12 for 3 min of Q-lead core work.

End in COT

Impromptu Q

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-06
Weather: Humid as all get out

Q: Axeman
PAX: 6 – Axeman, Incognito, Sous Vide, Hoser, 49er, Buzz Kill

Arm circles, Frankensteins, quad pulls, SSH’s in cadence, high knees, butt-kickers

Tha Thang
PAX moseyed to the entrance to the baseball fields where a deck-of-death was used. Various exercises corresponded to the suit and number of reps. Exercises were as follows:
Hearts- mercans
Diamonds- dips
Clubs- big boy sit-ups
Spades- squats

End in COT

Lindy sprints (modified Cindy with sprints)

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-07-06
Weather: 68 and humid

Q: Manchild
PAX: 7 – Bootlegger, Sour Mash, Doc Holiday, Beethoven , Johnny Utah, Quick Match, Manchild

On your own

Tha Thang
On track:

Sprint 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile to halfway point

Pax perform modified Cindy (Lindy) – 5 big boy sit ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats X3 rounds

Sprint 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile back to start

Pax perform modified Cindy (Lindy) – 5 big boy sit ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats X4 rounds

Caveat- there is a coupon at each lindy station on the track and PAX take turns performing Lindy with the coupon until all PAX have done 1 round of Lindy per lap

End in COT

Ruck – 1/4 Murph

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-03
Weather: Clear

Q: Incognito
PAX: 5 – Zebra, Muck, Radio, Sous Vide, Incognito

A few stretches

Tha Thang
Rucked to the pullup shelter we use less often

Did a modified Cindy
3 pullups
10 merkins
15 squats
2 pullups

Rucked to other pullup shelter
Repeato of modified Cindy

Rucked back to other pullup shelter
Repeato of modified Cindy

Did this until we had completed 6 modified Cindy’s

Rucked through playground, using some bench seats as a target to do 20 low squats
Rucked back to flag, did 20 incline merkins on retaining wall

End in COT

Pushing and pulling.

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-07-05
Weather: 69 and clear. Tad humid.

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 4 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Snowflake, Buzz Kill

Dynamic stuff

Tha Thang
Four stations. Pull the sled 20 yards with arms only, push the prowler 30 down and back, flip the tire and side jump the length of the fire hose with big boys at the end of each trip. Partners were at each station for the length of a song then we rotated. Fun was had by all!

End in COT

Earning Your Stars and Stripes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-04
Weather: O beautiful, for spacious skies…

Q: Muck
PAX: 18 – Zebra, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Incognito, Buzz Kill, Swift, Hoser, Sous Vide, Axeman, Radio, Lincoln Log, Wicket, Lansbury, Matlock, LeBron, Toto, TStark, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– THE Runner’s Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– Arms across chest (switch)
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Grass grabbers, IC, 13

Tha Thang
Earning 50 Stars
Pax moseyed to the bottom of the scoreboard hill.

Oshag was the flag bearer, so he was tasked with running up the hill and planting the flag at the far end of the football field. Then, he did three burpees at the base of the flag (some pax did four).

Meanwhile, the other pax did AMRAP LBC’s, waiting for their brother-in-arms to return.

Once the brother-in-arms returns, he clapped the Liberty Clapper and declared the next AMRAP exercise. The next brother-in-arms was then dispatched to run up the hill, run to the flag, and do their burpees at the base of the flag. They came back, clapped the Liberty Clapper, and declared the next AMRAP exercise. And so forth.
The result was 50 burpees at the base of the flag.

Earning 13 Stripes
Once the 50 stars were earned, then it was time to mosey to the coupons to earn 13 stripes.

There are 13 stripes on Old Glory for the 13 original colonies, not 11, so we did 13’s. Started off doing the heavy load (12) on one sideline, running to the other sideline to do one. 11,2. 10,3. And so forth.
• Shoulder Presses & Squats
• Curls & Big Boy Sit-ups (interrupted due to time)

Moseyed back to base camp for COT and coffeeteria.

Great to have Buzz Kill and Wicket join us!

End in COT

Noah was Canadian?

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-07-01
Weather: Rainy and wet, eh

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 3 – Golden Shower, Gwazi , Tonka

Canadian Michael Phelps, Canadian Finkle Swings, and Canadian Tie Fighters

Tha Thang
To rep our neighbors to the North on their Independence day, we said Eh alot

Since Kenny Loggins went to Canada on Tour, we did the Danger Zone

Since Noah was Canadian (shrug) and it was raining, we did the Wheel of Animal Walks

Since Dora is a Canadian American TV series show, we did a Modified Dora all together with Canadian Flying Squirrels in the middle of the sprints

Ended with some Canadian Pax lead Marys

End in COT

Burpee Saturday

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-01
Weather: Wet, but no rain

Q: Incognito
PAX: 18 – El Fed, Swift, Sous Vide, Toto, Trilogy, Baby Driver, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Hoser, Muck, Dr. Quinn, Axeman, Subject Matter, TStark, Wally World, Boxcar, Bam, Incognito

Flings IC
Dynamic Stretches
T Jacks

Deconstructed Burpees (10)

Tha Thang
Catch me if you can around the parking lot (1st partner Bernie’s, 2nd does 5 burpees then sprints after partner; upon catching they switch roles)
Burpee Mile (mile run with 12 burpees every 1/4 mile)
Bearmuda Triangle (Bearcrawl around a triangle doing 1, 2, then 3 burpees at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stops); had to do a 4 burpee bonus at the end because people walked INTO the triangle
Bearway to Heaven (at tennis courts, 1 burpee, bearcrawl 1st court, sprint next, then 1 burpee; next was 1 burpee, bearcrawl 1st court, sprint 2 courts, then 2 burpee’s; etc, until 7)
Burp & Merk (burpee with 1 merkin, then burpee with 2, … up to 10)

Mosey back to flag to finish

End in COT

Football field tire flippin

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-06-29

Q: Manchild
PAX: 7 – Golden Shower, Bootlegger, Sour Mash, Doc Holiday, Manchild, Quick Match, Big E

Side straddle hops, runners stretch, slow squats

Tha Thang
PAX teamed up in pairs. Large tractor tire started on the goal line. One team flipped tire down the field to the other goal line alternating flips while the other PAX did the following:
10- push ups
20- air squats
30- big flutter kicks
40- shoulder taps
50- air squats
40- shoulder taps
30- flutter kicks
20- air squats
10- push ups
PAX ran ahead and did the above workout until the tire made its way to their yard line and then advanced.
We did 600 yards of this then circled up, then sprinted a little, and circled up and did a 10 min abs finisher

End in COT

It’s A Hoe Down!!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-29
Weather: 65 and hazy

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 8 – Sous Vide, Muck, Hoser, Oshag, Incognito, Zebra, Baby Driver, Axeman

Lots of lower body dynamics.

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the tennis courts. Did 10, 100 yd. Sprints at 100% with three minutes of recovery in between. Motivated the entire time by Billy Strings and his Bluegrass pickin! Moseyed back to flag.

End in COT

Interval Run

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-06-28
Weather: Good temp but very humid and terrible air quality

Q: Wally World
PAX: 6 – Wally World, Oshag, Sous Vide, Toto, WKRP (DR), Speed Trap

OYO stretching

Tha Thang
4 minute run, then 5 burpees, 10 mericans, 15 reverse crunches, and 20 (2 is 1) mountain climbers. Finished with a celebration of life on the big hill that leads to the baseball field.

End in COT

Fitness Test – June

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-24
Weather: Perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 18 – Axeman, Hoser, LeBron, Toto, Trilogy, Swift, Boxcar, Showcase Showdown, Lincoln Log, Zebra, Red Cross, Hertz, Dr. Quinn, Bam, Muck, Slim Jim, Baby Driver, Oshag

Dynos at the basketball court

Tha Thang
Mosey to the pull-up shelter
10 Pull-ups
40 Merkins
40 BBS
Run 1 mile
10 Pull-ups
40 Merkins
40 BBS

Record your time

Mosey to the basketball courts
20 meter Beep Test

Record the number of cycles – once you’ve recovered, jump back in to support the fastholes.

Times and cycles are recorded here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_kozUo7vwWA67DUzkZz8jTw8BpnS1nHjiFNkK3AuPcg/edit?usp=drive_link

End in COT

Mopping the Floor

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-27
Weather: Pretty great

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 10 – Steve-O, Baby Driver, Muck, Sous Vide, Incognito, Hoser, LeBron, Axeman, Snowflake, The Janitor

Stretches standing and stretches on our 6’s

Tha Thang
The return of Mucho arm o
Overhead Press
Add 1 each lap
Took to 10 laps then switched to DORA 123
100 SSH
200 Saturday Nights w coupon
300 curls

End in COT

Family’s First Ruck

Location: Easy Day
Date: 2023-06-27
Weather: Wonderful

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 4 – Golden Shower, Manny P, Gwazi , Tonka

OYO Static stretches

Tha Thang
1.5 mile ruck around AO, stopping occasionally to conduct some Hillbillies, Copperhead Mericans, Ground Pounders, and Happy Jacks.

Of course, Bernie Sanders any uphills

Pax lead Mary’s to wrap up beatdown!

End in COT

Metal Moco

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-06-24
Weather: Rockin

Q: Splitter
PAX: 7 – Tonka, Cockroach, Gwazi , Snow White, Golden Shower, Buc-ee, Splitter

Crank some metal and start to rock.
Static + Dynamic stretching

Tha Thang
20 min AMRAP
• w/ coupon on a shoulder, lunge 20 yards
• set coupon down and do 10 block over burpees
• run and touch the baseline and come back to your coupon
• pick your coupon up and lunge another 20yrds.
• rinse and repeat until time is up

5 min rest

16 min EMOM
Odd Minutes : 15 Kettlebell swings + 10 curls
Even Minutes : 10 Overhead Press + 10 Tricep Extensions

A few minutes of Mary

End in COT

Hill Climbing

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-22
Weather: 61 and glorious

Q: Axeman
PAX: 9 – Oshag, Sous Vide, Muck, Swift, Snowflake, Axeman, Hoser, Santa’s Little Helper, Baby Driver

Mosey to basketball courts for some dynos- Michael Phelps, arm circle, high knees, butt kickers, swoops, pigeon pulls, Frankensteins and chest hug knee pulls

Tha Thang
PAX moseyed to the football field and grabbed coupons that were deposited at the top of the scoreboard hill. Then 11’s were done as follows:
No Surrenders (1) at bottom, bear crawl up hill/ mosey down with coupon curls at the top (10). Reps were increased at the bottom and decreased with each turn at the top.
Then PAX moseyed up the hill and crawl-beared down with the reps alternating between American Hammers at the bottom and overhead press into a tricep extension with coupon at the top.
Return to flag – loving summer time!

End in COT

Bear Square

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-06-22
Weather: 65

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 5 – Bootlegger, Quick Match, Doc Holiday, Manchild, Sour Mash

400m jog
OYO stretches

Tha Thang
Pax bear crawled 20 yards, side crawled 20 yards, crawled bear 20 yards, and side crawled 20 yards in a square. At each corner of the square, pax performed the following:
Corner 1: 10 burpees
Corner 2: 20 bigboys
Corner 3: 30 merkins
Corner 4: 40 squats
After the full bear square was completed, pax ran 400m. Pax repeated the whole circuit 5 times for a total of 500 reps, 400 yards of bear crawls, and 1.25 mile run.

End in COT

Down Up

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-20
Weather: “Moist”

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 10 – Lansbury, Sous Vide, Shocker, Hoser, Axeman, Muck, Baby Driver, Flu Shot, Golden Shower, Zebra

It happened.

Tha Thang
For time.

Coupon Squats + Curls + Coupon Alt Lunges (1=1) + Deadbugs (2=1) + Hill (200 meter)

Reps per round

End in COT

Tug O’ Ruck

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-06-16
Weather: Pretty great

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 6 – Incognito, Muck, Toto, Swift, Sous Vide, The Janitor


Tha Thang
Pax wandered to the big house and competed in a classic game of tug o war around the stadium. Completed 2 rounds in which one team was particularly dominant though I will not say which one here. After 2 rounds we rucked around the athletics complex and back to the lot.

End in COT

9’s and 10’s

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-06-19
Weather: 68 with a light show in the sky

Q: Quick Match
PAX: 4 – Bootlegger, Quick Match, Sour Mash, Beethoven

Runners stretch, arm swings, deep squats.

Tha Thang
4- 9 minute AMRAPS with 1 minute rest between each AMRAP. 10 reps per exercise and exercises were as follows:

Coupon swings
Goblet squats
Alt. front lunges with coupon
Tricep extensions with coupon

Donkey kicks
Fire hydrants
Straight leg lifts

Coupon bicep curls
Over head press with coupon
Bent rows with coupon
Front raise with coupon

Leg climbs (10 each leg)
Leg lifts
Reverse crunches

End in COT

Ruck with some work

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-19
Weather: Perfect – then wet – but still awesome.

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Oshag, Toto, Sous Vide, Muck, Ping, Swift, Zebra

Dynos in the parking lot

Tha Thang
Ruck to warm up then stopped at the scoreboard hill for a little fun before the rain hit.

Fun included sprints up the hill, some were Bernie style, curls, overhead press, and Bear crawls up the hill. Finished with a ruck in the rain and Mucho Leggo in the parking lot in the pouring rain.

Welcome to Shocker!!

End in COT

Baby Driver’s Driving School

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-17
Weather: Just right. Beautiful morning

Q: Baby Driver
PAX: 13 – Baby Driver, Lansbury, Matlock, Hoser, Axeman, El Fed, Chewbacca, Buffet, Flu Shot, Toto, Trilogy, Brown Note, Bettis

20 SSH – IC
10 Abe Vigodas – IC
Butt Kickers
Pigeon Pulls
High Knees

Tha Thang
PAX moseyed up to top level of parking lot and grabbed coupons
Set 1:
– 10 overhead press w/ coupon
– 15 oupon curls
– 20 weighted squats
– run shortest lap of parking lot, repeato the set and run the next largest lap until all three laps complete

Set 2:
– 10 american hammers – 2 is 1
– 15 gas pumpers
– 20 big boy situps
– run shortest lap of parking lot, repeato the set and run the next largest lap until all three laps complete

Set 3:
– 5 manmakers
– 10 grave diggers
– 20 merkins
– run shortest lap of parking lot, repeato the set and run the next largest lap until all three laps complete

End in COT

MoCo Flow

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-06-17
Weather: Picture perfect. Which is yet another saying I really don’t understand.

Q: Muck
PAX: 6 – Golden Shower, Gwazi , Spock, Snow White, Deflator, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– Willie Mays Hayes (THE Runners Stretch) (switch)
– Arms Across (switch)
– Tricep Pulls (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Abe Vigodas (10, IC)

Tha Thang
Two rounds of exercise dice began the day, various reps and timers. Exercises:
– Mercans
– Side Straddle Hops
– Crunches
– Squats
– Lunges
– Wild card (roller’s choice)

Then, in honor of your Cincinnati Reds on a six game heater, we did four rounds of Field of Dreams action!

Each pax took a base and completed AMRAP exercises there until relieved. Once the pax at Home completed 10 burpees, all the runners would advance. When the last team completed their burpees for that round, we ran a loop around the church to the road and back. Then we began the next round.

1st Base (AMRAP exercises using coupons)
• 1st round: Dips on coupon
• 2nd round: Curls w/ coupon
• 3rd round: Bentover rows w/ coupon
• 4th round: Overhead press w/ coupon

2nd Base (AMRAP exercises)
• 1st round: American Hammers
• 2nd round: Box cutters
• 3rd round: Big boy situps
• 4th round: Bobby Hurleys (slap the ground, then jump shot)

3rd Base (AMRAP exercises)
• 1st round: Plank Jacks
• 2nd round: Mercans w/ rotation
• 3rd round: Lunges w/ twist
• 4th round: Side to side jump squats

• Burpees (10)

Wrapped up with another round of exercise dice and did Alphabets for Mary.

End in COT

BLIMP Around

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-15
Weather: Low 60’s

Q: Incognito
PAX: 10 – Incognito, Zebra, Hoser, Sous Vide, Axeman, Muck, Splitter, Baby Driver, Flu Shot, Snowflake

Leg and other stretches
A few warmup moves IC

Tha Thang
We moseyed around doing BLIMPS
5 Burpees
10 Lunges
15 Imperial Walkers
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats

A couple times we mixed up the BLIMPS (i.e. Pullups and Coupon Work)

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-13
Weather: We can do 52

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 9 – Flu Shot, Baby Driver, Toto, Muck, Zebra, Axeman, LeBron, Incognito, Sous Vide

Stretch OYO
Abe Vigodas IC
Frankensteins IC

Tha Thang
Pax took a mosey up to retrieve one coupon each.
Q led Pax in sets of two exercises, followed by various laps of the parking lot.
Exercises were chosen/inspired by the rhyming scene from The Princess Bride:
Foxholes 20 OYO
Upright rows w coupon 20 IC
Happy Jacks 7 rounds
Clerkins (or plyomerkin) 20 on down count
Rocky Balboa 20 IC
The Wolverine 10 OYO
American Hammers 2 sets of 15 IC
Deadlifts w coupon 20 IC
Imperial Walkers to Baba O’Reilly
Pattycake merkins to Rockafeller Skank
Pax returned coupons and moseyed back for COT. Discussed 2nd F of hiking trip and 49er’s singing performances. 3rd F of vod Rom 5:8 and prayer, followed by nameorama.

End in COT

The Day After Ruck

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-12
Weather: Fresh, clean after the rain morning

Q: Muck
PAX: 7 – Swift, Wally World, Sous Vide, Axeman, Radio, Ping, Muck


Tha Thang
Rucked once around parking lot, then took to the trail. Rucked 2.14 miles, stopping eight times to do 20 mercans, 20 squats. Mumblechatter fellowship along the way.

End in COT

Overnight in the Gorge

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2023-06-11
Weather: Saturday- sunshine & clear skies; Sunday- Kentucky rain keeps pouring down And up ahead’s another town that I’ll go walking through With the rain in my shoes (rain in my shoes) Searching for you In the cold Kentucky rain In the cold Kentucky rain

Q: Muck
PAX: 7 – Jello Shot, TLC, The Navigator, El Fed, Dub-K, Turnover, Muck

Met at 7:15am at Macedonia Christian Church on Winchester Road in Lexington. Consolidated to two cars. Drove to Slade, KY and learned it was a permit free weekend… so we used our savings on breakfast sandwiches. Off to Red River Gorge.

Drove through Nada Tunnel, then parked at Martin’s Fork parking lot. Entered the park at approximately 8:40am (ahead of schedule).

Tha Thang
Hiked to Gray’s Arch, then to Hanson’s Point, then to our camp site. Plenty of elevation changes and mumblechatter along the way.

Shared conversation, laughs and food at the campfire. Too much to summarize it all here, but we did learn:
– Air Force One is a much under-rated movie, but Maverick is better;
– Honey Nut Cheerios is the king of cereals;
– and there may be many better local pizzas, but if you only had one national chain, Little Caesars.

Dub-K Q’d early morning Broga, where we named our newest FNG… The Navigator!. Then we shared a Sunday morning devotional reading. Just as we were breaking camp, rain set in. It rained off and on most of the hike home. Steep terrain, up and down, all along the way.

Once back at the cars (wet and exhausted), we drove to Miguel’s Pizza, where Turnover enjoyed his first Miguel’s experience and Ale81. Then back to MCC church to pick up cars.

Great to have Turnover drive in from Franklin, TN to join us and welcome The Navigator!

End in COT

Acronyms at MOCO

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-06-10
Weather: Very Nice

Q: Incognito
PAX: 12 – Manny P, Tonka, Buc-ee, Wally World, Golden Shower, Snow White, Zebra, Cockroach, Popeye, Deflator, Incognito, Gwazi

Stretches and some IC Work

Tha Thang
Did two different ALARM’s (Arms-Legs-Abs-“R” Exercise-“M” Exercise
Shoulder Taps
Squat Jumps
Peter Parkers
Ranger Merkins
Makhtar N’Diayes
10 of each AMRAP

Squat Jump
Mountain Climbers
Rockette Hillbillies
Pattycake Merkins
5 of each AMRAP

BOMBS – as partners; one partner runs across parking lot and does 5 squat jumps, then runs back and switches
50 Burpees
100 Overhead Claps
150 Merkins
200 BBS
250 Squats

Closed with about 5/6 minutes of Mary

End in COT


Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-06-09
Weather: A Symptom of Global Cooling

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 7 – Snowflake, Bettis, Sparrow, Toto, Zebra, Steve-O, Phantom Menace

Tied our shoes, tied our shorts, shoved off

Tha Thang
Rucked the loop, good morning station, squat station, step up station, ended in parking lot with chest press flutter kicks, burpees, plank, and side straddle hops

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-08

Q: Zebra
PAX: 9 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Muck, Toto, LeBron, Lansbury, Incognito, Zebra

Static stretching
Abe Vigodas IC

Tha Thang
Pax paired up and were dealt 7 uno cards. We played a game of Uno with assigned exercises for each card.

Red – decline mercans
Blue – jump squats
Green – dead bugs
Yellow – curls

Draw 2 – 5 Aflec’s
Skip – 10 SSH
Reverse – 10 mountain climbers
Wildcard – 5 man makers
Draw 4 – 4 mucho leggo

Incognito and Zebra won the game, resulting in 10 burpees for all the losers

Thang 2: Hill climbs
10 LBC’s at bottom of the hill
10 squats at top of the hill
Alternating forward run and Bernie’s up the hill

Finished with Mary at the flag

End in COT