Tennis balls everywhere

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-06-02
Weather: Muggy

Q: Zebra
PAX: 12 – Bootlegger, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sous Vide, Raquel, Steve-O, Lincoln Log, Geppetto, Incognito, The Janitor, Muck, Zebra

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
Copperhead squats IC
Tension Toads
Runner’s stretch

Team up and mosey to the tennis courts

Tha Thang
In groups of 3 or 4, pax rotated between 4 different activities.
1st – carried a 60-80lb sandbag
2nd – 4 court celebrations
3rd – Mercans AMRAP
4th – Big Boy Situps AMRAP

Repeat with Squats and American Hammers

After the 2nd round we all lined up for a full 8 court celebration. At each stop, pax rested with 2 mercans

Last round repeat with 3 court celebrations, sandbag carry, TNT Toad Squat jumps and LBC’s.

There were a number of tennis balls left out on the courts this morning. Oshag made sport of it by launching them at the runners throughout.

End in COT

Abs because I can’t feel my arms still

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-06-01
Weather: Perfect

Q: Wally World
PAX: 3 – Wally World, Sous Vide, Weird Science

Extended stretching time

Tha Thang
30 big boy sit-ups
1 min tension road
20 cockroaches IC
1 min wall sit
40 American hammers
1 min plank
20 dead bugs IC
1 min tension toad
30 single leg big boy sit-ups w/ rotation (15 each side)
1 min wall sit
30 single leg toe touches (15 each side)
1 min plank
20 reverse crunches
1 min tension toad
40 crunches
1 min wall sit

End in COT

Four Fine Folks for Friday: Frickin’ Fenominal Fitness for 4 Funny Friendly Fools

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2022-05-27
Weather: A bit of Drizzle on our Hizzles

Q: Showcase Showdown
PAX: 4 – Showcase Showdown, Muck, Geppetto, Steve-O

4 types of Stretchies, since 4 of us showed up in the light rain. 4 rucksacks, (+ 3 pancho villas, 1 golf umbrella protecting 1 Bluetooth speaker).

Tha Thang
Since the Theme was “Four”, we hiked over to the softball stands and stair climbed 4 fast laps up and down the rafters until my calves started yelling at me, “hey! I’m burning!” Then we did some calf raises on the curb, as if to tell my calves, “Shut it!” Then as we hiked toward the UK mountain of coal, we brainstormed famous 4’s, and hit ALL of them: 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, 4 score & 7 years ago, 4 for the 4 that stood at the door, “Fore!”, 4 sides and corners of a quadrilateral, and many more. At the top of the coal we uncovered a hidden treasure: 4 painted jaspers, smooth, flat rocks wrapped in silver foil. We were each told to keep them in our pockets at least 4 days to remind us of our connection to the earth, and to The Maker, and to be thankful. After 4 days in our pockets we were told that we could give them to a friend, keep them, or swallow them. Lastly, as we listed and debated the best 4-somes in music history while walking back, we listened to some of them: Zepplin, Rush, Beatles, Stones, Wuggles, and (Kentucky’s own Backstreet Boys). At the car site, we dropped our packs and each of the 4 of us led a 4-count exercise : 40 copperhead squats, 40 4-count merkins, 40 box cutters, 40 3-count SSHs, while we listened to “40” written by King David (psalm 40) and performed by the undeniably greatest rock quartet: my Irish lads, U2. (“I waited patiently for The Lord. He inclined and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit. Out of the mire and clay. I will sing a New Song… How long to sing this song.”)

End in COT

You know what this Q needs? More Bearcrawls.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-31
Weather: Decadent

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 10 – Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Axeman, Bootlegger, Muck, Geppetto, The Janitor, Mace, Steve-O, Incognito

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Runners Stretch Muck Style, Tension Toads, Bend and Hang, Copper Head Squats, Mosey to Dumpster Coupons.

Tha Thang
Dora 123, Round 1:
100 Coupon Swings
200 Overhead Press
300 Coupon Squats
1 partner doing exercise while the other ran to far cross walk and did one of the following and ran back:
10 Mountain Climbers
10 LBCs
10 Side Straddle Hops
Dora 12, Round 2:
100 Thrusters
200 Curls
1 partner doing exercise while the other Bear crawled 5 parking spaces and did one of the following and bear crawled back. PSA: Grizzlies have been spotted in the area!:
10 Flutter Kicks 2 is 1
10 Saturday Nights
Returned coupons and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT

Court Day

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-28
Weather: Slightly cool, humid and great!

Q: Axeman
PAX: 17 – Animal Style, Wally World, The Janitor, Weird Science, Fergie, Sous Vide, Radio, Sparky, Subject Matter, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Lansbury, 49er, Slick Willie, Steve-O, Muck, Axeman

Mosey to basketball courts for some SSH’s IC, Grass Grabbers, Frankensteins, butt kickers, knees to chest and pigeon pulls.

Tha Thang
PAX moseyed to the tennis courts for some ladder exercises. We did 20 reps of each action between each pair of courts: calf raises, mercans, LBC’s, Lunges, Shoulder Taps, American Hammers, Bonnie Blairs and Dead Bugs. Each exercise was performed, starting with calf raises and return to start for 3 burpees. We then did calf raises between court 1-2, then mercans between courts 2-3, returned to calf raises and back to the start for 3 burpees. We proceeded like this until the end of court 8 and back.
Everyone then moseyed to the coupons on the football field for tabata. PAX did one minute of each with 15 seconds of rest between: coupon curls, coupon squats, v-ups, and overhead press. We then ran out of time and moseyed back to the flag for circle of trust.

End in COT

Light Pole Part

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-05-18
Weather: Nice

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Boo Boo, Sous Vide

Stretch on own

Tha Thang
Rucked down the hill and up to the front of the park. We then proceed to do 15 curls and 15 triceps extensions every light pole until we got back to the hill. We then switched to 10 front raises and ten overhead presses at the remaining light poles. The rucked back to the parking lot.

End in COT

Salute to the Mighty Elements

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-26
Weather: Blame It On The Rain- Milli Vanilli

Q: Muck
PAX: 11 – Oshag, Bootlegger, Sous Vide, Incognito, Wally World, Lansbury, Axeman, Geppetto, Steve-O, Santa’s Little Helper, Muck

– Runners Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Michael Phelps
– Tricep Pulls (switch)
– Grass Grabbers (15, IC)

Tha Thang
Soundtrack and beatdown were a salute to 70’s & 80’s dance music, particularly the Mighty Elements… Earth, Wind and Fire.

Because you remember, the 21st night of September, reps were either 21 or 9.

Earth- Body weight exercise
Wind- Mosey
Fire- Coupon (or dips)

1st Round:
Earth- “Let’s Groove” (5:34)
(AMRAP throughout song)
• 21 Big Boy Situps
• 9 Box Cutters

Wind- “Sing A Song” (3:20)
• Parking lot mosey

Fire-“Got To Get You Into My Life” (4:09)
(AMRAP throughout song)
• 21 Curls
• 9 Overhead Presses

2nd Round:
Earth- “Shining Star” (2:49)
(AMRAP throughout song)
• 21 Mercans
• 9 Lunges with a twist (two is one)

Wind- “Boogie Wonderland” (4:46)
• Parking lot mosey

Fire-“September” (3:33)
(AMRAP throughout song)
• 21 Bentover rows
• 9 Coupon swings

3rd Round:
Earth- “Get Down On It” (3:30)
(AMRAP throughout the song)
• 21 Squats
• 9 Monkey Humpers

Wind- “Jungle Boogie” (3:05)
• Short parking lot mosey

Fire- “Fresh” (3:47)
(AMRAP throughout the song)
• 21 Raggedy Ann’s
• 9 Dips

Began 4th Round
Earth- “Every 1’s A Winner” (4:48)
(AMRAP throughout the song)
• 21 Saturday Nights (Lansbury request)
• 9 Side Straddle Hops

Finished up with 30 Sous Vides (Sous Vide’s choice)

Check out my playlist on Amazon Music: F3 Elements

End in COT

Football Field 4 Corners

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-05-23
Weather: Cool

Q: Wally World
PAX: 2 – Wally World, Boo Boo

Various stretching

Tha Thang
We would ruck a lap around the football field, then jog around the football field, stopping to do exercises at each corner.

Ruck lap
Jog lap: 5 burpees each corner
Ruck lap
Jog lap: 10 mericans each corner
Ruck lap
Jog lap: 15 squats each corner
Ruck lap
Jog lap: 20 LBCs each corner
Ruck lap

End in COT

Neil of Base

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-21
Weather: 70+ – Warm, Nice, and Beautiful

Q: Incognito
PAX: 13 – Muck, The Janitor, Steve-O, Hertz, Axeman, Subject Matter, Slick Willie, Lincoln Log, Showcase Showdown, TLC, Raquel, Sous Vide, Incognito

A few random stretches
Then mosey to basketball court

Tha Thang
Music selection alternated exclusively between Ace of Base and Neil Diamond

Each round was four exercises; first 3 were 30 seconds with a 15 second break, 4th exercise was 1 minute
Did each round twice

Round 1
Light Jump Squats
Run-stance Squat
Airborne Heisman
Circle Run

Round 2
Squat Reach Jump
Run-Stance Squat Switch Pick-up
Lateral Leapfrog Squat
Twist Combo

Round 3
Jump Knee Tuck
Bonnie Blairs
Leapfrog Squats (front to back)
Hot Foot

Round 4
Run Stance 180 Jump
Gap Jump
Monster Truck Tires
Single-leg Burpees

Did a triple cross
Merkins – 300
BBS – when done with Merkins

Did another triple cross
Hip Rock and Raise

Moseyed to flag for some Flutter Kicks IC

End in COT

Cronut Cronies

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2022-05-20
Weather: Finally, 70 degrees and clear in the gloom! Woo hoo!!!

Q: Muck
PAX: 6 – Muck, Geppetto, The Janitor, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Sister-in-Law (DR)

Zero, nada, nought, nothing, nil, diddly, zip, zilch, etc.

Tha Thang
Arboretum trail is 2.5 miles long… didn’t make it all the way around, but covered a good portion of it.

Seven layers… 4:30 minutes of mumbleruck, 1:30 minutes of AMRAP exercises with ruck. The seven exercises were:
Overhead press,
Ruck swings,
Bench Press,
Raggedy Ann’s.

Finished with about a minute of curls back in the parking lot.

Followed up with coffeeteria at Parlor Donuts, where the cronuts are amazing! Great to have Sister-in-law join us DR!

End in COT

Tennis Court Back and Forth

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-19
Weather: Gloomy, Foggy and just a tad Soggy

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 11 – Incognito, Sous Vide, Raquel, Oshag, Muck, Axeman, Showcase Showdown, Zebra, Steve-O, Bootlegger, Santa’s Little Helper

Arm Circles, Michael Phelps, Ambi-Turners, Static Grass Grabbers, Quad Pulls, Runners Stretch, The REAL Runners Stretch, Calve Stretches, Tension Toads, Mosey to Tennis Courts.

Tha Thang
1.5 Rounds of the following:
– Begin with 10 burpees at Court 1 (C1)
– 3/4 to full Jailbreak between each court.
– C8, 10 Chuck Norris Pushdowns (Newly Coined: push up w/ explosion, try to get hands off the ground at the top)
– 3/4 Jailbreak to C2
– C2, 10 Squats
– C7, 10 Gas Pumpers
– C3, 10 Carolina Dry Docks
– C6, 10 Bonnie Blair’s 1 is 1
– C4, 10 Big Boys
– C5, 10 Catalinas
– C4.5, 10 Mucho Leg-O rounds
– Now work your way out in reverse but 20 reps of each exercise.
– reached C1 to complete 1 full round
– One lap around the perimeter and then repeated Tha Hang back to the middle to reach 1.5 rounds.
– Moseyed to flag and did 5 minutes of Mary:
– Rawquelle: 20 Windshield Wipers 1 is 1
– Bootlegger: 10 Flutter Kicks in Cadence
– Zebra: 15(?) ARods
– Showcase Showdown: 10 TNT Toads in Cadence
– Oshag: …4… Hillbillies
– Due to dissension in the ranks ended with 5 BroPees and 30 second Al Gore.

End in COT

Four Year Anniversary

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-14
Weather: Gorgeous

Q: Incognito
PAX: 19 – Hertz, Showcase Showdown, Wally World, Radio, Slick Willie, Yanni, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sparky, The Janitor, Zebra, Mule, 49er, El Fed, Lansbury, Steve-O, Geppetto, Muck, Incognito

Static stretches by the flag
Dynamic stretches on the basketball court

Tha Thang
1 Suicide
8 minute Tabata: 20 seconds Lunges – 10 second break – 20 seconds Merkins – 10 second break – repeato 8x
Mosey to pullup shelter
Did some Wally World 22’s: 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 dead bugs, run to end of parking lot and back, repeato. Played a song called ’22’ over and over.
Did a Pullup-Merkin routine, took 10 minutes:
Minute 1: 16 Pullups – 16 Merkins
Minute 2: Rest
Minute 3: 14 Pullups – 14 Merkins
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: 12 Pullups – 12 Merkins
Minute 6: Rest
Minute 7: 10 Pullups – 10 Merkins
Minute 8: Rest
Minute 9: 8 Pullups – 8 Merkins
Minute 10: Rest
Mosey to football field for some Sous Vide 4 corners.
Was supposed to start with 20…but all the babies that were there cried too much so we started with 10…we made it around once
Closed with Mary:
American Hammer IC
Day & Night
Box Cutters IC
Freddy Mercury IC
Mosey to Flag

End in COT

3 is the Magic Number

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2022-05-13
Weather: Perfect for a t shirt

Q: Geppetto
PAX: 3 – Showcase Showdown, Steve-O, Geppetto

Walking to the side parking lot where we should park in the future as we were asked not to park in the main lot before sunrise.

Tha Thang
We made a big loop through the adjacent softball and baseball fields and through the pine trail. Steve-O carried a 45lb weight because his pack was ripped. Geppetto held on to Pearl’s leash.

End in COT

May the “Seis de Mayo” Imperial-March-around-the-Stadiums Be With You

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2022-05-06
Weather: Just like I like my Salsa: Mild, … and free of any toenail clippings.

Q: Showcase Showdown
PAX: 5 – Showcase Showdown, Geppetto, Steve-O, Muck, Chewbacca

Imperial Walkers
Lando Leg Lean-o
Solo So-Lows

C3-“PO” (Plank-Off) Name-o-Rama Challenge (went about 4-5 rounds before most of us either couldn’t think of another Star Wars character, got too tired of planking, or were DQ’d because I didn’t explain the rule that you couldn’t repeat any names). Steve-o won again this week. Add another cro-nut to his list.

Tha Thang
I’m honor of today, May 6th, my brother’s 47th bday, (Shout Out to @TheCount from several of the 30+ AO’s of, we enjoyed the sweet sweet sounds of Star Wars music (mostly the master, John Williams) played throughout the warm up and Ruck.
The 2.37m Ruck snaked around the North Half loop and added the adventurous off-road tour of the several of UK’s newer athletic facilities.

Our good Lord held off the rain storm until the moment we closed in the COT.

(Note: The Phantom Menace also attended, leashed up and attached to Steve-O).

End in COT

Four corners

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-12
Weather: Nice

Q: Wally World
PAX: 10 – Wally World, Zebra, Steve-O, Slick Willie, Axeman, Muck, Bootlegger, Geppetto, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper


Tha Thang
Did an exercise at each corner of the parking lot. Moseyed between corners.

1st corner: stretching
2nd corner: ab exercises
– cockroaches
– reverse crunches
– big boy sit-ups
– box cutters
– flutter kicks
3rd corner: arm exercises
– mericans
– dips
– decline mericans
– plank
– burpees
4th corner: leg exercises
– copperhead squats
– wall sit
– step ups
– monkey humpers
– jump squats

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-10
Weather: 60 and clear

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 9 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Geppetto, Axeman, The Janitor, Steve-O, Muck, Showcase Showdown, Raquel

10 ssh
10 seal jumps
10 flings
10 copper head squats
10 lunges
10 quads
10 knee hugs
20 Frankensteins
Shuffle over and back
High skip
10 bulldogs each leg
10 knee circles each leg
10 iron cross
10 groiners
20 small jumps

All done on the basketball court

Tha Thang
Mosied to walking path where the white dots are and did a Paula Abdul of 10 Mercans and 10 squats. Going back one dot to do 5 burpees. From there, mosied to the long section of wooden guard rail by the houses and did one of three things per section of rail. Jump/ hurdle each section, step on and over each section or high step over each section. There were lots of sections! From there we mosied to the shelter near the flag and did three sets of 10 dips and 10 donkey kicks.

End in COT

700-an impressive number & a lot of HUSTLE

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-07
Weather: Gray, Misty 52 degrees

Q: Radio
PAX: 12 – Sous Vide, Zebra, Oshag, Chewbacca, Santa’s Little Helper, Lansbury, Raquel, Lincoln Log, Axeman, Ollie, Radio, The Janitor

Static- Michael Phelps, Grass grabbers I-C (12), SSH I-C (10)
Dynamic- High knees, butt kickers, walking knee hugs, quad stretch, pigeon pulls, and Frankensteins
In honor of Sous Vide’s 700th post we did 700 reps of our activities or we did 40 seconds (with a 20 second transition) of the activity.
Since we had 11 men present we each did 64 reps in order to reach 700 reps – starting with Jump ropes.

Tha Thang
We moseyed to the top and grabbed a coupon for each pair. While one person did a coupon activity the partner did a body weight activity. Then we all did an ab exercise and then a movement/agility exercise.
Round 1-coupon swings, body weight squats, BBS, jog to corner and back
Round 2- coupon chest press, lunges, palms to the sky, Carioca to the corner and back
Round 3- coupon upright rows, bench dips, American hammers, ice skaters
Round 4- coupon curls, reverse lunges, LBC’s, high skips
Round 5-coupon squats, mountain climbers, heel touches, T-jacks
Round 6- coupon bent over rows, burpees, shoulder taps, F&B line jumps
Round 7- coupon overhead press, Bobby Hurley’s, plank jacks, S to S line jumps
Round 8- Coupon Gun carry to end of parking lot, bear crawl between cross walks
Ran out of time

Jon Acuff (author) defines HUSTLE as “doing important things others aren’t willing to do.”

Our Sous Vide is a HUSTLER and we are thankful for the example he sets for our F3 group. Reaching 700 posts today is an admirable accomplishment!

Colossians 3:23

End in COT

Shake It Off

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-05
Weather: Low 50s, Humid and Damp

Q: Raquel
PAX: 11 – Raquel, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Oshag, Muck, Incognito, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Axeman, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Moseyed up to the coupons and headed over to the snack stand at the football field. Michael Phelps, arm stretches, bend and hang, runners stretch side to side. Got our muscles warm to the tune Shake It Off, sung by pop icon and Wally World crush Taylor Swift.

Tha Thang
The name of the game was Isometrics. Each round featured 3 static holds lasting 45 seconds each, with a 15 second period between each hold to “shake it off”. Between rounds pax moseyed 30 yards, did multiple reps of an exercise, then moseyed back for another round. Festivities proceeded as follows:

Low Toes Out Sumo Squat
Coupon bicep hold at 90 degrees
Superman hold
30 yd mosey – 5 burpee- 30 yd mosey

Overhead coupon hold from the people’s chair
Hollow hold
90 degree split squat (45 secs each leg)
30 yd mosey – 5 catalinas – 30 yd mosey

Pushup hold 2 inches off the ground
Glute bridge
Wall sit
30 yd mosey – 10 a rods- 30 yd mosey

Side planks (45 secs each side)
Upright tricep row
Good morning
30 yd mosey – 10 plank Jack’s – 30 yd mosey

Overhead press
One legged calf raise (45 secs each leg)
30 yd mosey – 10 burpees – 30 yd mosey

Low sumo squat
Bicep hold at 90 degrees
Overhead press from the people’s chair
30 yd mosey – 10 catalinas- 30 yd mosey

Returned coupons and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT

You failed the test!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-03
Weather: NICE!

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 11 – Muck, Lincoln Log, Oshag, Showcase Showdown, Incognito, Axeman, Slick Willie, Sous Vide, Steve-O, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Tension toads
Michael Phelps
Side straddle hops
Plank/down dog/up dog?/sky pose

Tha Thang
Moseyed to coupons to do some Dora

100 coupon v ups
200 coupon curls
300 squats (we did not finish this one because we had more pressing things to do….)

Now that everyone was good and tired, we all participated in the Fitness Gram Pacer test. Everyone failed miserably.

We returned to the flag and went through a full round of Mary.

End in COT

Cup of Fun

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-04-18
Weather: Rainy

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Boo Boo, Doc Holiday

Stretch on own

Tha Thang
Brought out the old “Cup of Fun.” Solo cup filled with papers containing various exercises. We took turns drawing a paper from the cup and doing that exercise. Went through the cup on time and started a second round.

End in COT

Four corners and a Pavilion

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-04-27
Weather: Cool

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Sous Vide, Boo Boo

Stretch on own

Tha Thang
Did four corners in the parking lot and did 5th spot in the pavilion.

4 corners

Corner 1-
abs- 30 big boys

Corner 2-
Arms – 30 curls

Corner 3-
Legs- 30 squats

Corner 4-
Total body
10 burpees


Step ups- 30
Dips on bench-30
Pull ups for for 30 seconds.

Repeat rotation until end of workout

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-30
Weather: Freakin’ Awesome – Finally

Q: Oshag
PAX: 13 – Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Lansbury, Lincoln Log, Zebra, Hertz, Radio, Muck, Yanni, Czekov, Raquel, Axeman, Incognito


Tha Thang
The Thang was the week in review:

Thang 1 – 4 Corners
Gas Pumpers, Merkins, Squats, Burpees – mosey from corner to corner
We did this for 10 minutes

Mosey to Shelter for Incognito’s Minute Drill for 5 minutes (40 reps)
8 Pull-ups
8 Squats

Mosey to basketball court for modified Dora – did this for about 8 minutes, couple rounds
PAX work in pairs
BBS while PAX ran a Celebration of Life with burpees
Merkins while PAX ran a Celebration of Life with burpees
Squats while PAX ran a Celebration of Life with burpees

Mosey to football field coupons
2 coupons for Farmers Carry to bottom of the hill and back
Partner – No Surrenders
Round 2 – T-Jacks
Round 3 – Overhead claps
Round 4 – LBC’s
Round 5 – Flutter Kicks

End in COT

Parkour + Parlor (Donuts)

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2022-04-29
Weather: Not possible to be any better.

Q: Showcase Showdown
PAX: 5 – Martina, Raquel, Steve-O, Muck, Showcase Showdown

The usual

Tha Thang
Started with Plank-Off, where the winner had to hold plank while stating the most number of unique character or actor names from The Office. Winner: Steve-O. Prize: Parlor Donut cronut (chose to receive it at later date).

Commenced Ruck with intermittent The Office trivia with group rewards for correct answers and group extra reps for wrong answers. Unfortunately, 3 out of 5 PAX had not really watched the show, so, fortunately, we got a max rep workout of dips, merkins, squats, elevated Merkins, leg lifts, burpees, etc. Final trivia score, 6 out of 11, thanks to Steve-Os diligence on binging and knowledge of the finer things in life, such as Threat Level Midnight, Big Tuna, and That’s What She Said references.

Highlight: a 45-second “parkour parkour”competition on the skate park with all 5 Pax. Winner, with most true-to-form barrel rolls and donkey kicks as seen in The Office ( was Rawquelle. Prize = Parlor Donuts Blueberry Hill cronut! They are delicious!

End in COT

DORA & Suicides & Mary

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-28
Weather: Upper 40’s & Clear

Q: Incognito
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Muck, Incognito, Bootlegger, Wally World, The Janitor

Various stretches
Mosey to basketball court
More various stretches, including some Yoga moves

Tha Thang
Gentle mosey to warmup at the basketball courts, stayed there for the whole Thang
100 BBS
200 Merkins
300 Squats
One partner did the exercise while another ran from sideline to the far sideline, stopping thrice to do a burpee

Gentle mosey around the circumference of the courts

Did the following suicide
Simple suicide
Suicide with Dorothy’s
Suicide with Bobby Hurley’s

Close with Mary
Flutter Kicks IC
American Hammer IC
Dead Bugs IC
Heels to Heavens IC
Box Cutters IC
Toe Reaches IC (Right then Left)

Mosey back to flag

End in COT

The Four Corners… OF HELL

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-26
Weather: Nippy

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 12 – Steve-O, The Janitor, Showcase Showdown, Slick Willie, Sous Vide, Oshag, Incognito, Raquel, Muck, 49er, Axeman, Santa’s Little Helper

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Arm Across and Arm Behind, Muck’s Runner Stretch, Tension Toads (Trademarked 4/26/22), Side Straddle Hops in Cadence, Copper Head Squats in Cadence.

Tha Thang
4 Corners of the Parking Lot (Approximately 4.5 Laps Completed):
Corner 1: 20 Gas Pumpers
Mosey to Corner 2
Corner 2: 20 Merkins
Jailbreak to Corner 3
Corner 3: 20 Squats
Mosey to Corner 4
Corner 4: 5 Burpees
Intermittent Bear Crawl to Corner 1
Ended w/ Jailbreak from Corner 2 back to Corner 1, Tension Toad, 2 rounds of Mary:
15 Flutter Kicks in Cadence led by Incog
15 Boxcutters in Cadence led by 49er.

End in COT

40 and Over the Hill

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-23
Weather: Mid 60’s – Beautiful Morning

Q: Incognito
PAX: 18 – Muck, El Fed, Animal Style, Lansbury, The Janitor, Sous Vide, Axeman, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Radio, Fergie, Raquel, Subject Matter, Yanni, Chewbacca, Geppetto, Incognito, Czekov

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Bend and Hang, Runner’s Stretches

Tha Thang
Mosey to Basketball Court
40 SSHs IC
40 Merkins IC
40 Squats IC
40 Step Back Lunges

Mosey to Pullup Shelter
40 Pullups (done 8 EMOM for 5 minutes) w/40 squats mixed in
40 Over the Hills (traversing a picnic table)
40 BBS
40 Tricep Dips

Mosey to Football Field – lineup on 40 yard line
40 yard sprint
40 curls
40 yard bear crawl
40 overhead press
40 yard crabwalk
40 coupon bench press
40 yard sprint

40 Burpee Challenge
We divided up into two teams, each team at an opposite end of a 4 cone baseball triangle. Each team did 10 burpees at each cone, totaling 40 burpees.
My team won.

40 Manmaker’s Over the Hill (at the scoreboard)
Divided up into partners; one doing manmakers another moseying down the hill and bernie up, then switch. Complete until 40 Manmakers are done.

Mosey back to the flag for quick devotion.
Devotion: 40 is the number of completeness in the Bible. Once you hit 40, life is complete…and hence, essentially OVER.

End in COT

One More…Okay, Two More!

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2022-04-22
Weather: Delicious w/ a Hint of Moist

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 6 – Slick Willie, The Janitor, Muck, Zebra, Showcase Showdown, Steve-O

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Bend and Hang, Arm Pulls, Butt Kickers, Scoops, Lunges, Open the Gates, Frankensteins.

Tha Thang
Ran to the shelter of the non-disclosed location, several laps around the ‘bout, Mini Dora:
Round 1: 100 American Hammers, 2 is 1, while partner ran to the Big Tree, 10 pushups.
Round 2: 200 Squats, partner ran to Big Tree, 15 Dips on bench.
MUTINY & INSURRECTION, PAX ran to tennis courts before completing sufficient round about laps, punishment ensued:
Ladder at Tennis Courts. 2 Rounds:
Round 1: 3 Burpess, 15 Gas Pumpers, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 20 Shoulder Taps, 1 is 1, 20 Bonnie Blairs 1 is 1.
Round 2: 10 Merkins, 10 Big Boys, 20 Saturday Nights, 25 T-Jacks, 30 Mountain Climbers/SousVides. High Skip 2 courts, Bear Crawl remaining 2 courts with 5 Catalina Wine Mixers in between and end with 10 more Merkins.
Run back to AO:
Countless BroPees
2 Rounds of Mary
1: 20 JLo’s in cadence, in honor if Geppetto
2. 20 Dead Bugs in cadence.

End in COT

BINGO isn’t just for Blue-Hairs!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-19
Weather: Clear, mid-30s

Q: 49er
PAX: 9 – Steve-O, The Janitor, Muck, 49er, Geppetto, Zebra, Incognito, Sous Vide, Axeman

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
SSHs x20 IC
Grass grabbers x20 IC
Curb step-ups x30 OYO
Warm-Up Mosey to the coupons, then move to the ‘B’ corner

Tha Thang
Each corner of the parking lot was a letter. Pax moseyed together, waited for the six, and did the work together. The diagonal mosey across the lot meant each evolution started and finished with a different letter.

B – Burpees x5
I – Iron Mikes x10 / Ice Skaters x10 each side (alternated)
N – Not So Lazy Boys x10 IC
G – Ground Pounders (w/ coupon) x10
O – Oh boy, it’s another mosey! (diagonal run)

Evo 1 – BINGO
Evo 2 – INGBO
Evo 3 – NGBIO
Evo 4 – GBINO
Evo 5 – BINGO w/ both I moves

Not-So Lazy Boys
On your six sitting upright with your legs straight out in front of you. Cross your arms and grab your sides, leaning back in your “Lazy Boy” as far as you can without your feet coming off the ground. Hold and engage your core for 10-15 seconds and rotate to your right, dropping your right elbow towards the ground (not letting it touch the ground), back to the middle (hold for 10-15 seconds, core still engaged) and then rotate over to your left, dropping your left elbow towards the ground (not letting it touch the ground). Do this for as long as you’d like..on the Q’s lead and count!

Ground Pounder
Starting position – holding large rock up near chest. On 1: Lift Rock over head, On 2: bring rock back to chest, On 3: bring rock down to pound the ground in a deep squat then return to starting position.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-18
Weather: Steady April rain with March temps

Q: Muck
PAX: 4 – Muck, Geppetto, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper

Ain’t gonna happen

Tha Thang
Muck Ruck with plenty of precipitation.
2.4 mile ruck.
Seven stations, 20 squats and 20 mercans at each.

Reminded that you can persevere through just about any condition if you’ve got fellow pax to do it with.

End in COT

Death and Resurrection

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-16
Weather: Cold at the bottom. Warm up top.

Q: Geppetto
PAX: 17 – Zebra, Thin Lizzy, Subject Matter, Ricky Bobby, Axeman, Incognito, Raquel, Mule, Muck, 49er, Slick Willie, Count Chocula, Ronaldo, Oshag, Sous Vide, Radio, Geppetto

“I get knocked down” into a squat then stretch on my own.

Tha Thang
Mosey to the overspill and big hill.

At the bottom:
10 marking
20 cockroaches
30 J’lo (one touch is one)
Kick out butterflies till the song ends

At the top:
10 lunges with a twist
20 squats
30 Abe Baghdad
Sidestraddle hops till the song ends

Halftime intermission:
Plank to If I Should Fall From Grace With God by the Pogues at the bottom.
Tree Pose to Rise Up by Eddie Vedder at the top

We did six cycles moving from top to bottom and back up and down the hill. At the last visit to the bottom we spent 60 seconds searching our hearts for something which no longer served us to send to the grave. At the top we shared what we left behind in a circle of trust. Thank you for sharing openly with the group.

End in COT

Lights Out

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-14
Weather: Windy and cool

Q: Zebra
PAX: 10 – Sous Vide, Muck, The Janitor, Steve-O, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Geppetto, Incognito, Bootlegger, Zebra

Gridlock was without power following the storms last night.

Arm Stretches, Abe Vigodas, Copperhead Squats, Hillbillies.

Mosey to the shelter.

Tha Thang
Mixture of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats) and Tabata (20 work, 10 rest)
– 5 minutes of Cindy, Sprint the parking lot after every 2 rounds
– 4 minutes of Tabata – Wall Sits
– 5 minutes of Cindy with sprints
– 4 minutes of Tabata – Dead Bugs
– 7 minutes of Cindy with sprints
– 4 minutes of Tabata – Calf Raises
Final AYG sprint, then mosey back to startex

End in COT

I might melt

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-12
Weather: Damp 53F

PAX: 11 – Geppetto, Steve-O, Zebra, 49er, Oshag, Muck, Sous Vide, Axeman, Incognito, The Janitor, WKRP (DR)

SSH, Walker brothers, grass pickers, merkins,
Squat with a hop, indigenous peoples run

Tha Thang
Run up hill, 5 burpees, run back
Run up hill, 5 burpees, run back
LT. Dan

Crab walk, gorilla walk, bear crawl, lunge walk with stations:
-Xs and Os
-hill billy squat
Dips, hand release merkins, Squat jacks

End in COT

Banjos and Burpees

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-09
Weather: Stupid

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 13 – Geppetto, Sous Vide, Raquel, Oshag, Axeman, Incognito, Radio, Zebra, Czekov, Slick Willie, Hertz, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Mike Phelps
Arm circles
Side straddle hops
Pigeon pose
Boat pose

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the football field, where the PAX engaged in a circuitous beatdown. With 8 stations set up in the shape of a square, we did burpees at the corners and at the midpoints we did

v-ups [10,20,30]
squats [20,30,40]
catalinas [5,10,20]
mountain climbers [20,30,40]

At the center of the square we had placed coupons, and if a PAX yelled “Squeal Like a Pig!” We went to the coupons and did [5,10,10] man makers. We completed 3 laps.

For a bonus round we went to the flag and did 2 rounds of

Paul blarts [15]
Freddie mercuries [30]
Plank jacks [20]
9 pound hammers (American hammers) [20]

End in COT

Miserable and Magical

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-04-07
Weather: Mid 40s

Q: Wally World
PAX: 9 – Wally World, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Zebra, Lansbury, Bootlegger, Axeman, Showcase Showdown, Steve-O

Various stretches

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the shelter next to the playground.

Started with exercise 1, then ran to the road and back. Proceeded to do exercise 1 & 2, then ran to the road and back. Continue adding on a new exercise each time.

Reps for every exercise: 22

1st exercise: LBCs
2nd exercise: Squats
3rd exercise: Mericans
4th exercise: Deadbugs
5th exercise: Lunges (1 is 1)
6th exercise: Dips
7th exercise: Cockroaches

Ended with a few minutes of merry.

End in COT

Hot and Cold Hills

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-03-16
Weather: Cold and strangely warm in some paces.

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 7 – BooBoo, Steve-O, The Janitor, Sous Vide, Bettis (DR), Wood Rider (DR), Weird Science.

Jog around A.O.
Side straddle hops in cadence
Imperial walkers
Knee grabs
Butt kicks
Toe touches
Arm circles

Tha Thang
Mosey to hill
11s- merkins and big boys
Merkins at bottom of hill and big boys at top.

Dora- 50 burpees- 10 side straddle hops
-100 squats
-150 lbcs
-200 overhead claps

End in COT

Is that a rat or a mouse?

Location: Paddock
Date: 2022-04-06
Weather: Wet and 48 degrees

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 3 – Weird Science, Wally World, Sous Vide

Various stretches on own.

Tha Thang

Partner up and one partner does exercise on one end of parking lot while the other runs to the far end and does 10 side straddle hops and then runs back. Partners then switch roles. Repeat until all reps and exercises complete.

Did the following:
100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats

Mumble rucked the remaining 15 minutes.

The great Sous Vide thought he spotted a mouse or a rat by this truck. I was just glad it was not one of the many skunks that call the Paddock home!

End in COT