
Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-01-28
Weather: 40 and clear, sunny by the end
Q: 49er
PAX: 16 – 49er, Radio, Axeman, No Mas, Bam, Oshag, Lincoln Log, Weird Science, TStark, Subject Matter, Wally World, Dub-K, Sous Vide, Baby Driver, Splitter, Incognito
Miscellaneous stretching
20x IC SSHs
10x IC Grass Grabbers
OYO stretching while the Q explained the goal and waited on a couple of stragglers
Tha Thang
Team poker run – 6 stops along the roughly one mile route with team work at each stop. When each team finished the work, they drew a card and waited for the other teams to finish. Then the Pax moved to the next stop together.
We started with 3 teams of 5 and picked up one more straggler at the third stop to make 6 on one team.
1st stop – Basketball courts – Each teammate had to make 5 shots from anywhere on the court. When not shooting, teammates did AMRAP Bobby Hurleys.
2nd stop – Far end of the tennis courts for an extended ‘Celebration of Life”. Pax lined up on the sidelines of the first court and ran to the other sideline, did 2x merkins, ran back and did 2x merkins at the starting line. Repeato until you’ve run the width of 4 tennis courts.
3rd stop – Playground – 25x Catalina Wine Mixers per man.
4th stop – Power line tower for 100x toe taps per man at your own pace.
5th stop – Picnic shelter (the one we call the Pull-up Shelter) – Team table carry from the shelter to the road and back.
6th stop (added because we were pretty far ahead on time) – Baseball parking lot. 30x 2-is-1 SSHs per man.
Moseyed to the flag. Teams could choose to draw a 7th card for 10x burpees per man. The Q’s team opted out because nothing could have saved our hand.
The winning team showed down two pairs of 10s and 2s and magnanimously chose to split the pot evenly (after first wanting to give them to someone on their own team!).
During COT, Oshag announced that the SLT is talking about a focus on spring expansion. If you know anyone in Lexington or surrounding areas, spread the love and start thinking about how we can grow and/or expand to other AOs.
End in COT
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